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Monday, March 26, 2012

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Stiff sore wont bend fingers....


I recommend to my clients who have the symptoms you mention to drink fresh squeezed lemon juice in their water.  Outside the body lemon is acid however inside it is alkaline it will help to a degree, if you wish to explore other avenues I would be more then willing to answer any questions you may have.  Send an email directly to me if you like.

From: jmr1290 <jomarex@earthlink.net>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2012 5:44 PM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Stiff sore wont bend fingers....


My fingers sometimes get really stiff, especially in the mornings. It *seems* to be one of the many effects of eating too much for too many days at a time. I'm sure it could also be certain foods that I'm eating.

Not wheat, though. This is one thing that didn't get better when I stopped eating un-fermented wheat.


--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "Linda Ray" <lindaray1021@...> wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone knows anything about arthritis and other hand problems. I have super stiff sore fingers that wont bend in the morning when I wake up. I cant make a fist first thing in the am. Then I do these hand exercises and it will disappear. Does this sound like arthritis or something else. The doctor I saw says she thinks it is fluid retention. I am not sure that she is correct. The finger joints seem to pop at the knuckle. Does anyone have any ideas? Or is this just standard arthritis?

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[AlternativeAnswers] Celebrate Spring: Creativity In Your Life


Good Morning!

Celebrate Spring: Creativity In Your Life

Living is an act of creativity. Not just being an artist, writer,
painter but the sheer act of living is a creative force that we often
do not acknowledge. Living consciously and with awareness is an act
of even deeper creativity. On many levels, creativity is an inner
process: what you dream, imagine, and then give physical form to as
an outer process.

Starting a Creativity Journal can help unblock the artist in you and
unleash your creative genius. Creativity Journal exercises are
designed to help you get to know yourself through means such as
drawing and doodling, color and images, and creative writing. Keeping
a Creativity Journal can be fun and can help you in many ways!
Creating one can be as different and as diverse as you are. All you
need is a book to write in.

The Sacral/Spleen Chakra is where the spark of creativity initiates.
Here it is about the manipulation of the senses and the world in
relation to them. This chakra represents the movement of the spark
upwards to the Throat Chakra in order to be expressed on the outside.

The Throat Chakra is about creative expression. Using your "voice",
be it physical or through your fine art, paintings, body as with a
dancer or actor or even writing. Any form of creative expression is
released from the Throat Chakra.

Aura stimulation: Etheric template: The energy field of communication
and creative expression. This is the level where sound creates
matter. It is at this level that "sound" in healing is the most
effective. Use a blue crystal for this layer, which coordinates with
the throat chakra. Visualize a blue orb of light at this point
saturating and balancing this center in your body. Utilize the power
of music when healing this layer. Bring your focus on the music you
may have put on at the start of your healing session. Music soothes
the soul and calms the spirit layers. "I can express my deepest
truth gracefully, respectfully and confidently."

The Free Flow of Qi

Qi, often referred to as "life force", or "energy" is that which
flows through all things. Qi is containing, activating, transporting,
protecting and warming. Qi is something that cannot be seen or
recorded but yet, inevitably, is upon and within all things. "Qi is
the thread connecting all beings. Qi is the common denominator of all
things-from minerals to human. Qi is the fundamental quality of being
and becoming."

Crystals for Creativity

Assists in courage of personal expression, giving us the power to say the words
we're afraid to speak. Creativity may be a process of co-creation with others.
Green stone instrumental in distilling the raw information used for personal
expression. Good for anyone involved in the arts.

Helps us to access our souls' wisdom, and on the deepest level to the wisdom of
universal consciousness. Tranquilizing, uplifting, openness, innocence,
lightheartedness, creativity, communication, self-awareness, confidence,
purpose. Filters out unnecessary information to the brain. Has an affinity with
sensitive and mystical people. Increases creativity and sharpens intuition.

Blue Lace Agate
When we need to be clear and yet peaceful in our verbal expression, this is a
helpful stone. Agates are grounding stones. They help obtain a better physical
and emotional balance. They work to raise consciousness. Builds self-confidence.
Blue Lace Agate helps to focus on the inner source of love within you that
transforms and heals all wounds. Contains the qualities of flight, air,
movement, and grace.
Highly inspirational when working with the inner self. Works well with
manifested growth.

Calms us so that our thoughts flow freely. This is a good stone for those who
find their thinking processes to be intellectually sound, but lacking emotional
quality. Excellent for Heart Chakra;
flushes and heals heart blocks (loss, hurt, guilt, fear...) for allowing,
flexibility, self-forgiveness, peace of heart, patience. Keeps one in light,
love, and healing daily. On Throat, expressing feelings, verbal and artistic
creativity. Helps one feel more comfortable speaking the truth. Helps develop
personal confidence. Historically used by musicians, perhaps because of its
reputation for having healing properties for throat and lungs.

