Heartfelt Energy Work Workshop:
an introduction
Sunday, March 4th at 10 a.m. (9 a.m. PST, 12 noon EST)
Energy Work is really all about correction. Knowing how to correct the energy of the body, that sustains it, by knowing how to clear, re-align, and how to boost it naturally. When we work with how the body functions naturally, we are also acknowledging its intelligence.
In this introductory workshop, you'll begin this journey of acknowledging the innate intelligence of your body by directly experiencing and learning the following:
1. We'll begin with aligning the body's vital energy centers by sound.
2. You'll then learn a simple technique to boost your energy; anytime, anywhere.
3. You'll then learn 2 simple techniques that engage your ability to utilize your breath and your intent, to clear your energy.
Depending on the number of participants, this introductory workshop can run from an hour to 2 hours long. Time will be allowed for questions during this very interactive workshop.
This introductory session is provided via a teleconference number. It is highly recommended that you use a hands free headset or device for your phone (no speaker phones please).
Introductory cost: $25
Please visit http://www.Heartfelt-coaching.com to register.
All registrations are due by Friday, March 2nd.
Opportunity: Anyone who refers 3 additional people to register and participate in this event will receive a free 45 minute private energy work session with Judy by phone.
Warm Regards,
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