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Sunday, November 27, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Inforeiki system brings 6 symbols and other gifts that you may be interested


Inforeiki therapy was invented by the Romanian Constantin Georghita and this energy is a healing system that uses White Light of the Holy Spirit, The Trinity, Reiki and other several energies from planet Earth or our dimension. Inforeiki teaches important knowledge about the way the laws of energetic physics work, brings elements of energy programming and not the least, the elements of radiestesy measurement useful in therapy. You will receive into this system six new symbols and you will learn to decode the information in the energy field. In Inforeiki, therapist modulates the energy, implementing new specific information for a particular action.
In Inforeiki you have the 6 symbols and other gifts
• The symbol of the 8 rays
It is a symbol that has as main characteristic the dissipation of stagnant negative energies, being very effective in diseases and problems caused by cumulation of negative energy. It is very effective in cleaning the thought forms and the evil energetic fingerprints,scattering their energy and automatically destroying that shape and more
• The symbol of KO-DEN-symbol for the implementation of information
It is a symbol which has as main action shaping the energy with the algorithms desired by the user. KO-DEN creates the necessary conditions for modeling and implementing beneficial information in the form of colorless energy, special, that consists in a wave that only access the informational energy to facilitate the amendment.
• SHO-DEN-The symbol to delete information It is a symbol which has as main actionshaping of the energy which is applied so that to remove the negative information and the evil algorithms within it. SHO-DEN is a symbol that connects to a yellow energy which is composed of a complex of programs that are erasing the negative information.

• The cross of light
The Christian cross is a symbol that connects to the Son of God, Jesus Christ, its meaning and its information is filled with the life and the acts of our Saviour. What is important is its effect and the power that provides in the spiritual world and its use in therapy default.

The symbol of alignment
It is a symbol that brings the alignment of the universe around the location of the person that is pu on. Its activation on a person, place in the center of attention of the universe that individual.
The symbol of the sword of light.
KI DEN is used mainly for loading the Light weapons, arrows, spears, swords, etc.
The truly great Bright Light from Heaven, Dai-Ko-Mio-Shin-Ten is a master symbol which has as main property the opening of the light source, the connection and the power supply from the power source.
and other gifts:
• The inforeiki sphere
• The Inforeiki disc
• ROGVAIV spectrum
• The Five Elements powers
• The Inforeiki sword of light
• A personal Dragon
Inforeiki is structured on 3 (three) levels and can be practiced by every person who has at least 3 levels of Usui Reiki.
The system combines very well the techniques of the Infoenergetic system with the classic techniques of Reiki, and brings Informational energy with healing algorithms proper to Infoenergetics as a new look.
Level 1: The student learns the basics of radiestesy, radiestesy techniques, measurements, radiesthesic parameters, types of energy used by the system, algorithms used by the system, so that in the end he can use the system symbols belonging to Level 1 in the techniques of Info Reiki Plus for Level 1, as well as the spiritual therapies that can be realized with the help of Level 1 knowledge.
Level 2: The student receives access through initiation to the use of Info Reiki Plus symbols – Level 2, other parameters of radiestesy are presented for this level of initiation, the process of Info Reiki Plus meditation is presented, and also different spiritual techniques/therapies that can be realized with the students' knowledge up to Level 2, inclusively.
Level 3/Master: The student is presented the process of Info Reiki Plus meditation – Level 3, and also different spiritual techniques/therapies that can be realized with the students' abilities up to Level 3 inclusively, and after receiving the Master degree, the new master can himself accord students initiations for all the system levels.
You will receive course material for each degree, measurement tools and course diploma. If you are already Master Usui, You can be a Master Reiki with a single att. For details you can write at clara_reiki_777@yahoo.com

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Oh My God Only Eight Days Left


***Important Note #1: I am going to add a few important remarks to this blog in the next day or two. Allen***

***Important Note #2: The following email that I got from Citizens For Health is "YOU MUST ACT ON NOW" MATERIAL IN REGARD TO YOUR CONTACTING THE FDA, or YOU WILL LOSE ACCESS to some or ALL nutritional supplements that came on the market after October 15, 1994. Allen

Citizens for Health Alert – Anti-NDI Guidance Petition: 8 Days Left!
Friday, November 25, 2011 10:42 AM
"Citizens for Health"
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November 25, 2011

Dear Citizen for Health,

How exciting! Only two days into our petition drive opposing the FDA's "Draft Guidance for Industry: Dietary Supplements: New Dietary Ingredient Notifications and Related Issues", and we have already topped 4000 signatures! We are well on our way to our goal of 10,000 signatures by the close of he comment period on December 2 – and for that, we are truly thankful.

As you know, this document reflects the FDA's intention to willfully and grossly misinterpret the law, especially the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), regarding New Dietary Ingredients (NDIs) and filing submissions for them.

We know many of you are gathered with loved ones to observe a time of year dedicated to acknowledging the things for which you are thankful. Please take a moment amid the revelry and indulgence to give thanks for your rights to make your own health and wellness decisions – and to take action to preserve and expand them!

The deadline for comments is December 2. That leaves almost 8 days to amass the 6000 signatures needed to reach – and eclipse – our goal of 10,000 signatures by the end of the comment period.

Once it is complete the petition will be delivered to Congress and the President, calling on them to join with the American public to force the FDA to withdraw this dangerous Guidance once and for all. If you have already sent comments to the FDA, augment your voice by signing the petition too!

To help us in this effort, Australian truth rapper and activist Jody Lloyd, aka Trillion, helped produce our video "10,000 Signatures" – view it here.

Being almost halfway to 10,000 signatures in a little more than 2 days means we can certainly reach our goal – but only with your participation!

As always, thanks for being involved,

The Citizens for Health Team

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Sign the petition now, and be sure to check back frequently to monitor our progress.

Sign the petition now!
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Citizens For Health Website: http://www.citizens.org/

My Website: http://nutrientscure.wordpress.com/

Web Address of this blog: http://nutrientscure.wordpress.com/2011/11/26/oh-my-god-only-eight-days-left-or-is-it-seven-now/

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Friday, November 25, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Itchy skin


Thanks to all who have responded. You have all given me many things to try. Appreciate your response. Thanks again.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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