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Sunday, February 12, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] hoarse voice after a cold


A friend of mine is still having problems with his throat after 6 months. Initially he had a respiratory infection in his chest that subsided.
He went to the doctor who told him that one of his vocal cord nerves was damaged and it is paralyzed. The ENT told him it has nerve damage.
So he still has this hoarseness.
I would appreciate any suggestions as how to speed up the healing. He is avoiding talking loud or much as it is straining his other vocal cord that is now doing extra work.
He drinks throat teas and started taking Arnica.
thank you for your help.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Dr Bate's Weekly Newsletter - 2/11 - HypoglycemiaLProblems


*Hypoglycemia Effects & Problems*
One morning in the early 80's, I picked some oranges out of a tree in my
yard, squeezed them into a 16 ounce glass, and had that as my breakfast.

I had my first anxiety attack about 3 plus hours later in my office. I
thought it might be a heart attack, but no chest pain or arm pain, and I
almost passed out. This worried my office manager. It passed after several
minutes. When I was able to think clearly again. I realized that it was a
hypoglycemic "dip" or "episode". That fresh orange juice was very sweet.

Hypoglycemia is a medical term for "low blood sugar". The brain requires
large amounts of glucose, and when it goes below a certain point, a
hypoglycemic episode occurs. This can cause almost any symptom up to and
including coma and even death. In most cases, such a hypoglycemic episode
only causes drowsiness or sleepiness, but fainting and passing out is not
unknown. Also, as a result of a hypoglycemia episode, both adrenalin and
hormones (testosterone and estrogen) are released. These combinations can
cause undifferentiated rage in males, and anxiety/fear in women.

This may also be part of the current "road rage" and other sudden anger in
men problems as well as childhood tantrums, spouse abuse, bar fights, etc.
on the part of men as this mix can cause rage in men. This same
hypoglycemia episode may cause panic/anxiety attacks, )mostly in women) and
may even be a base cause of phobias.

It seems that if the blood sugar goes very low, and the body response is
too slow, the person either may pass out or "nearly pass out". If the
person happens to be driving over a bridge, this might cause a driving
phobia connected with bridges. I've seen several such cases.

Glucose is the form of sugar in the blood. This has been transformed in the
digestive process from other sugars and starches into glucose then passed
into the bloodstream.

Hypoglycemia is usually caused by too much insulin driving too much glucose
into the body cells, which depletes the supply of glucose available to the
brain (and other areas).

Since glucose is as necessary to proper brain function as is oxygen, there
are many different symptoms possible. These can range from a simple yawn
about a half hour to an hour after eating, to a full-blown anxiety attack,
or even a real depression (the term "sugar blues" has a basis in real
fact), or even death for diabetics, or almost anything in between.
Sometimes, allergies can cause similar symptoms, or even cause a
hypoglycemic episode!

Too much insulin can be the result of a sugar overload, and this may cause
hypoglycemia in "normal persons". To some "sensitive persons", this can be
as simple as eating a doughnut or drinking a full glass of orange juice on
an empty stomach. (Happened to me!) The response to low sugar/glucose is
individual, and everyone reacts slightly differently. Also, one person can
eat a dozen doughnuts one time with no bad effects, and have a hypoglycemic
episode from just one doughnut at another time.

A simple example may help clear up some of the confusion around this
subject. If a normal (whatever that is) person eats an apple, he/she will
gain approximately the equivalent of 3 teaspoons of sugar. That apple is
digested over some 3 hours in the following way:

1. As sugar is absorbed in the mouth, in the stomach, and the small
intestine, the amounts are measured and the brain determines how much
insulin to release into the blood. For simplicity, let's call this process
a "sugarstat". While we don't fully understand how it works, we do know the

2. From millions of years of evolution, the sugarstat "knows" that with the
amount of sugar absorbed over a certain time it needs an equivalent amount
of insulin, and releases that amount accordingly.

