Carolyn, stubborn skin issues often indicate that painful emotions are causing the physical condition and/or blocking the complete healing of it. Our bodies signal via symbols that we have harmful emotions that need to be released. The emotions are likely from an uncomfortable situation that happened right before the itching and rashes began.
Itching hands can indicate feelings of "itching to get/push away from something irritating that got under my skin" or trying and failing to grasp something or bring something into my life.
Itching thighs might indicate an inability to walk away from something irritating on one's Life Path, itching to get away from it but cannot, and feeling unsafe or that the painful situation will never end.
Many emotional release modalities exist. My two proven favorites are FREED: Fast Release of Emotional Energy Drains and EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques.
Sending peace, light & healing energy to all,
Colleen Flanagan, Phoenix AZ
--- In, "carolyn91012" <tx30323@...> wrote:
> Husband has a terrible itch on the back of his hands and thigh of his leg. He gets it cleared up with prescription steroid ointment or antihistime prescription also is using antibiodic pills and ointment. It starts out as a rash with small red bumps, scabs over (yes he scratches it at night in his sleep), then breaks open and weeps when he uses lotions or ointments. He has tried many alternative remedies...oil of oregano, apple cider vinegar, b-vit., fish oil many other things. But the rash and itching always comes back. Does anyone have a suggestion to help the itching? thanks
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