Angelica Medicinal Purposes:
Angelica plant belongs to the family of Apiaceae and supposed to be
originated from the country of Syria and spread over European cool
climate regions, and now it is being cultivated for its medicinal
properties, especially in Unites States of America, Europe, Asian
countries and in other sub tropical regions of the world. Angelica herbs
are biennial plants and scientifically known as Angelica archangelica
L, and it is popularly called as holy ghost, wild celery, garden
angelica, wild parsnip and angelica etc., Angelica plant grows about six
feet tall with hollow smooth purple stem, which blossoms from July and
flowers are yellow or green, that follows yellow oblong shaped fruits
and the seeds of angelica are pale yellow in color and oblong shaped.
Angelica plant comprises of various phytochemicals, such as angelicin,
safrole, angelic acid, linleic acid, scopeletin, and valeric acid.
Garden angelica roots and roots stalk comprise volatile oil, bitter in
taste and produce spicy smell, which contain phytochemicals namely,
malic acid, aromatic cyclic hydrocarbons, furanocoumarin, angelic acid,
cumarin, valerianic acid, angelin, lactones, starch, iron oxide, resins,
pectin, sucrose, tannins and bitter substances, which all attribute for
the treatment of various health ailments, and let us discuss some of
the medicinal benefits and uses of angelica herb and its extracts.
Angelica medicinal purposes include; poultice of angelica is prepared
from crushed leaves of angelica herb, which are used to prevent joint
pain, rheumatoid painful condition, and to prevent inflammation and
swelling and also used for the treatment of broken bones. Dried roots
prevent athlete's foot and also used to destroy insects and pests.
Angelica extracts are used internally to prevent common cold, and
gargling of angelic provides relief from sore throat and mouth ulcers.
Angelic extracts prevent cough, prevent urinary tract infections,
pleurisy disorders when taken internally as per the advice of Doctors.
Angelic extracts tea is recommended for restoring vitality and vigor and
also recommended as a tonic after convalescence and sickness, and used
as home or herbal remedy.