3. Now, it takes 3-4 hours for all the sugar to be digested from the apple
fiber as it passes thru the digestive system. It's a downward curve, and
the insulin released also has a similar downward curve, and it lasts about
the same 3 hours in the blood, as it's used.

So, eating an apple has an immediate effect of raising glucose (blood
sugar) somewhat, and this "blip" is fast compensated for by insulin
release, and from that point the incoming sugar is pretty well balanced by
insulin release over the three or so hours of digestion. The sugarstat is
working as designed - there is little change in blood sugar as nature

The situation is drastically different if we "pre-digest" the same apple by
squeezing it in a cider press. In effect, all we have removed is the fiber,
and retained all the sugar, vitamins/minerals, etc.One glass of apple juice
could contain the juice of 10 or more apples - 30 teaspoons of sugar. Now,
there is much more sugar absorbed very fast, and the sugarstat is "fooled"
into releasing many times the amount of insulin actually needed as a result.

(Remember that for millions of years of evolution, we didn't have cider
presses, let alone the "designer" apples of today.)

This "overdose" of insulin drives blood sugar into body cells at a furious
rate, and even though the blip of glucose is now much larger, the excess
insulin quickly lowers it.

Enough insulin has been released for 3 hours of digestion, but the sugar is
digested in 15 minutes and into the bloodstream quickly. The result - too
much insulin - enough released for 3 hours of this huge intake. The
sugarstat hasn't had time to evolve enough to handle our relatively new
"unhealthy" diets.

This excess insulin "drives" all the glucose it can find in the blood into
the body cells (its job). The result - a severe shortage of glucose in the

Now, since the brain MUST have glucose as well as oxygen for fuel, several
body mechanisms go into action to raise the glucose. (Few people realize
that without BOTH glucose AND oxygen, brain cells start to die in about 5

The body defenses against hypoglycemia are many and range from release of
stored glucose to release of some fatty acids and hormones that can be
converted to glucose.

It can be seen from the above that hypoglycemia isn't really a "disease",
but is quite normal for we humans not designed for our high carb diets. The
effects vary from one individual to another. It's our modern sugary diet
full of processed or pre-digested food that's really to blame.

These body defenses against low blood sugar also cause some very different
symptoms in different individuals. Usually, this is about 3+ hours after
eating a sugary processed meal.

One symptom that is not uncommon in women is an panic/anxiety attack, or
even fainting. Men may also experience these symptoms, but less often.

An anxiety attack caused by a hypoglycemic episode while driving might
result in a phobia of driving, or if driving in a tunnel, a phobia about
that, or if on a bridge, a phobia about that. In practice, I've seen all
three of these phobias generated by hypoglycemic episodes!

Men have another common symptom. The combination of testosterone and
adrenalin may trigger "undifferentiated" anger in a man. He will have a
"rational" reason for the anger, but bystanders can't understand how he got
so angry for "no real reason". Men who change personality dramatically
while drinking are of this type. This type is clearly shown as "pseudo
schizophrenic" on the MMPI Personality Test).

I once helped to save a marriage by simply advising the husband to eat a
handful of peanuts and raisins every two hours after lunch. (He was her
boss, and at 3PM, she couldn't do anything right according to him - his
lunch included a candy bar and a soda!!)

Anyone who has a sugar handling problem might be well advised to carry a
bag of peanuts and raisins around, and make sure that they eat a handful
every two hours or so. (ratio of about 5 peanuts to 1 raisin). The raisins
will provide glucose within a relatively short time, and the peanuts will
provide protein and fats that can be converted into glucose over a longer
time. This was what I usually advised hypoglycemic sensitive persons to do,
and it works well. Really sensitive persons should know to eat 6-8 small
meals every day. A meal might be a hard-boiled egg, or half an apple, etc.

On a "standard GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test), an initial glucose measurement
is made, then a measured dose of a very sweet drink is given. A half hour
later and at every hour after that glucose is measured for up to 5-6 hours.

