Dr. Bates,
Have you explored "The mental causes for physical illness and the metaphysical way to overcome them" as stated by Louise Hay in her book "Heal Your Body"?
--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, Phil Bate PhD <drbate@...> wrote:
> Dr Freud had a lot of good ideas,great ideas, but the idea that bad toilet
> training causes mental problems wasn't one of them.
> However, Freud and many others since, have realized that stress is THE
> major cause. What causes the stress is a different matter, often overlooked
> in our "drug fix" world dominated by Big Pharma, the FDA (which is now
> dominated by Big Pharma as well), and the "educationally handicapped"
> medical profession in general.
> One of the basic principles misunderstood by most of the above is
> INDIVIDUALITY. I've found that this principle is much better understood by
> the average person generally. MD's are too "cookbook" oriented by Big
> Pharma, and they measure height and weight and prescribe, in effect, by
> volume estimation. But, all too often, the individual person may require
> either much more of that drug or much less, and may even get sicker on more
> or less than correct. Individuality depends on what each person inherited
> and what each person "learned" (both consciously and unconsciously) during
> their life.
> Another problem is that researchers with "wrong data" information for a
> particular test get wrong answers as a result (The computer term is GIGO -
> garbage in - garbage out). As a prime example, the RDA for vitamin C is 75
> mg daily for humans, yet for optimum health the RDA for a 150 pound ape (or
> other primates) in a zoo is 4000 mg daily. All primates (including us) have
> the same lack of built in vitamin C manufacture (out of glucose - what a
> shame, if we and the other primates hadn't lost the enzyme to convert
> glucose into ascorbic acid 65 million years ago, we'd be a lot healthier on
> the sugar rich diets in our culture today).
> However, so-called researchers "fooled" by the RDA of 75 mg, often test
> theories using amounts of 250-1000 mg per hour, or even day. They then put
> out a "scientific" paper that states that "Vitamin C does not prevent colds
> or flu". Their lack of knowledge causes their mistakes. By the time a
> virus or cold is noticed by the symptoms, it has multiplied - doubling
> every 20 minutes in the bloodstream. Now, it takes 3-4 grams within that
> 20 minutes to kill at a minimum.
> The truth is that Vitamin C kills both bacteria and virus in the blood
> stream very well, but the blood MUST be saturated with C to work
> effectively. Vitamin C is used up quickly when any infection (viral or
> bacterial) is present, and low doses only kill a small fraction of what may
> be present. Both viruses and bacteria multiply in a binary way - doubling
> their number in 20 minutes or so - If you even kill off half of the
> infecting invaders, 20 minutes later, their numbers are back to what you
> started with. 250 to 500 mg simply cannot saturate the blood!!
> Another important factor - There is no such thing as a mental disease. At
> best it may called a mental problem, or a mental condition. A disease is
> again binary - you either have it or not. Measles, mumps, shingles, etc are
> diseases. ADD/ADHD, autism, depression, insomnia, even schizophrenia are
> all "conditions", and all vary depending on the individual. All of these
> are "continuum's" with similar, but varying symptoms depending on the
> individual. The attempt to codify these with many 100's of different
> definitions, as is done by the DSM, is useless except for insurance
> purposes. There is only one kind of depression, with hundred (or maybe an
> infinite) number of INDIVIDUAL symptom responses.
> If you understand all the foregoing fairly well, then the rest is easy.
> Putting all the current reasonably good research together, it's easy to
> separate and see the three basic causes of stress causing ALL mental
> "disease".
> 1. Nutritional deficiencies. This is a given in our modern world of
> pollution of all food sources, processed food that "tastes good", but has
> little nutrition we need. From a certain set of nutritional deficiencies in
> two different people, one may exhibit mental symptoms, while another may
> seem fine. Anyone with three brain cells that rub together knows that his
> or her diet doesn't really supply what is needed for *optimum* health,
> and even with dozens of supplements daily (which help dramatically as good
> research has shown), few people reach optimum health. Few understand even
> what they need, and the basic RDA misunderstandings don't help. It's so
> much lower than actually needed for "good" health, that it's now actually
> dangerous to our health.
> 2. Mineral Toxicity. Also in our modern world of pollution, we are
> releasing some very toxic chemicals into the air, water, and food, Many of
> these affect some people (individuality again) more than others. The autism
> "epidemic" is now being seriously looked at as being largely caused by
> mercury pollutions in the increasing number of infant and child vaccines,
> along with increasing pollution of the atmosphere and the soil, and the
> water, including the sea. The number of autism cases has increased
> geometrically over the past few years. This autism evidence of mercury
> cause is mounting, and the FDA (and Big Pharma) are looking more and more
> like a cat trying to cover up their mess.
