*MRSA - Superbugs
I got interested in MRSA, the "super bug" germ and went thru a ton of
articles about it. It seems that a huge percentage of humans actually
carry it on the skin. This spreads it to other people, and if this
bacteria get into a scratch or wound of any kind, it can be fatal.
Now, since I know that plain old vitamin C (in any form) kills bacteria in
the blood stream, and I also know that colloidal silver (CS) kills bacteria
on the skin and in wounds, why wouldn't a combination of these two
antibiotics work to save death from this "superbug?
I found it very strange in over 100 articles, I found NONE mentioning
either Vitamin C or CS. I know that all MD"S are trained to only use Big
Pharma's products - antibiotics made from yeast/fungus sources. But, there
have to be a few "quacks" (like me) who" think outside the box. (Did you
know that every person who discovers an important new advance in medicine
has been called a quack - From Semmelweiss to Pasteur, and even Jonas
Salk. I'm in good company).
Just what is MRSA? It's been called a virus, but it's a mutated bacteria.
A bacteria can exist without food for a long time, a virus can only exist
by feeding on infection. The "overuse" of antibiotics in medicine is
thought to be the cause of the mutation of ordinary bacteria into
"superbugs" that can resist many, or most, of the Big Pharma antibiotics.
Now, since vitamin C only kills bacteria in the bloodstream, and MRSA seems
to live on the skin, only infecting when it gets to an "open" wound, it
would seem logical to use both. To prevent this bacteria from infecting
cells inside the skin, keep the Vitamin C reasonably high in the blood.
For the skin infection, cover with a gauze covering, and soak that in
Colloidal Silver every few hours.
I just recently learned about another MRSA (and other super bug skin
infection) cure. It's a special type of honey, called Manuka Honey, and it
comes from New Zealand. I found that Amazon sells it Google that name,
and it's fascinating. I have no personal experience with it as I have had
with Colloidal Silver and vitamin C, and the source of my information tells
me that any "natural" honey has much the same effect as an antiseptic. I
was told that simply smearing it directly onto a wound works. Also see Dr
Mercola below for more on This "super bug" fighter. that MD's don't seem to
know (or care) about.
*Anaphylactic (Highly allergic)? Volunteers Wanted to Test Probable Cure?*
Last year, I tested the Special NT CD on different and varied "severe"
mental disorders with volunteers. I didn't get any anaphylactic persons in
that test, yet, the Special NT CD does solve allergy problems, and if it
can prevent death in people sensitive enough to bee stings, peanuts, etc.,
I need data to prove that. If you, or someone you know is in this
category, please have them email me for details of this test. From what
I've seen so far, this should stop such needless deaths positively. I am
looking, in particular for those persons who either do, or should carry an
epi pen at all times. If you know of such, please forward this info to
them. Email at "drbate@bellsouth.net"
*Alternate Health Digest*
From Natural News:
Vaccines for everything: Researchers now on brink of developing salmonella
Pasteurized milk is absolutely filthy because it contains blood, pus and
feces at levels you'll never see in certified raw milk.
Shocking new science reveals that even if you dilute Roundup by 99.8%, it
can still damage human DNA. Gee, makes you want to eat more GMO crops, huh?
And speaking of Monsanto, a North Carolina seed company has joined in a
class action lawsuit against Monsanto's predatory intellectual property
Get more magnesium in your diet! It helps prevent ADHD and Alzheimer's:
In France, Monsanto has been found guilty of contributing to the illness of
a farmer who says his health was harmed by GMOs:
in the UK, a woman has been disabled by taking an antibiotic for a simple
chest infection:
story by Tara Green reveals six simple ways to start your permaculture
garden right now (and get amazing food and medicine as a result!)
In France, Monsanto has been found guilty of contributing to the illness of
a farmer who says his health was harmed by GMOs:
Unvaccinated kids banned from Indiana school due to measles 'outbreak'
Monsanto's Bt GMO corn to be sold at Wal-Mart with no indication it is
genetically modified
Artificial hamburger meat successfully grown in vat of bovine fetal cells;
You want some fries with that?
Arsenic is being found in baby formula products. Keep your baby safe by
reading this:
From Dr Mercola:
The Sweet Golden Treat That Can Help Wipe Out Deadly MRSA
(See Above editorial)
Avoid This Food to Help Slow Aging
I Will Not Be Pinkwashed: Komen's Race is for Money, Not the Cure
(And the same applies to most big charities - Heart, Cancer, Diabetes,
etc. I will never donate to any again. They are all careful NOT to
finance research that would cure the disease and put themselves out of
business. Remember the March of Dimes?)
The Cruel Science Experiment They Want to Force You to Take
He Murdered a Friend After Taking This Best-Selling Drug He Murdered a
Friend After Taking This Best-Selling Drug
This Popular Beverage Can Increase Your Stroke Risk by 50%
This Revolting Practice Targets Poor Unsuspecting People First - And You
The Major Cause of Breast Cancer Almost Everyone Ignores
26 out of 54 People Who Avoided These Foods Got a Brain-Destroying Vitamin
(If you are a vegan, read this article)
97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure...
Pasta, Not Bacon, Makes You Fat. But How?
These Foods Have 'Invisible Thorns' Which Can Rip Apart Your Insides
From Alliance for Natural Health
Toxic Chemical Being Sold as a Health-Conscious Sweetener
Big Farma Once Again Walking All Over Your Safety—and the Constitution
Healthy Milk: What Is It?
From NewsMax Health:
How Statins Are Making You Sick; Stealth Heart Attacks Deadly; Total
Rethink on Diets
Zinc Boosts Immunity, Saves Eyesight, Thwarts Cancer
Avoid the Toxic Trap of High Fructose Corn Syrup
Are Teflon Pans Dangerous?
Blueberries Beat Brain Aging
Evidence Clear on Resveratrol: Yes, It Fights Aging
From Bill and Donna McMurtry
The Diabetes Iodine Link
(I've started to take supplemental iodine, and it seems )so far) to help in
diabetes side effects for me. More next week.)
From Easy Health Options:
The Mysteries Of The Flu And Medical Deception
Phil Bate PhD - Orthomolecular Psychologist (30+ years)
Inventor of (at home) inexpensive Neuroliminal Therapy
NT Solves ADD-Autism, Depression, and much more
http://drbate.com - drbate@bellsouth.net
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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