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Friday, January 13, 2012

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Diabetes


What does she eat, stress level?  I have a mother-in-law who just moved in with us.  Before she was borderline diabetic and she is also on blood pressure meds.  She was very inactive, didn't eat properly, and she was under stress/worry.  Since she has been with us, her numbers have dropped.  The nurse told her to keep doing what she is doing!  This has only been a months time too!  She was having problems for a year or more....  Strange thing is she has been eating Christmas cookies like there was no tomorrow!  Although most are from scratch cookies... :)   She is definitely more active and her stress level has dropped some.  Some things that we do have in our home that I know she never had, raw milk, butter (she used the margarine), and I know she used canned items and other things that probably weren't good for her.  I've heard cinnamon is good for blood sugar.  Although she used that when she lived by herself and it didn't seem to work....  We do a lot of garlic here, so maybe that helps too, since someone suggested that.  :)  Anyway, just thought I would share, but I know everyone's body is different.


On Jan 12, 2012, goldie <SuppyZ@aol.com> wrote:


I go to the gym with a woman who's blood sugar has been real high. Shw works out and it is then higher.

Any suggestions as to what to take to help her blood sugar? She is not on injection insuline she takes something orally. not sure what.

She was upset today and I told her I would ask the group.
sue g

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Diabetes


there are many other pieces to this puzzle, she should inform her doctor. Yet cinammon bark or capsule daily can assist with overall decrease.
It has been used in Europe and the Orient for years.
It is good when using a natural supplement to find a reputable suppler as pro labs or swanson instead of a grocery store variety.

From: goldie <SuppyZ@aol.com>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:28 PM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Diabetes


I go to the gym with a woman who's blood sugar has been real high. Shw works out and it is then higher.

Any suggestions as to what to take to help her blood sugar? She is not on injection insuline she takes something orally. not sure what.

She was upset today and I told her I would ask the group.
sue g

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[AlternativeAnswers] Today's Affirmation: Energy Follows Thought


Good Morning!

Today's Affirmation: "Energy Follows Thought"

"With each beat of our heart and every breath that we take, we get a new opportunity to make a choice as to where we want to direct the energy of our lives. Every new moment offers a possibility to open a new door that brings forth the power of the Universe.

The ever-present "now" is always offering new opportunities to improve our lives. As we verbalize and visualize during our meditation sessions, the now is always turning the present into the past.

Scientists have recently determined that the human brain takes an average of three seconds to process and transfer information from reality to memory, to change the present to the past. Each new moment gives us another chance to reevaluate in the light of the present,
giving us an opportunity to make new choices and decisions as to what we want to do with our lives. "

No matter what goal you are aiming to achieve, no matter what situation you are in and no matter where you are in your life right now, you have the power to change your situation by starting with ONE positive thought! Start collecting a new one each day.

In happiness,

Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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