> Mercury is also now very high in the fish food chain and this adds to
> mother's milk to increase the mercury in infants. Even very low amounts are
> accumulative, and any is dangerous. Lead in toys, and paint, copper in
> various uses. Cadmium is high around smokers and other metal workers.
> Arsenic is high around insecticides, etc, etc, etc.
> 3. Unsuspected allergens. I am constantly amazed at the lack of
> knowledge about mental problems being caused by (usually) unsuspected
> allergens. Most people, (even those with allergic shiners - puffy or dark
> around the eyes like a raccoon - don't realize this is a sign of serious
> allergy. Most think they don't have any allergies. Very few MD allergists
> even know (or seemingly care) that every mental problem cataloged can be
> caused directly by allergies. (None of four allergists in one allergy
> clinic were even aware that allergies can cause mental problems directly
> until showed proof of this.)
> This is a negative going equation. The more stress put on you by life,
> mineral toxicity and/or allergy(s), the more nutrition you need. So-called
> stress tablets are mostly B complex and vitamin C. There's even a sort of
> stress table that lists stress factors from loss of a spouse and other
> serious stress factors, down to perhaps poor toilet training (who knows, it
> could be a factor). However, mineral toxicity and allergen stress are the
> two most important factors in all mental problems!
> What to do? Where to start? This is again individual and requires some
> serious detective work. What do you suspect first?
> If nutritional deficiency, find a good supplement program, and try it. If
> you are seriously deficient, you'll feel much better within a few days. I
> recommend the following starting supplemental program.
> Solgar VM-75 (2 of the new capsules for adults, and 1 for 6-12 year olds) -
> take at least 3-4 hours before AND after any ascorbic acid vitamin C.
> Available in most health food stores.
> 1 - 2000mg of vitamin C at breakfast and dinner - increase during flu
> season if needed.
> 200 IU of Vitamin E per 40 years of life (minimum - add more if heart
> problems noted.
> 500 mg of calcium citrate and 500 mg of magnesium citrate.
> Of course, there are many other supplements to be added to this list
> depending on your individual age and health history.
> If you suspect mineral toxicity, get a hair analysis and if any toxic
> mineral is double the average, learn how to chelate it out. More info at
> www.drbate.com/content/chelation.shtml
> If you suspect allergy, you're probably correct. The Neuroliminal Training
> therapy apparently solves most of these "brain allergies" by changing brain
> wave strengths. More info at www.drbate.com.
> ---
> *Alternate Health Digest News of the Week*
> From Natural News:
> ---
> FDA assault on herbal cancer products continues with raid on Missouri
> distributor
> http://www.naturalnews.com/035556_FDA_raids_herbal_remedies.html
> ---
> Women's birthing rights advocates stage protest in response to arrest of
> Indiana midwife
> http://www.naturalnews.com/035543_midwives_protest_birthing_rights.html
> ---
> Battlefield acupuncture offers a safer, more effective alternative to
> dangerous painkiller drugs for soldiers
> http://www.naturalnews.com/035544_battlefield_acupuncture_painkillers_soldiers.html
> ---
> Baked goods sold in USA contain potassium bromate, a carcinogen banned in
> Europe but allowed in the US due to chemical loophole
> http://www.naturalnews.com/035542_potassium_bromate_baked_goods_cancer.html
> ---
> Top 10 herbs and spices for strengthening your immune system
> http://www.naturalnews.com/035530_immune_system_herbs_spices.html
> ---
> Doctors routinely order needless tests and procedures
> http://www.naturalnews.com/035527_medical_tests_doctors_procedures.html
> ---
> Drug babies before vaccinating them, doctors demand
> http://www.naturalnews.com/035532_vaccinations_babies_Tylenol.html
> ---
> City of Roswell, GA, bullies Andrew Wordes to death over his backyard
> chickens
> http://www.naturalnews.com/035524_Andrew_Wordes_Roswell_chickens.html
> ---
> Proposed 'Natural Health Products Bill' in New Zealand would fine
> individuals $50,000 for making a cup of unapproved herbal tea
> http://www.naturalnews.com/035523_New_Zealand_natural_health_Codex.html
> ---
> Confirmed: Common pesticide crashing honeybee populations around the world
> http://www.naturalnews.com/035518_honey_bees_pesticides_science.html
> ---
> Thanks to BPA and other chemicals the new age of puberty for girls is 10
> http://www.naturalnews.com/035504_BPA_puberty_chemicals.html
> ---
> Revealing documentary exposes disturbing truths about processed milk
> http://www.naturalnews.com/035505_pasteurized_milk_documentary_facts.html
> ---
> Swine flu vaccines cause 17-fold increase in narcolepsy, horrified
> scientists discover
> http://www.naturalnews.com/035501_vaccines_narcolepsy_children.html
> ---
> From Dr Mercola:
> ---
> What's Behind This 78% Jump in Autism in Just 5 Years?
> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/04/17/aps-on-epidemic-autism-spectrum-diseases.aspx?e_cid=20120411_DNL_artTest_A3
> ---
> The Neurological Poison So Common Your Doctor Probably Pushes It
> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/04/11/vaccination-impact-on-childrens-health.aspx?e_cid=20120411_DNL_art_2
> ---
> The Hidden Trigger to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's That 75% of People Carry
> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/04/07/dangers-of-mercury-contamination.aspx?e_cid=20120410_DNL_art_2
> ---
> This Common Sleeping Mistake Can Double Your Risk of a Heart Attack
> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/04/09/dr-rubin-naiman-on-how-much-sleep-do-you-need.aspx?e_cid=20120409_DNL_art_1
> ---
> How Stress Wreaks Havoc on Your Gut -- And What to Do About It
> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/04/09/chronic-stress-gut-effects.aspx?e_cid=20120409_DNL_art_2
> ---
> The Hidden Food in Your Yard - You May Walk by It Every Day...
> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/04/08/the-five-healthiest-backyard-weeds.aspx?e_cid=20120408_SNL_Art_1
> ---
> The Dramatic New Rule Change for Genetically Engineered Foods
> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/04/03/why-will-gmo-crops-get-approved-faster-with-new-rule.aspx?e_cid=20120408_SNL_MS_1
> ---
> 40 Women With Breast Cancer Had This "Cosmetic Ingredient" in Their Tissues
> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/04/02/toxic-parabens-on-breast-cancer-patients.aspx?e_cid=20120408_SNL_MV_
> ---
> From Alliance for Natural Health:
> ---
> Big Pharma Whistles, and the Drug Enforcement Administration Comes Running
> http://www.anh-usa.org/big-pharma-whistles-and-dea-comes-running/
> ---
> A Vaccine to Prevent Heart Attacks? Or a New Frankendrug?
> http://www.anh-usa.org/a-vaccine-to-prevent-heart-attacks-or-a-new-frankendrug/
> ---
> Autism Diagnoses Have Risen by 78% over the Last Decade
> http://www.anh-usa.org/autism-diagnoses-have-risen/
> ---
> Is the American Dietetic Association Attempting to Limit Market Competition
> in Nutrition Counseling?
> http://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelellsberg/2012/04/05/american-dietetic-association/
> ---
> From NewsMax Health
> Is Your Teflon Cookware Safe?
> http://www.newsmaxhealth.com/headline_health/Teflon_Cookware/2012/04/11/444496.html?s=al&promo_code=EA19-1
> ---
> Counterfeit Medications Taking Over: Don't Be a Victim
> http://www.newsmaxhealth.com/headline_health/drugs_counterfeits_price_/2012/04/08/444055.html
> ---
> From Dr Michael Cutler:
> Sex for Optiman Health
> http://www.easyhealthoptions.com/alternative-medicine/sex-for-optimal-health/
> ---
> From Health News and tips:
> ---
> Four Interesting Tips When You Have Diabetes
> http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=eg788tbab&v=0014VpJP4e0eJTz4xzgDM6CTTG19-wi8Bv4jUciUmQrD7U-n9sTE2accb_ds0j7OWVw7fkRhAgJCWhXNWrwMXATWzwRqvR2UbD-SQAb4Y8dRzvLCnn6c3tMfc0anqMai-SIWm94GyNeSb8%3D
> ---
> That's the Alternate Health Digest for this week. I hope it has helped you
> and your in some way.
> ---
> Ongoing Research:
> I am still looking for very allergic persons, particularly those that carry
> an epi pen. for volunteers to safely test removing these "death threats".
> Email "drbate@... for details.
> ---
> Phil Bate PhD - Orthomolecular Psychologist (30 plus years)
> Inventor of NT Therapy - An inexpensive, effective approach &
> "at home" therapy for ADD- autism, insomnia, depression etc
> http://drbate.com -
> drbate@...
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]