This test is more often done wrong than perhaps any other medical test
used. These are the common mistakes made by medical practitioners and

1. They just give the standard 10 oz bottle to anyone, and it's way too
much for a child or a small person. There is a weight/volume slide rule
that should be used, but usually isn't. At 6' tall and 200 pounds, I should
take only 7 ounces! A fifty pound child is often given the whole bottle.

2. The measurements are too mechanical. I (and most other knowledgeable
practitioners) believe that the patient should be advised strongly to let
the person (usually a nurse) giving the glucose test know if they
experience any symptoms at all from yawning to headaches, etc.

3. Between 3 and 4 hours of the test is the most likely time for most
persons to experience hypoglycemia, even passing out in some cases. It is a
good idea to test at the 3 1/2 hour mark, if no symptoms are noted.

4. Don't let the patient leave immediately after concluding the test. Have
them eat some fast digesting food. I often used a small glass of freshly
squeezed orange juice, in season, and out of season the handful of peanuts
and raisins. I've heard stories of many persons leaving a clinic/office and
passing out on the street, or perhaps had an auto accident.

This applies mostly to Glucose Tolerance Tests where diabetes is not the
only factor factor. A fasting glucose test will find diabetes instead, and
is much safer.

Checking every hospital and clinic along with some MD offices in the
Orlando area, I found none that did the test correctly, and many made
several mistakes. Be advised.
*Alternate Health Digest
From Natural News:
FDA goes after Google; plus the five big lies told by self-help gurus

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 034930_FDA_Google_online_

Must-see film: Pink Ribbons, Inc

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 034927_pink_ribbons_
(This is why I, and many others do NOT donate to so-called charity's)

Are there really herbal treatments for thinning hair and balding? Yes,
here's what works best:

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 034914_herbal_remedies_hair_

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merely eating more of the right kinds of fruits and vegetables! Find out

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 034913_flavonoids_heart_

Oh no, not another aspartame? It may be worse: Neotame is the next
aspartame, and the FDA says it can be hidden in organic foods, too:

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 034915_neotame_Monsanto_

It's true: Bill Gates is funding geo-engineering research (chemtrails and
all that). Is there no evil this guy isn't into?

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 034906_Bill_Gates_geo-

How amazing is colloidal silver? It's seems almost miraculous (but actually
it's just basic chemistry). Read more:

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 034904_colloidal_silver_MRSA_
(Make your own - http://drbate.com/content/

Reversing the Irreversible - Curing incurable diseases

http://premium.naturalnews.tv/ Reversing_The_Irreversible__

Pediatricians are now admitting that ADHD drugs promote suicide... and they
want suicide warnings included with the drugs:

http://www.naturalnews.com/ 034873_suicide_warning_ADHD_

Shockingly hilarious TSA satire animation video released by Health Ranger -
watch it here (Not for Children)

http://tv.naturalnews.com/v. asp?v= 979D7B9F44BA6EAE0DF65B3DE6E4EE
From Dr Mercola:
Leading Cause of Death is Medical Care:

http://articles.mercola.com/ sites/articles/archive/2012/
02/11/leading-causes-of-death- cost-for-us-economy.aspx?e_

Sidestep These Veggies - Even if They're Organic

http://articles.mercola.com/ sites/articles/archive/2012/
02/08/that-isnt-wax-on-your- organic-apple.aspx?e_cid=

Drug Firm Agrees to Pay One Billion Dollars in Major Scandal

http://articles.mercola.com/ sites/articles/archive/2012/
02/09/drug-firm-pays-billion- dollars-in-major-scandal.aspx?

Why Did MS Drug Kill Eleven People?

http://articles.mercola.com/ sites/articles/archive/2012/
02/09/why-did-ms-drug-kill- eleven-people.aspx?e_cid=

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http://articles.mercola.com/ sites/articles/archive/2012/

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http://articles.mercola.com/ sites/articles/archive/2012/
02/05/dr-dietrich-klinghardt- on-lyme-disease.aspx?e_cid=
From Alliance for Natural Health:
FDA Says No to the Senators Who Drafted DSHEA

http://www.anh-usa.org/fda- says-no-to-the-senators-who-

Why Do We Want to Spray More Agent Orange on Our Crops? Are We at War with
Ourselves (and Our Children)?


