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  Good Morning,  Nutrition and Hormonal Balance As an acupuncturist in the area of fertility, I realize tha...

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: hoarse voice after a cold


Go to bed early, stay warm in bed,
lots of covers, get 10 hours

this seems to be the best for everyone these days
and lots of people have this

Tom and Carole

hoarse voice after a cold
Posted by: "ruthsmily" ruthsmily@yahoo.com ruthsmily
Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:15 pm (PST)

A friend of mine is still having problems with his throat after 6 months. Initially he had a respiratory infection in his chest that subsided.
He went to the doctor who told him that one of his vocal cord nerves was damaged and it is paralyzed. The ENT told him it has nerve damage.
So he still has this hoarseness.
I would appreciate any suggestions as how to speed up the healing. He is avoiding talking loud or much as it is straining his other vocal cord that is now doing extra work.
He drinks throat teas and started taking Arnica.
thank you for your help.

Lots of Love,
Tom and Carole

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Monday, February 13, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] tetnus shot on 11 month old baby?


My 11 month old grandson is vacine free!

He most recently cut his finger on an old metal heat duct on the floor.

My DIL is worried and thinks maybe she should get a shot for this.

What is everyones take on this?

I value all of your help that has been given to me in the past.
sue g

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[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Pistachios Health Benefits


I guess it's a good thing I eat these like they're going out of style.

-Steph in GA

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "ideas4health.in" <ideasforhealth@...> wrote:
> Pistachios Health Benefits:
> Nutritional values of Pistachios are; Pistachios provides as much as
> 550 K calories of energy for one hundred grams of nuts, it contains
> carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dietary fiber and zero cholesterol. In
> addition to these, it consists of essential minerals like, potassium,
> sodium, copper, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, selenium, phosphorous,
> magnesium and Vitamins namely, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E,
> folates, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and
> antioxidants like, lutein, crypto-xanthin B, zeaxanthin, and beta
> carotene, all contribute to promote general health and wellness.
> Pistachios Health Benefits include; Oleic acid found in pistachios
> lowers LDL Cholesterol and raises the level of HDL cholesterol in the
> blood and along with mono-unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, it
> prevents Coronary Arterial Disorders, prevents heart strokes, improves
> heart health, stabilizes lipid profile in the blood. Due to the
> presence of Phyto-chemicals and poly phenolic antioxidants, Vitamin E,
> Carotenes, it eliminates toxic free oxygen radicals thus prevents
> degenerative diseases, like hypertension, diabetes, cancers.
> Gamma-tocopherol which is lipid soluble antioxidant that maintains the
> integrity of cell and mucus membranes thus improves skin health, and
> protects from harmful free radicals, prevents premature aging, protects
> Ultraviolet radiation, prevents skin cancer and keeps the skin glowing
> and maintains the moisture of skin.

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