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Monday, March 26, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Rye Health Benefits


Rye Health Benefits:

Rye is one of the cereal grains that are very similar to wheat cereal
grains, and longer in size and slender than wheat grains. Generally,
Rye grains are greenish gray and brownish yellow in color as per the
variety, and have very deep and strong nourishing taste and the
presence of gluten makes rye compact that also lowers elasticity of the
same. Rye is botanically known as Secale Cereale, and this rye cereal
grains are available in the form cracked grains and whole grains
throughout the year. The major commercial producers of rye cereals are
Canada, Russia, Denmark, China, Poland and it is also cultivated
commercially in European and Western countries, including United States
of America.

Foods are prepared using whole or cracked rye cereal grains, are
enriched with nutritional benefits with good taste and generally
available in U S market all round the year. Rye cereals comprises of
carbohydrates, proteins, and rich content of dietary fiber, and
minerals like magnesium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, and fatty
acids, amino acids and phytonutrients like lignan, all contribute to
promote better health and prevent various health benefits.

Rye Health Benefits include; due to the presence of polysaccharides
that are non cellulose in nature, water retaining capacity, and rich
content of dietary fiber, rye cereal foods promote weight loss and it
is helpful for the people who want to lose weight. The presence of
soluble and insoluble fiber helps to enhance insulin sensitivity and
reduces triglycerides levels in the blood and prevents the formation of
gallstones as per the Gastroenterologists and nutritionists. The
presence of magnesium and calcium which acts as co factor for the
production enzymes such as glucagon like peptide, insulinotropic
polypeptide which regulates secretion of insulin, thereby whole rye
cereal foods are recommended for diabetics, as it controls and prevents
type-2-diabetes effectively.

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[AlternativeAnswers] Metal piece inserted in lump area for mammogram purposes??


My friend just told me that she has a lump and when they do a biopsy, they said they would put a in some "character" super small where the lump is so it will always show in a mammogram.

Is this really necessary? I'm not so sure that I would want a foreign object in my body just to show up in a mammogram.

Your opinion?


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Atenolol side effects


the dr would like me to try atenolol for palpatations. Looking up the side effects...I'm not sure about taking it. Anyone have any experience with it? Also , are there alternative ways for reducing palpatations?

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