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Friday, September 16, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Ruminating Rumi: an Evening of discourse on the Mystic Poets, 9/17/2011, 7:00 pm

Reminder from:   AlternativeAnswers Yahoo! Group
Title:   Ruminating Rumi: an Evening of discourse on the Mystic Poets
Date:   Saturday September 17, 2011
Time:   7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location:   The Caritas Spiritist Center, 5723 Arapahoe Ave., #1A, Boulder, CO 80303
Notes:   Cafe de la Culture: The Venue for Visionaries

Introducing our first monthly event at Caritas:
Ruminating Rumi

An Evening of Discourse on the Mystic Poets

Saturday, September 17 at 7pm

Reminiscent of the European Salons...

Imagine a candle-lit, cafe-style setting with an artistic and cultural ambiance where you can meet contemporaries old and new to exchange timely ideas while enjoying gourmet food.
 Middle Eastern Music
 Poetry
 Oriental Dance
 Guest Presenters
 Middle Eastern Cuisine by the Organic Personal Chef

The Caritas Spiritist Center
5723 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 1A
Boulder, CO 80303
303-449-3066 * www.CaritasSpiritistCenter.org

Suggested Donation $20

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] The Basics of Expanding Consciousness


Good Morning!

I would like to introduce you to Jaden Rose Phoenix and her newest book, The Basics of Expanding Consciousness. She has graciously sent an article from her book to share. I hope you enjoy her work!


The Basics of Expanding Consciousness
by Jaden Rose Phoenix. Author of Beyond Human: Claiming the Power and Magic of Your Limitless Self


There is always more than one route to the outcome you are seeking. However, to keep it simple, we will only explore a couple of starting points here. To allow your mind access to "other worlds," you might find it useful to have your left brain agree that experiencing unseen worlds is a possibility, a possibility that even you can have access to.

Start from the premise that there is evidence - scientific evidence even - that energies are present that you cannot see or feel or smell. We cannot see microwaves or infrared waves, but we know they exist because we have devices that can measure them. Much of the universe exists in this unseen form. Scientists estimate that 90% of the universe is "dark matter" - something that is beyond our abilities to see or even measure. The human senses can only calibrate information from a very small range of frequencies. Furthermore, of the impulses that our senses can calibrate, only a small fraction of these make it into our brain for interpretation. Much of what we are accessing right now with our senses is being filtered. Are you aware, in this moment, of your little toe on your left foot? Were you aware of it before I mentioned it? We are filtering multitudes of sensory input every second and ignoring much of what is there.

Magnitudes of information exist in frequency ranges that are beyond our ability to sense with the sensory organs of the physical body. And yet, people regularly report having access to this information. We've all come into contact with someone who has what we term as "extra-sensory" perception. Whether it is a mother's intuition that her child needs her even though they are miles apart or grandma's premonitions that always came true, most of us know someone who has the strange ability to access information beyond their five senses. If you can accept that there are frequencies that our regular senses can't pick up, and you see that others have access to some of this, then clearly the possibility exists that even you can tap into these other worlds!

Another angle you may want to consider as a way to appease your left brain is to delve into the leading quantum theories of prominent physicists. When these physicists examined very, very small subatomic particles, they realized that there is a certain point where matter coheres. Before this point, it does not exist in physical form. Indeed, much speculation has been made of this pre-matter phase being composed of simply a field of probabilities. This means that the information exists prior to becoming matter as not just pure potential, but as multiple pure potentials. The information is out there even if it is not in a physical form.

Now consider who you are as consciousness. Are you limited to your physical body? Most people who are familiar with the power of their thoughts or their dreams would likely agree that they are more than their physical body. The Monroe Institute is a great resource for people who would like to explore themselves beyond their physical bodies. In terms of awareness, I would suggest that human consciousness can become aware of itself on many levels outside of our physical 3-D experience. All that is required is tuning our awareness to the place just beyond the point where information and potential cohere into matter. This type of tuning explains why there are people who have premonitions that come true. Perhaps you think of a friend who calls you minutes later. You may already be picking up the thoughts and feelings of those around you, which are simply information that has not cohered into matter or experience yet.

If your left brain can concede one or more of these points -- that energies exist that cannot be measured by our physical senses; that beyond matter, potentials of possibility exist as patterns of light and information; that some people can pick up on these energies and patterns -- then you have enough flexibility in your consciousness right now to start experiencing these phenomena yourself.

The above is an excerpt from the book Beyond Human: Claiming the Power and Magic of Your Limitless Self by Jaden Rose Phoenix. The above excerpt is a digitally scanned reproduction of text from print. Although this excerpt has been proofread, occasional errors may appear due to the scanning process. Please refer to the finished book for accuracy.

Copyright 2011 Jaden Rose Phoenix, author of Beyond Human: Claiming the Power and Magic of Your Limitless Self

Author Bio

Jaden Rose Phoenix, author of Beyond Human: Claiming the Power and Magic of Your Limitless Self , internationally-respected master teacher and alchemist, is founder of Alchemy Wisdom, a healing arts center focused on creating life-changing transformation for clients. A student of ancient and modern alchemy and consciousness technologies, her workshops and classes are prized for their simple, down-to-earth approach to exploring and harnessing the potential of consciousness.

