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Thursday, November 24, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Itchy skin


What homeopathic remedy did you use?

It might also be worthwhile to try aloe vera gel. Just be sure it is as pure as you can get & is certified with the seal of approval from the International Aloe Science Council (IASC)


--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "shaul_morgenstern" <shaul_morgenstern@...> wrote:
> we got rid of this type of thing with hoemeopathy
> --- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "carolyn91012" <tx30323@> wrote:
> >
> > Husband has a terrible itch on the back of his hands and thigh of his leg. He gets it cleared up with prescription steroid ointment or antihistime prescrition also is using antibiodic pills and ointment. It starts out as a rash with small red bumps, scabs over (yes he scratches it at night in his sleep), then breaks open and weeps when he uses lotions or ointments. He has tried many alternative remedies...oil of oregano, apple cider vinegar, b-vit., fish oil many other things. But the rash and itching always comes back. Does anyone have a suggestion to help the itching? thanks
> >

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Itchy skin -- consider body-mind-emotions connection


Bless your heart! You are on an incredible journey.
Ruth Ann

From: Erica <pamelagarris@msn.com>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 11:37:00 AM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Itchy skin -- consider body-mind-emotions connection

The skin/mind is very true. I had some emotions that caused my skin
to.... well....

I looked like a burn victim. I was told I had the worst psoraises case
ever seen, I was told I had Stephen Johnsons, doctors still don't know
what I had. Doctors had told me I was going to die.

I still have it, but I am 97% better.

One of the things I did to get better was to forgive my ex-husband for
years of abuse and neglect that left me scarred and my kids scarred for
life. I also had to forgive my father for molesting me when I was a kid.
His actions led me to make bad decisions for a long time. I had to
forgive my brother for forgetting that he had a sister, and I had to
forgive the man that I thought I was going to marry that told me I was
not 'pure' enough. I had to forgive my neighbor who raped me and got me
pregnant [my son is 21 now].Stupid huh? There's more than that but you
get the point.

Then I had to work on forgiving myself. That was the hardest.

I began to realize I had a TOXIC OVERLOAD of negative emotions. I read
the book 'Deadly Emotions' by Don Colbert, along with other books. I
began to release people and I began to release ME [it took 8 years, but
I had  lot of pain].

And my body began to heal. One thing I regret is that when I was 'sick'
in the mind, I had children living at home. They saw me go through this
whole process.  And I regret that. I began to heal myself by telling me
that my children needed me, and they did not need me sick bodily or sick
in the head.

So I began to let stuff go. I also let ME go. And my body [skin] began
to heal.

Something for you to think about.

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[AlternativeAnswers] A Crystal Gratitude Grid


Good Morning!

A Crystal Gratitude Grid

Many energy workers add the subtle vibrations of stone energy as a complement to
their healing sessions or daily lives. Usually this includes the laying on of
the appropriate colored stones to coordinate with the Chakra centers, Aura
layers, meditating with a particular stone, or wearing the stones as jewelry
when the inspiration hits. There are, however, even more uses when stones are
set up in a 'Grid' and are properly 'activated'.

A 'Grid' is more simply put, a way to arrange the stones in a sacred geometric
pattern. They are then consciously 'activated' by connecting a 'line of Light'
between the stones so that they radiate an energy field in the immediate
environment in which they are constructed or are essential for distant healing.

We have much to be grateful for. When using crystals for this type of grid, it
is great to use crystals that help to stimulate or help you to attune to your

Crystals I like for Gratitude:

First of all, it is important to know that any crystal can be associated with
gratitude. I have found that some are extremely specific for the task:

Alexandrite enhances the rebirth of inner and outer self, promotes awareness.

Amethyst: Provides common sense and flexibility in decisions. Strengthens and
enhances psychic abilities, imagery and mind quieting. This stone can show us
how to let go and trust; surrender so that you may see beyond the cycle that
consumes your attention; give it all up, so that you can receive more; and grow,
that you may become a part of the greater whole.

Aventurine: Aventurine protects the heart, enhances creativity and working with
spirit guides. Green is the color of healing and Aventurine, as a member of the
quartz family, has a concentrated ability to dissolve emotional blockage. It's a
particularly effective crystal for emotional healing and is especially helpful
when worn for this purpose or placed on the heart center during Chakra
balancing. It helps to balance the emotions, and is one of the best stones to
wear or carry during stressful periods. It helps us to find solutions to life's

Carnelian represents confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic abilities,
assertiveness, outgoingness. This stone creates precision, analysis, appetite,
and awareness of feelings.

Iolite is considered a very strong "Shaman" stone, and helps us to live at
higher awareness levels.

Hematite: This crystal is the most recommended stone for grounding and is
associated with the Root Chakra, by encourages ones survival instincts and is
centering. Hematite condenses scattered feelings, turns fuzziness into mental
clarity, and enhances concentration, memory and practicality. Considered the
symbol of life energy, hematite allows for more confidence, will power and
boldness. Helps us adjust to being physical. A protective stone and helps
bolster low self-esteem. Hematite is known to deflect negativity. It restores
equilibrium. It brings our awareness back to the body and helps one maintain
their sense of self.

Quartz: The natural tendency for quartz is for harmony. Quartz can both draw
and send energy therefore it is effective for sending/receiving guidance. Quartz
is used for transformation in healing and in all levels of change
(mentally/emotionally, physically and spiritually). Quartz stimulates the
natural crystal in body tissues and fluids to resonate at the highest healing
frequency. Quartz works with All Chakra and master gland for balancing,
cleansing and healing. It is the perfect stone for complete Aura balancing.

Tiger's Eye brings awareness to perception.

Constructing A Gratitude Grid

Consider doing a grid of two triangles for creating any kind of gratitude.

Use any of the above stones in combination, creating two triangles. If you are
doing it around the body, have the two apex of the triangle facing each other by
placing one stone at the heart and the other at the diaphram. Place the
remaining stones at the base of each triangle (for instance two stones at the
collar bone or further out at either side of the ears or head.) The base of the
second triangle would be out at either side of the hip bones or at either side
of the ankles.

If you do this grid on a base (such as a copper plate or dish) make two
triangles facing each other on the grid.

If you have a specific intention for someone, scroll their name on a piece of
paper it in the center of the grid.

If you want, trace the grid with a master stone (this is a stone or wand used to
connect the energy of the stones to seal your intention).

If you do the grid on a person, allow the stone to relax on your client for
about 20 minutes, then remove them.

If you do the grid on a plate or copper plateform, construct the grid where it
is needed most and will do the most benefits.

Create a Heart gem essence with clear quartz and aventrurine or rose quartz.
Mist over the two triangles of stones. Take 8-10 drops under the tongue every 4

Whatever your intention, use it to express your thanks and gratitude for each
small and precious gift you wish to give honor to!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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