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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] The Subtle Signs of Cancer


Good Morning!

The Subtle Signs of Cancer

Each year, the American Cancer Society estimates the number of new cancer cases
and deaths expected in the United States in the current year and compiles the
most recent data on cancer incidence, mortality, and survival based on incidence
data from the National Cancer Institute, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries and
mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics.

Incidence and death rates are age-standardized to the 2000 US standard million
population. A total of 1,437,180 new cancer cases and 565,650 deaths from cancer
are projected to occur in the United States this year.

A British group of researchers have recently put together a list of the top
warning signs of cancer that maybe overlooked or ignored.

1. Blood in the urine is a possible sign of bladder cancer.

2. Difficulty swallowing is an early sign of cancer of the esophagus.

3. Lumps on the breast among women and men could be breast cancer.

4. Blood in the stool is a top symptom of colon cancer.

5. Menstrual bleeding after menopause could suggest uterine cancer.

6. Coughing up blood is an indication of lung cancer. This is especially true in

7. Fatigue, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss or persistently achy bones
all could be signs of cancer nearly anywhere in the body.

But by no means do these signs mean cancer all the time.

Again, there are many clinical situations where patients can develop one of
these signs or symptoms for a non-cancer related reason.

Additional research has also shown that our mind can send even stronger warning
signs of cancer than the body. Don't disregard your own intuition, as an
internal sign. There just maybe times when you can sense that something is not
right within your body.

Cancer is not caused by an injury, such as a bump or bruise.

Cancer is not contagious. Although being infected with certain viruses or
bacteria may increase the risk of some types of cancer, no one can "catch"
cancer from another person.

Having one or more risk factors does not mean that you will get cancer. Most
people who have risk factors never develop cancer.

Some people are more sensitive than others to the known risk factors.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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[AlternativeAnswers] National Yoga Month: The Art of Intention


Good Morning!

September is yoga awareness month. I am dedicating my writings to the
power of yoga! Yoga has been a huge influence in my life and has
given back to me in so many ways! So this month, I am introducing the
power of yoga and how it may have an influence over you.

National Yoga Month: The Art of Intention

Whether on your yoga mat, in meditation class or in your daily
routines, finding focus is a welcomed clarity in order to bring
awareness to our lives. How many people do you know who lead an
almost incomplete and unexamined life? Art of any kind is the ability
to tune in and make it your own. The attaining of your goal through
intention is one of the most rewarding and self gratifying
accomplishments we can do for ourselves. And guess what? You deserve
every single bit of it!

Tuning in to any energy is the ability to quiet the mind, allowing
your inner self, or intention, to perceive truth. By practicing this
art, we develop a sensitivity toward inner information and the
ability to condition our mind to listen on a much more subtle level.
This developing can give us the ability to sense energy and actually
perceive our intention on an even more subconscious plane.

Techniques are vast and varied, all of which, can be used in calming
and clearing the mind, therefore, achieving clearer perception.
Include some of the following:

1. Clear intention is a result of meditation: Meditation is a time-
honored technique that can take you into infinite dimensions of
consciousness. It is a simple effort that becomes effortless as we do
it more and more. One major principle to meditation is the ability to
completely quiet your mind. By quieting our mind, it can allow us a
clearer picture of what we really intend.

2. Become more mindful: Mindfulness is the act of being fully aware
of what happens in each moment. Try living in the NOW. Be present.
Honor each moment you are given. Acknowledge each task you take.

3. Energy follows thought. As you think of your intention, you are
made aware of it. As you are made aware of it, you are able to bring
it to fruition by asserting your energy. When you program thought to
be positive, your intention will be positive. The outcome is
inevitable. Especially when you see it as such.

4. Moving is the action to your motivation!: There is a mountain of
proof that movement is the best thing for mind, body and spirit.
Moving helps with depression, increases our cardiovascular system,
moves energy (Qi) and blood, stimulates the brain, increases hormone
production and takes us from one place to the next. Use movement as a
tool to move intention forward.

5. Intention reverberates. When we throw a stone in a calm lake, we
can see how the ripples start at the center point, where we dropped
the stone (our intention) and move outward from that point. When we
specify our intention, it moves out through the Universe as do the
ripples in the lake.

6. Intention is a reflection of many values. Our values are a direct
reflection of our beliefs. When we have strong, sensible values, your
beliefs reflect it. These same beliefs are an expression of our
experiences. Most often, people who have relatively good or tolerable
experiences have a better outlook on their beliefs.

7. Make Room for Change: Make it a nourishing, self respecting place
for change to take place in your mind. In the same way, create a life
affirming, positive path to reach your goal. Make no excuses.
Procrastination is the bi-product of feeling unworthy. Self worth
leads us in the right direction.

8. A lack of awareness + not being grounded + being unfamiliar =
FEAR: Become familiar with what your intention is. Once you are
familiar with the reasons why your intention is important and
familiar with the information you did not know or understand about
reaching your goal, this takes the fear out of it! Take initiative
and responsibility in seeing your true goal through to completion.
This all begins with the intent. Once you are familiar, there is less
fear and you become more grounded in your approach.

