*Have You Ever Wondered...*
Why humans (and all primates) get so many sicknesses from viruses and
bacteria as compared to all the other animals on this planet?
Think about it for a minute. Eagles, Hawks, and Vultures eat meat that
would kill us. So, can cats and dogs. Why can't we?
A lot of years ago, I found out that answer, and it helped turn my life
completely around. (My NT therapy has done most of the rest.)
It seems that some 65 million years ago all primates, including the ape
family and our ancestors lost one enzyme that is needed in the body to
change glucose (blood sugar) into ascorbic acid. Yes, that's right.
Ascorbic acid is the basic form of Vitamin C. * Even more important,
vitamin C kills viruses and bacteria in the bloodstream.* Linus Pauling
tried very hard to preach this truth to us, but few listened. And Big
Pharma has managed to fool most of us with lies and phony tricks.
Almost every animal on this planet can make ascorbic acid *AS
REQUIRED*except we humans, our ape relatives, and a few other "funny"
Some years ago, I talked to the primate veterinarian in a zoo. I was
amazed to find that a 150 pound ape gets 4000mg of vitamin C per day for
good health. Now, since apes are very expensive (much more so than the
humans who look at them evidently), and apes are rarely sick in zoos, in
spite of the viruses and bacteria they get), how come we don't "ape" this
and take these same amounts? It actually is sort of a conspiracy by Big
Pharma. You see, if we know the real truth about ascorbic acid Vitamin C,
they'll lose a whole lot of money just in drugs and patent medicines.
Most of us are aware that a minimum amount of ascorbic acid is necessary to
avoid the horrible disease scurvy, and Captain Cook is credited with using
limes on his ships to avoid this dreaded disease that probably killed more
seamen than gunfire. That *minimum* was part of the original Minimum Daily
Amount (MDA) of various vitamins formulated back in the early 1900's. By
lobbying a lot Big Pharma and Big Food managed to get the FDA to change
this to Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), and somehow 75 mg per day of
ascorbic acid became "accepted" by the media as a "good" daily dosage. It
might avoid scurvy, but is not even close to "good health", or even GDA
(my term for Good Daily Health).
Big Pharma and Big Food both have fostered this small amount (a "minimum"
to avoid scurvy) myth. Big food because it makes their food look better
than it is. Big Pharma as it leads to poorer health and sales of patented
drug profits with which to"buy" politicians of both parties. And they do.
In addition, Big Pharma has sponsored at least 4 separate "scientific peer
reviewed" (doesn't that sound really authentic?) tests "proving" that
Vitamin C does not do much of anything to solve colds or flu.
These so-called scientific tests usually consisted of taking a bunch of
people with colds and virus (same thing mostly), and dosing with 1000 mg
per hour. Now, since 75 mg is a "good dose to take daily, 1000 mg has to
be a "megadose". The actual truth is that by the time symptoms of a cold
show up, the virus has doubled at least 20 times in 10 hours - yes
a*typical virus doubles in size and numbers every 20 minutes.
*The result of 1000mg is way too little at that point to affect many
billions of virus cells. Even if it killed half of the existing virus
cells in the blood, it is ineffective. Here's mathematically why. At the
end of the first 20 minutes, the virus is back up to original strength, and
at the end of 40 minutes it is double that, and at the time of taking the
next dosage of 1000mg, the virus is up to 4 times the original.
The data is almost correct - *ascorbic acid has very little effect if not
enough is given.
*I take that 4 grams (4000mg) daily, usually 2 at breakfast and 2 at
dinner. Then I take minerals taken out of the body by ascorbic acid at
noon, using a megavitamin with minerals as needed. vitamin c lasts only
about 3-4 hours, so the new nutritional minerals are absorbed. Now, that's
the "usual, but supposed I feel that "tickle in the back of my throat, or a
sneeze or any other sign of a cold. I start taking 4000 mg every 15
minutes. Usually by the 2nd or 3rd dose, I'm completely cured.
Wow, is that much vitamin C dangerous? What are any side-effects? The *ONLY
*side effects from taking much more than the above is diarrhea. And,
that's a good thing, as it tells you that you took enough to do the job.
It's called "bowel tolerance, and it signals you that you reached the
correct amount, and a bit over. It's a small price to pay - diarrhea isn't
all that pleasant, but it sure as hell beats any flu or cold.
And that's only the beginning. It seems that if you use the cheapest form
of ascorbic acid (Costco at around $15 for 500 one gram tablets), you also
start to take out toxic minerals, and in the now highly polluted world, my
hair analysis of toxic minerals shows only 1 "measurable", and that one is
arsenic. All the rest including mercury and aluminum are gone. (The
arsenic comes from fruit and veggies from Central and South America where
they use pesticides, and it is so low tht no worry about it.
