worked for me and my cats and dogs and the house for many years in Florida.
Controlling Fleas, Roaches, and Ants Without Pesticides *
Fleas: In the late 80's, I hosted a talk show about Alternate Health on a
Palm Beach radio station. Someone called in, and wanted to know what to do
about fleas, as she was violently allergic to the various poisons that
people put on the back of the neck of their cats and dogs or sprayed in the
home. (A lot of dogs and cats don't like them either, and it may be that
these chemicals actually shorten pets' lives.)
Some years before I had found a simple and safe solution. Purchase a large
"squeeze plastic bottle" of Boric Acid. It's in a fine powder, and if you
point the snout down and squeeze the sides, it comes out in a puff of fine
powder. (I find it at Home Depot).
To start, vacuum the carpet(s), or any beds, where your pets sleep, or,
ideally the entire carpet in a house where all the floors are carpeted.
After a thorough vacuuming, go around squeezing the boric acid in a cloud
all over the areas used by the pets. Brush any of the excess into the
carpet with a broom.
It will take a week or so, but after that, even with outdoor cats and dogs,
you will find very few, or no fleas. Boric Acid is virtually harmless, to
children, and your pets, but deadly to most insects. Repeat every six
months or so.
Another product that I discovered more recently, is a product sold at many
health food stores called Yeast Guard. It's a product made by mixing
common yeast and garlic powder. Mix a half teaspoon into their food every
day. Surprisingly, my cats love it mixed with canned tuna or other "wet"
food. I thought the garlic odor would be a problem, but it's not.
This helps keep fleas at a distance outside. It's also healthy as the
yeast has B vitamins, and the garlic is a natural healthy food for man and
Cockroaches: They're the "survivors" for millions of years, and will
probably survive after all humans have gone the way of the dinosaurs.
Every housewife hates them, and most houses have a few hidden away. I live
in South Florida – we have cockroaches almost as big as mice, that fly,
called Palmetto Bugs, and lots of the smaller ones, as well as many other
insects. Boric Acid works for most except ants (They seem smart enough to
walk around it).
The Boric Acid in the carpets, particularly around the edges and baseboards
will keep them mostly out of the house. But, there are a few places where
it pays to keep them out as well. Collect some beer bottle caps, and put
some amount of Boric Acid into the bottom of each cap. Place the caps of
Boric Acid into the corners of your cupboards. If you have paper in the
bottom of your kitchen drawers (or cabinet shelves), take up the paper, and
do a small Boric Acid spray, then replace the paper. Don't forget to spray
the Boric Acid under the refrigerator, and the stove, and take out drawers
to spray it into the bottom of those.
Ants: Much later, I learned how to stop ants, including fire ants. Simply
empty one or more "blue" packages of NutraSweet (Aspartame) onto the nest.
The next day, the ant hills are gone. To prevent them from entering your
home, sprinkle a few grains in the baseboards or any possible entry holes
into your home. Aspartame seems to be a deadly poison to many insects but
particularly to ants.
If it's that deadly to ants, what might it do to some susceptible humans?
There are a lot of allergic persons who have had problems with it. Most
are unaware that this is a problem. It often causes headaches, and is
dangerous to health in fact.
That night, the entire hour program was taken up with callers, some telling
us how well this worked for them, or asking more questions. Several people
called the next time the program was on to thank me and some of my
listeners for the above advice.
I hope that the above helps you to better health for you and your pets.
Phil Bate PhD - Orthomolecular Psychologist (30+ years)
Inventor of (at home) inexpensive Neuroliminal Therapy
NT Solves ADD-Autism, Depression, and much more -
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