This is valuable for clarifying our desires and expressing them to others who
can help us manifest them. Speech enhancer for communication. It opens the
Throat Chakra, for open communication, creativity, serenity, spiritual bonding,
and uplifting. Opens the Heart Chakra for giving/receiving. Strengthens and
aligns all meridians, chakras, and energy fields.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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[AlternativeAnswers] Celebrate Spring: Essential Oils for the Season


Good Morning!

Celebrate Spring: Essential Oils for the Season

Spring is a time of new beginnings, new growth, planting seeds, purification,
and for clearing out the old. Following the rhythms of nature and developing
harmony with the ways in which nature cares for itself, we can also create
balance within our own lives. Trees, plants, grasses and seeds that have laid
still throughout the winter slowly emerge from their dormancy. Buds develop and
grow into new leaves and flowers, plants and grasses emerge through the ground
from their resting roots, and seeds sprout; all from the extended sunlight,
warmth, rains, and fall's nourishment.

Jasmine: Jasmine is a bold, sweet scent. Jasmine is the greatest aphrodisiac of
all. These night blooming flowers are picked at their height to bring out one of
the most sexy scents. Associated throughout history with the compassionate
Goddess of the Moon, Jasmine, grown along the Nile in ancient Egypt, is
represented Isis, the Egyptian Mother Goddess who held the secrets of fertility,
magic and healing.

Patchouli: Patchouli is a sweet, earthy scent. Its smell is intense and spicy.
From an energetic point of view, Patchouli, like Jasmine, is warm and yet
anti-inflammatory in action. It combines a calmative property with a gentle
stimulating effect that uplifts the spirit! Patchouli is a sweet and grounding
harmonizing fragrance!

Neroli: Neroli is distilled from bitter orange trees. It has a refreshing, spicy
aroma and is known for its sensual, exotic effect. Neroil oil is emotionally
unifying and soothes with harmonizing effects. Described as both sensual and
spiritual, Neroli helps to restablish the link between a disconnected mind and
body. Neroli paves the way for a gradual release and allows us to recall hope
and joy!

Rose: The Mother of All Flowers, the Rose has amazing powers of love, trust and
self acceptance. Roses are representative of faith, hope and love and has the
qualities to restore the very center of one's being. A gentle tonic of the
heart, Rose oil's psychological properties lie mainly in its effect on the mind,
the center of our emotional being. Rose oil calms and supports the heart and
helps to nourish the soul!

Peppermint: Peppermint oil is the most extensively used of all the volatile
oils, both medicinally and commercially. The characteristic anti-spasmodic
action of the volatile oil is more marked in this than in any other oil, and
greatly adds to its power of relieving pains arising in the alimentary canal.
From its stimulating, stomachic and carminative properties, it is valuable in
certain forms of dyspepsia, being mostly used for flatulence and colic. It may
also be employed for other sudden pains and for cramp in the abdomen; wide use
is made of Peppermint in cholera and diarrhea.

Lemon: Lemon is a fresh sunny scent that is cold pressed from the rind itself!
Lemon has antiseptic-like properties and contains compounds that have been
studied for their effects on immune function. It may serve as an insect
repellent and may be beneficial for the skin. Diffuse it in your house for a
fresh alternative to air spays. It compliments the Oil of Oregano to neutralize
the over growth of Candida. Put a few drops on a tissue and vacuum it into your
vacuum bag to freshen the smell of your carpets and furniture coverings. 1 drop
is also very refreshing and purifying when taken in a glass of water.

Eucaluptus: Eucalyptus was first employed by Australian aborigines, who not only
chewed the roots for water in the dry outback but used the leaves to treat
fever, cough, and asthma, and European settlers quickly adopted it as medicine.
You can also use a few drops of eucalyptus oil in boiling water or in a bath as
an inhalant. Eucalyptus is often used for - Sore muscles, Insect repellant,
Tension headache, Cold, Cough, Sinusitis, Rheumatoid arthritis, and

Orange: Orange essential is obtained from the rind of the fruit and used
principally as a flavoring agent Orange oil is an antidepressant, antiseptic,
antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, febrifuge, phototoxic sedative, tonic.
Orange oil helps spreads sunshine on gloomy thoughts and depression, has a very
comforting and warming effect and dispels tension and stress and helps revive
when feeling low on energy. Orange oil calms the stomach both for constipation
and diarrhea. Stimulates bile which helps digestion of fats. Has a beneficial
effect on colds, bronchitis and fever. Helps with the formation of collagen -
vital for tissue repair and hair growth. Also helpful with muscular pains. Helps
anxiety and insomnia. Possibly reduces blood cholesterol levels. Orange oil
helps dry skin conditions softening wrinkles and dermatitis. An excellent skin
tonic. Orange oil can make the skin photosensitive to sunlight.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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