Have the Pediatricians Lost Their Minds?

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From Newsmax Health:
Flu Shot Dangers -- What You Need to Know

http://www.newsmaxhealth.com/ headline_health/Flu_Shot_

Suzanne Somers Video: Stem Cells 'Regrew' My Breast

http://www.newsmaxhealth.com/ headline_health/Somers_stem_

One Diet Soda a Day Hikes Heart Disease Risk by 43%

http://www.newsmaxhealth.com/ headline_health/colas_soft_
From Easy Health Options:
What You Know About Cholesterol Is Wrong

http://www.easyhealthoptions. com/alternative-medicine/what-

Do You Really Need a Flu Shot?
http://www.easyhealthoptions. com/alternative-medicine/do-

Lower Your Risk Of Heart Attack

http://www.easyhealthoptions. com/alternative-medicine/

Processed Meats, Dietary Dangers

http://www.easyhealthoptions. com/alternative-medicine/
Please feel free to forward this email to relatives or friends that may
benefit from it. Everybody knows someone with some "disease" that might
benefit from the above.

Here's an email that made me happy - February 6, 2012:
Robert is almost 2 months in therapy with your CD. He obtained a 90% in the
FCAT assesment in reading, one of the most highest scores in the class.
Thank you. Robert's doctor said that there is another child who suffers of
autism using your CD whose mom has noted a great improvement in one month
and a half, the child currently is not having outburst as before he is more
Just wanted to let you know.
Phil Bate PhD - Orthomolecular Psychologist (30+ years)
Inventor of (at home) inexpensive Neuroliminal Therapy
NT Solves ADD-Autism, Depression, and much more
- drbate@bellsouth.net

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Friday, February 10, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Pistachios Health Benefits


Pistachios Health Benefits:

Pistachios belongs to the family of Anacardaceae, which are dry fruits
of the plant and delicious in taste, comprising much potential health
benefits, which grows in hot climate seasons, which are generally
originated from Western Asia, and now it is being cultivated
commercially for its nutritive value in the orchards of USA, China,
Turkey, Iran, Syria, and in many other countries. Firstly, after
plantation, pistachios plants take eight years to produce dry fruits or
otherwise called Pistachios nuts, and after that the plant gives
harvest of fruits every year. These fruits are edible and found in
clusters like grape fruits, shell of the fruits are white in color with
yellow light green oblong kernel and approximately one inch in size.

Nutritional values of Pistachios are; Pistachios provides as much as
550 K calories of energy for one hundred grams of nuts, it contains
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dietary fiber and zero cholesterol. In
addition to these, it consists of essential minerals like, potassium,
sodium, copper, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, selenium, phosphorous,
magnesium and Vitamins namely, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E,
folates, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and
antioxidants like, lutein, crypto-xanthin B, zeaxanthin, and beta
carotene, all contribute to promote general health and wellness.

Pistachios Health Benefits include; Oleic acid found in pistachios
lowers LDL Cholesterol and raises the level of HDL cholesterol in the
blood and along with mono-unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, it
prevents Coronary Arterial Disorders, prevents heart strokes, improves
heart health, stabilizes lipid profile in the blood. Due to the
presence of Phyto-chemicals and poly phenolic antioxidants, Vitamin E,
Carotenes, it eliminates toxic free oxygen radicals thus prevents
degenerative diseases, like hypertension, diabetes, cancers.
Gamma-tocopherol which is lipid soluble antioxidant that maintains the
integrity of cell and mucus membranes thus improves skin health, and
protects from harmful free radicals, prevents premature aging, protects
Ultraviolet radiation, prevents skin cancer and keeps the skin glowing
and maintains the moisture of skin.

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