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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] RE: Itchy skin -- consider body-mind-emotions connection


Carolyn, stubborn skin issues often indicate that painful emotions are causing the physical condition and/or blocking the complete healing of it. Our bodies signal via symbols that we have harmful emotions that need to be released. The emotions are likely from an uncomfortable situation that happened right before the itching and rashes began.

Itching hands can indicate feelings of "itching to get/push away from something irritating that got under my skin" or trying and failing to grasp something or bring something into my life.

Itching thighs might indicate an inability to walk away from something irritating on one's Life Path, itching to get away from it but cannot, and feeling unsafe or that the painful situation will never end.

Many emotional release modalities exist. My two proven favorites are FREED: Fast Release of Emotional Energy Drains and EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques.

Sending peace, light & healing energy to all,
Colleen Flanagan, Phoenix AZ

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "carolyn91012" <tx30323@...> wrote:
> Husband has a terrible itch on the back of his hands and thigh of his leg. He gets it cleared up with prescription steroid ointment or antihistime prescription also is using antibiodic pills and ointment. It starts out as a rash with small red bumps, scabs over (yes he scratches it at night in his sleep), then breaks open and weeps when he uses lotions or ointments. He has tried many alternative remedies...oil of oregano, apple cider vinegar, b-vit., fish oil many other things. But the rash and itching always comes back. Does anyone have a suggestion to help the itching? thanks

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[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Thrive 11-11-11 The Most Important Documentary Ever Made!


hi Andrew and group,
intresting. here are a few comments:
1.I wonder who funded this film?
it is well invested, who has the interest to spend so much money in an unfruitful crusade against banks & government? who put in (to my mind) hypnotic elements and why?
2. granted, free energy can save us all- can someone please be explicit as to how to produce it instead of sidetracking to ailians and banker conspiracies? I tried telsa, and got a few microvolt. that doesn't get very far. can we have more - real info?
3. the Freemasons are the wrong address for this conspiracy. the club of Rome is a more likely candidate, dedicated to having less people in the world and keeping the riches for a select few. reputedly, bill gates and kissinger are also members. you can look up the charter - and more- on the web.I am not a mason, but the message of fremasonary is one of helping others (and by all means firstly members of the order- and that is valid).
4. third eye is an eastern symbol- of a corresponding charka. not an olwillian symbol.
5. last but not least: you Allan. you are spending so much energy attacking big pharma. you are doing them no harm, and doing yourself a lot of harm - in stress, anger, ect.
please devote these energies to concisely informing others and helping others. if you do so without the anger- you will find peace, and greatness.

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "nutrientscure" <allen_dar@...> wrote:
> Dear Group:
> The suppression of alternative medicine is one of the topics brought up in the film "Thrive" that is discussed below.
> Allen
> Dear Friends:
> I had the pleasure tonight of watching most of what I consider the most important documentary film ever made.
> I say "most" in the above as it appears that hackers would let me get no further than one hour and forty two minutes into the above film. I am not complaining here… as I am amazed I got to watch this much of this great piece of work.
> This documentary should be translated into all of the world's languages, and seen by every person on this earth. This is how important that I think this film is.
> http://majortrend.tv/4249/thrive-111111/
> THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
> Duane Elgin, Nassim Haramein, Steven Greer, Jack Kasher, Daniel Sheehan, Adam Trombly, Brian O'Leary, Vandana Shiva, John Gatto, John Robbins, Deepak Chopra, David Icke, Catherine Austin Fitts, G. Edward Griffin, Bill Still, John Perkins, Paul Hawken, Aqeela Sherrills, Evon Peter, Angel Kyodo Williams, Elisabet Sahtouris, Amy Goodman, and Barbara Marx Hubbard.
> Conclusion
> I cannot thank Foster Gamble, Kimberly Gamble, and all those involved in this film's production enough for creating this great documentary titled "Thrive".
> Thrive offers great hope to humanity in the midst of these times of turmoil while good and evil forces battle for the control of our planet.
> I can't wait for those persons involved in the OWS movement to become widely aware of this film.
> Allen Darman
> http://nutrientscure.wordpress.com/

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[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Itchy skin


Depends upon the type of water that will assist internally. The skin is a
reflection of the internal environment. Micro-clustered, hexagonal. Ionized
has created miracles for some of my clients to drink the alkaline version.
Spraying the acidic version of the same medical grade water topically, has
created healing in a matter of days. I can easily provide more info and
offer assistance if you desire. Namaste'

Dan Towey - LMT, CRT, BF

Wellness Facilitator & Educator


"Health-ing People is Wealth-ing People"


Best water in the world

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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