Go to bed early, stay warm in bed,
lots of covers, get 10 hours
this seems to be the best for everyone these days
and lots of people have this
Tom and Carole
hoarse voice after a cold
Posted by: "ruthsmily" ruthsmily@yahoo.com ruthsmily
Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:15 pm (PST)
A friend of mine is still having problems with his throat after 6 months. Initially he had a respiratory infection in his chest that subsided.
He went to the doctor who told him that one of his vocal cord nerves was damaged and it is paralyzed. The ENT told him it has nerve damage.
So he still has this hoarseness.
I would appreciate any suggestions as how to speed up the healing. He is avoiding talking loud or much as it is straining his other vocal cord that is now doing extra work.
He drinks throat teas and started taking Arnica.
thank you for your help.
Lots of Love,
Tom and Carole
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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