9. Make Every Effort: to do something each day that brings your
intentions closer to your goal. You will do this now, because you
understand why you want to reach this goal, what it means to you and
the fear behind it is gone. You will make the effort now because your
are aware of the fact that you love and respect yourself more and
deserve to make the effort.

10. The Honoring of Ourselves: This is something we tend to lose
sight of, especially as we grow older. "Excuse instead of action"
seems to be the norm, instead of the exception. Honoring everyone
else first (husband, wife, children, family, friends, colleagues) is
the path we so often go down first, before we take care of our own
needs. If you are not in tip top (mind, body, spirit) shape, how can
you effectively care for others?

"Each of us is born with the potential for the unfolding of our true
self. When you deviate from the truth, you are interfering with the
intention of something greater than you are. As a result, you develop
discomfort." - unknown

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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[AlternativeAnswers] Danish Team Identifies Tiny Molecule That Can Foil the Epstein Barr Virus


Did you know that a Danish team has identified a tiny molecule that can foil the Epstein Barr virus in the process it uses to hijack the immune system's B or "memory" cells. This is according to research conducted by scientists at the University of Copenhagen.

polyDNA, the makers of Gene-Eden-VIR, the first all natural remedy that boosts the immune system against the latent, Epstein Barr virus, congratulates the University of Copenhagen on the success of its researchers in this very important study.

Following this research, an article from prohealth.com asserts that: "No fewer than 95% of us carry the Epstein Barr herpes virus. We often encounter it when very young and it is normally harmless, but if we are infected later in life EB virus may cause mononucleosis. And it seems to play a part in some forms of cancer, just as Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) affects the risk of cervical cancer.

But we have no drugs to combat the Epstein Barr virus, and no vaccines for it.'

However there is good news for that 95% of the population that carry this virus! While there are no cures, and while Gene-Eden-VIR is not a drug and it doesn't treat or cure any disease…it DOES help your own body maintain low concentrations of the latent (chronic) Epstein Barr virus (EBV).

It's a numbers game. Fewer numbers of the virus translate into less risk of developing the symptoms of ailments this virus is linked to.

That's why it makes sense to take Gene-Eden-VIR!

By helping boost your own body's immune system against the latent EBV virus, you are also improving your ability to naturally recover. Just knowing you are doing something to aid your immune system can dramatically lessen your fears and make dealing with an EBV infection easier.

"The key to your health is to reduce the level of the chronic viruses in your body to harmless levels. There are no known medications or supplements that can completely eradicate these viruses, except in rare cases where your immune system recovers." – Dr. Hanan Polansky
polyDNA understands that the main concerns on everyone's mind deal with safety, efficacy and cost. Each of these questions are easily answered!

Gene-Eden-VIR is very safe. To date, in over two years of being on the market, there have been no reported side effects. Each Gene-Eden VIR capsule contains five all natural ingredients including selenium, camellia sinesis extract, quercetin, cinnamomum extract, and licorice extract. In addition, each bottle is GMP Certified.

No one wants to deal with hocus pocus, "miracle magic wonder pills."

Is Gene-Eden-VIR effective though? Yes.

Each ingredient in the patented Gene-Eden VIR formula was selected through a scientific approach. PolyDNA scientists scanned thousands of scientific and medical papers published in various medical and scientific journals around the world in order to identify the safest, most effective natural ingredients that target the latent (chronic) Epstein Barr virus (EBV.)

These scientific papers on the ingredients of Gene-Eden VIR can be easily accessed on pubmed.gov, and a select few can be found on the Gene-Eden website at Gene-Eden.com.

In terms of cost, each bottle of Gene-Eden-VIR is just $34.99. That's only slightly more than a dollar a day. polyDNA values its customers, and in order to cut costs, and pass savings on to its clients, the Gene-Eden products are sold exclusively online.

Gene-Eden VIR can be purchased on the Gene-Eden website, Amazon.com, and now through the reputable Sears catalog at Sears.com.

"Gene-Eden combines several proven substances that work harmoniously to help boost the body's own immune system or have other antiviral properties. The scientific data with regard to the immune enhancing and antiviral properties published in reputable sources on each individual compound in the Gene-Eden formula is impressive. Use of this product clearly has scientific merit based on published material." – Dr. Norman Cohen, M.D.

To learn more about Gene-Eden-VIR, the only product on the market today that helps the body maintain low concentrations of the latent Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) and that is scientifically backed by published material, visit www.Gene-Eden.com

polyDNA is a biotechnology company that develops dietary supplements using the scientific method developed by Dr. Hanan Polansky's. Dr. Polansky published the highly acclaimed scientific theory on the relationship between the DNA of latent (chronic) viruses and the onset of chronic disease.

polyDNA developed and is marketing Gene-Eden-VIR, an antiviral natural remedy that boosts the immune system against the chronic Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), and the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV),

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