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[AlternativeAnswers] Joanna Macy & Larry Korn - Regenerative Leadership and Urban Permaculture Design Certification Program - Los Altos, CA


Hello friends,

We're deeply honored to announce an incredible permaculture design
and regenerative leadership course with Larry Korn
(www.larrykorn.net), Joanna Macy (www.joannamacy.net), Kevin
Danaher (www.greenfestivals.com) and other amazing instructors!

With powerful instructors and a deeply rich curriculum grounded
in social/urban/suburuban permaculture and regenerative
leadership, this is the most powerful and complete permaculture
training available. As the nation's leadership, sustainable
living and permaculture school, Common Circle Education changes
people's lives. Join us to build the life you've always wanted
and the world where all beings thrive.

"Common Circle's Permaculture Design course was a genuine heart
and mind opening experience. If you are interested in finding
how you can be part of the life giving earth healing solution
in today's global ecological and social crisis this course
gives you an in depth and extensive overview of what it takes
to make it happen. " - Jessica M, Course Graduate

-- More info @
http://commoncircle.com/marketer/link.php?M=6335172&N=130&L=23&F=T --

Join an unforgettable program in leadership, permaculture and
sustainable design in California with the world's most renowned
instructors and change your life, your community and your
planet. Not only do Common Circle Education courses offer the
most complete curriculum of any similar course, but the people
who come to the programs make this the most powerful leadership
training offered anywhere.

What: Permaculture Design & Regenerative Leadership Certification
Who: Larry Korn (www.larrykorn.net)
Joanna Macy (www.joannamacy.net)
Where: The incredible Hidden Villa, Los Altos Hills, California
see www.hiddenvilla.org to get a sense of the
incredible retreat site where we hold these life-
changing programs!
When: October 23 - November 4th

-- We accept most financial aid, grants and Americorps awards
-- and you can get college credit for our programs. We also
-- offer highly flexible payment plans. Sign up early and
-- bring a friend FREE (contact us for details)!
-- Get more details @

-- More info @
http://commoncircle.com/marketer/link.php?M=6335172&N=130&L=23&F=T --

During the workshop, we will talk about:

* Smart nature-inspired design principles
* Rainwater catchment and storage
* Greywater - smart water re-use with plant filters
* Food forests & garden design for food abundance
* Eco-psychology and Regenerative Leadership
* Intentional community design and dynamics
* Bio-remediation and toxic waste cleanup
* Natural building design - cob, strawbale and more
* Soil biology and regeneration
* Sustainable transportation and fuels
* Green business and sustainable economics
* Natural patterns and principles
* Everything you ever wanted to know about plants and soil!

"My experience in the course was invaluable. I find myself with a
new permaculture lens that I can put on at will, and see the world
around me in a way that I feel leads to making more conscious
decisions and living better in harmony with the earth."
- Deborah F., Course Graduate

This course will combine critical design skills with leadership,
nature connection, and most importantly an urban focus, building
and exceeding upon the internationally-recognized Permaculture
Design Certification curriculum. Our programs offer by far the
most complete curriculum of any similar course -- with a huge
focus on leadership, personal growth and community design as well
as green business.

You'll learn how to create sustainable, thriving human systems,
from green houses and organic gardens, to local micro-economies
and communities, using sustainable design principles that are
applicable to every human system, from businesses, communities,
and cities to personal relationships.

"The experiences I have had and people I have met through
Common Circle has been life changing. On these trips, a
community is created and everyone's individuality is honored,
welcomed and celebrated as you work together each day to
prepare meals, confront issues large and small and discover
how each and every one of us can be the change that we wish
to see in the world." - Marlee F, Course Graduate

Because of our unique focus on Urban and Suburban solutions,
our courses are radically different from most other programs,
teaching permaculture as a design science rooted in nature.
With most of the world's population in cities, we must
meet people where they live with real sustainable solutions.

-- We accept most financial aid, grants and Americorps awards
-- and you can get college credit for our programs. We also
-- offer highly flexible payment plans. Sign up early and
-- bring a friend FREE (contact us for details)!
-- Get more details @

-- More info @
http://commoncircle.com/marketer/link.php?M=6335172&N=130&L=23&F=T --

Starting by learning the lessons from nature with some of the
world's most renowned organic farming experts, we will then look
at how to apply what we learned from the soil and the water to
building sustainable, lasting institutions.

Common Circle Education is the nation's ecological design and
sustainable living school with courses in Oregon, Hawaii and
California; our instructors are some of the most well-known
leaders in sustainability, organics and permaculture design.

We hope you will be able to join us for this incredible,
life-changing experiential course!

Much gratitude,

Vladislav for Common Circle Education

common circle education
14525 sw millikan way, suite 17760, beaverton, or 97005

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