what is vitally important is to choose your healing route- for this problem ----- carefully from good informationthat means knowing druggs/meds treatment for this can/will be damaging to your mind and body .drugs only mask the symptoms they do not cure.
This info well it will save ---years of suffering = if you apply it ..
All treatment recommended by the doctors should be tested and approved and quite rightly so.
That makes sense
It costs millions of pounds to test and approve just one treatment.
Drug companies pay for most testing and will only and I mean only look at treatments, which show the promise of good deal of a profit, --they will actively dismiss any therapy which does not have profit potential thus your doctor will only recommend therapies that have been tested with profit potential in them.
Despite The fact that some of these other therapies mentioned below do have overwhelming benefits some, which have saved massive amounts of suffering
Drugs are not the answer for any mental illness-- at best they mask symptoms
This is a fundamental principle grasp this fully
Have you heard your local doctor recommend, Massage Spiritual healing, reiki Light therapy, Colour therapy, the violet ray therapy, Osteopathy, Electrical Frequency devices. Karma therapy and u wont because no one can put a patent on these powerful therapies .
1,get someone to massage your back and legs at least 3 times a week use peanut oil or a mix of 50-50 olive and peanut oil.
2 use the violet ray machine an Edgar Cayce device google search this --- 3 times a week on the other days especially on the spine
.we use it every day with very positive results
3.get a tent sleep out side 3times a week utilising earth energy - nature can help big time especially with how you feel how much energy you have
4 study and apply good nutrition adele davis books =protein minerals =iron essential fatty acids omega 3 6 9 protein etc
5 ensure your thyroid is working well get it checked
6 ensure you do at least I hr per day some kind of voluntary work when you are able..the reasons you are ill , or poor or have allsorts of bad things happen to you is because of karma -----usually from past lives but some from this one voluntary work will offset your mistakes--- how much it offsets well that is down to god and how much you do. Healing us is in direct proportion to the help we give others ie your healing comes with helping others achieve theirs so if people are doing very little in helping others ---they suffer more and longer...and if they are doing a lot they get well faster....so now you know what to do ,,and like a lot of us are already doing being of service.
7 be amongst people who are giving, friendly who have time for you who love you , choose your friends well . choose your company well.
8 get to a place which personally love or like
9 do some work which you like or love
10 ensure you do no acts which hurt or inflict on anyone don't want to add to your karma do we !!!
11 spiritual healing and reiki find good therapists who offer this service in your area many spiritualist churches which are all around offer this for free as part of their vocational offerings to the divine.
12 focus your mind - think good positive thoughts, laughter, look at comedy, play good uplifting music,
13 avoid at all costs exposure to violence, murders, suffering ,death ,tragedies, -feed upon good things uplifting things, things that feel like a breath of fresh air..
14 Positive affirmation- t programme your self in the mirror , thoughts are things words are things actions are things , all have influence, few people realise these things can have an effect on themselves .
15 get a detox ------ toxins can influence how you feel big time
16 hugs get plenty of them in your daily life you would be amazed at how people feel after a few decent hugs.== find a big tree and hug that.
17 loads of exercise running walking climbing but something which you enjoy
18 light therapy sunshine /light box and vitamin d and ensure water intake 2 litres a day
A total cure however is tied up with karma so you can imagine just how important is the voluntary work. The more u do the better u will feel .
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