Even another benefit. It seems that we in this culture get way too much
calcium, and not enough of other vitamins and minerals to turn it from
blood calcium into bones, hair and fingernails, so it deposits in fatty
areas, and onto bones and arteries as storage. This causes many back
problems as well as blocking arteries. Interesting, when that artery
calcium si removed by the ascorbic acid, the cholesterol, and fatty acids
simply wash away. No need for open heart surgery, and no need to watch
your cholesterol. High is better in effect.
The next "benefit" is known, but downplayed by Big Pharma as
insignificant. It's an antioxidant in the blood, and it prevents and in
some ways cures cancer. (Used at 75 mg per day, that antioxidant factor is
not that important, but in 4000mg per day it is.
BTW, it it has my name on the label (As in "ascor"bate"), it cannot do what
ascorbic acid does, combine with minerals and take them out of the body.
Those forms are more expensive and don't do as much for you. Don't be
misled by hype and advertising.
If you are one who cannot take plain ascorbic acid, you are probably
allergic to corn, as that is what most ascorbic acid is made from. There
are some (more expensive) forms made from potatoes etc. Google to find
I never met Linus Pauling, only talked to him on the phone in 1984. I
learned a lot of 'truth" about vitamin C from him. I hope you can learn
some of that from me, It'll change your life for the better.
For those who would like to research back issues of this weekly newsletter
go to:
Tomorrow (Sunday, Nov 13 2011) Is the ADD-Autism workshop and seminar for
West Palm Beach. All CD's will be on sale at that workshop at $100.
Anyone on this newsletter list may purchase any of those CD's today and
tomorrow for $107. (S and H costs for those not at workshop.) This sale
stops at midnight of November 13.
To order, go to the purchase page, and scroll down to last PayPal icon, and
enter the name of the CD you want, put in the $107 price, and it will go
Dr Bate's ADD-Autism workshop and seminar is tomorrow - Sunday 11/13. For
details www.drbate.com. At this workshop, NT CD's will be special at $100
each. For today and tomorrow only, a sale price for all readers of this
newsletter can purchase any NT CD for $107 (S & H included). This sale
ends as of Nov 13 midnight.
*From Emily Patterson - CEO of Sunflower Naturals*
Full Coverage of Johnson and Johnson Boycott
(Here's the full horrible story of Big Pharma J & J from the person who
called them Johnson and Toxin months ago and started much of this.)
Alternate Health digest of important news
*From Natural News:*
Baxter recalls 300,000 vaccines due to adverse reactions
Truth comes out: H1N1 flu pandemic 'deaths' of children actually caused by
What happened to America? Now a U.S. Navy veteran faces possible eviction
merely for flying the American flag:
Health dept. tyrants raid farm picnic, order immediate destruction of fresh
Shock finding: Most grocery store "honey" contains no honey at all!
Are you still microwaving your food in plastic containers? If so, you're
eating toxic chemicals that leach into your food while it's being
"Universal flu shot" push now admits that regular flu shots don't work!
Did you know your cordless phone may be harming you with alarming levels of
EMF radiation?
Half of all hospitals infected with superbugs - protect yourself with these
*From Dr Mercola:*
5 Grams Daily of This REVERSED Severe Radiation Poisoning in Chernobyl
Lead Poisoning Alert: This Widely Used Drink is Dangerous
How the Telecom Industry Seeks to Confuse About the Dangers of Cell Phones
Splenda Can Destroy Your Immune System and is Like Eating an Insecticide
New Study Shows This Vitamin Helps Prevent Depression
CDC Director Arrested for Child Molestation and Bestiality
Child Have ADHD? Stop Feeding Them This
*From Alliance for Natural Health*
Another Fishy Bailout—New Action Alert!
New Campaign Seeks to Make Big Changes at the American Dietetic
Association—RDs Speak Out!
A Cautious Victory on the Durbin Amendment
Natural Medicine: An Editorial by ANH-Intl Executive Director and ANH-USA
Science Director Rob Verkerk
*From Alliance for Human Research Protection*
AHRP Letter to DHHS Secretary: NO Anthrax Vaccine Test in Children
http://www.ahrp.org/cms/content/view/823/9/ (ThanksYvonne Kravitz)
*From Newsmax Health:*
Tips to Beat Insomnia
*From Int Psych *
Book on Bad Effects of Ritalin on ADHD
That's it for this week. Hope to see lots of you at the Workshop
tomorrow. If you can't be there, take advantage of the special price
offered for two days only. Please feel free to pass this email on to
friends and family.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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