When I stopped breastfeeding, we put him on soy formula. After about two months, we switched him to regular formula. He's had the cough and congestion with both soy and milk- based formula.
Thanks for the feedback!
--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, Leone Booth <Suziebee@...> wrote:
> Hello, I would start with the possibility of a milk allergy, Leone
> _____
> From: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of rlroberr5
> Sent: Wednesday, 29 February 2012 6:21 a.m.
> To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Elderberry, Cod Liver Oil & Coconut Oil for
> Infant Immune Booster?
> Hi! My seven- month old son has had a cough since he was 3 months. We
> consistantly suction his nose, elevate him while sleeping, run the cool-
> mist humidifier, etc. I guess I should mention that I am no longer
> breastfeeding.
> We do not have holistic docotrs in our city. The closest is three hours
> away. So, I found a pediatrician that will tolorate my stance against
> vaccinations. His ped put him on daily breathing treatments, and we saw a
> specialist at the Children's Hospital who diagnosed him w/ tracheomalacia.
> His ped wanted to continue breathing treatments and is throwing a variety of
> meds at us to try to help. I refuse to keep offering random medications, and
> I no longer trust the ped or any doctor we've seen, for that matter.
> I recently started giving him a daily probiotic in his morning bottle as an
> immune booster. He went an entire week without coughing! That's the first
> time in months. However, the cough is back, and I can tell it's associated
> with drainage from his nose. I have been looking into elderberry, cod liver
> oil and coconut oil. The black elderberry, certified organic made by Gaia
> Herbs specifically states that it supports upper respitory functions. I've
> found that
> cod liver oil contains mercury, and that makes me want to steer clear. I
> haven't found a coconut oil, yet, that doesn't come in hard form and
> requires to be melted.
> Could anyone please share your thoughts and ideas? I would greatly
> appreciate the brand names of any herbs or oils suggested.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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