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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] best herbal anti-spasmodic?


Get acupuncture. Sounds like some wind damp. You could try Du Huo Ji
Sheng Wan. Do you tend to run hot or cold?

On 8/9/2011 6:18 PM, Andrea Gauland wrote:
> Hi -- my low back (small of my back, really), has been in spasm for
> the last 2 days now. I can't stand for more than 10 minutes at a time
> before it gets too painful and I have to sit down. I mentioned this
> to my GP when I saw her earlier in the week, and she just said to take
> 'the usual analgesics'. Not a lot of help, and they don't stop the
> spasm anyway! So, until I can see my chiropractor (which isn't till
> next week, as he's away), what can I take? I live and work on a farm,
> and it took me an hour to feed my goats 4 bales of hay this morning...
> I had to keep sitting down and wait for the spasms to subside a bit
> before I could go on. Try explaining that to the goats!
> Thanks in advance
> Andrea
> NZ
> ------------------------------------
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[AlternativeAnswers] Jeremiah A.K.A.S.H.I.C. in “Isaiah 2011/12 Le French Revelation” FriNite, 7p MT



Join Andrew Aloha "Live"
with Jeremiah A.K.A.S.H.I.C.
in "Isaiah 2011/12 Le French Revelation"

Jeremiah A.K.A.S.H.I.C.

FriNite, 12 August 2011
From 7 – 8:30pm MST
On Spiritual Image Production's BlogTalkRadio

Connect with us @ http://lnk.ms/50TJd <http://lnk.ms/50TJd> or
http://tobtr.com/s/2193009 <http://tobtr.com/s/2193009>

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Contacts. Then, call this contact and dial-in the access code above
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next to the "Mute" icon at the middle-top.

[Listen to Andrew Aloha with Spiritual Image Productions on
BlogTalkRadio] <http://lnk.ms/6wQwY>
(Click Button Here to Listen!)

Jeremiah A.K.A.S.H.I.C. has taken the invitation that is open to all of
us, to "walk in the steps of Christ", and he believes he's
done it. For all the doubters out there, "Watch and Learn!". He
knew he was on to something and never let go no matter how crazy it
seemed. He will be instrumental in helping change the world along with
everything you thought you knew about the "U n' I verse",
"GOD", "Jesus", and "The End of Time" . He has
been given the incredible gift of being one with "Elijah the Prophet,"
who changes the world and the hearts of all humankind, before the great
and LOVE inspiring day of the Big Guy Upstairs....for more on this story
go to http://lnk.ms/50TJd <http://lnk.ms/50TJd>

For more on Jeremiah A.K.A.S.H.I.C. go to: woodencadapillar@gmail.com

Visit Us @:

*** The following are featured shows with Andrew Aloha & Spiritual Image

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" with "The Golden Age Music
Show" the 1st Sunday of the Month, 7 – 8:30pm, MST. The 1st
three callers to make a song request win a "Free" album signed by the
artist/s. For more go to:

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" with "The Golden Age Channel
Panel" the 1st Friday of the Month, 7 – 9pm, MST. Connect with
various Saints, Masters, Enlightened Beings on the other side as we talk
to individuals who bring them forth as an extension of their essence.
For more go to:

Join Andrew Aloha in "Live From Sedona" as I/We innerview people
from all walks of life including authors, musicians, psychics, political
figures, ufologists, scientists, etc. every 2nd Friday of the Month, 7
– 8:30 pm, MST. For more go to:
www.spiritualimageproductions.com/LiveFromSedona <http://lnk.ms/50TJd>

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" with "The Golden Age Psychic
Show" the 3rd Friday of the Month, 7 – 9pm, MST. Get in on
"FREE" mini readings. For more go to:

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" in "Intimacy, Tantra, and Relationships
Psychically Fulfilled", an online Tantra Session every 4th Friday of the
Month, 7 - 9 p.m. MST. For more go to:

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" for a Special Full Moon
"Transmission Meditation on the Air", Saturday, 13 August 2011,
2 – 4pm
For more on "Transmission Meditation on the Air" go to:

For more on Andrew Aloha & SIP go to:
SIP's Golden Age Aloha Tours <http://lnk.ms/KffTR>
SIP's Golden Age Private Party Sessions <http://lnkd.in/6MaRcg>
SIP's Golden Age Membership Club <http://lnk.ms/H7xWt>
"SIP's Divine Calendar" <http://lnk.ms/5b5w7>
SIP's "Divine Events" <http://lnk.ms/94Zy8>
SIP's "Live From Sedona" <http://lnk.ms/50TJd>
SIP's Divine Newsletter <http://lnk.ms/58rXV>
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"The Golden Age Channel Panel" <http://lnk.ms/GWG4X>
"The Golden Age Psychic Show" <http://lnk.ms/BtFCW>
"SIP's Golden Age Online Prayer Circle"
"The Revolutionary Golden Age Healing Extravaganza"
"Intimacy, Tantra, and Relationships Psychically Fulfilled"
"SIP's Transmission Meditation" <http://lnk.ms/5KG4c>
"SIP's OnDemand Radio Shows" <http://lnk.ms/5b5qv>
SIP's "SIP's Conference Calls" <http://lnk.ms/B5l4c>
Andrew Aloha's Travels <http://lnk.ms/Ccy5q>
SIP's Underwriter Corner <http://lnk.ms/6wgn9>
SIP's Monthly Stats <http://lnk.ms/6S5xQ>
"The Golden Age Psychic Show Meetup" <http://lnk.ms/D4RL4>
"Andrew Aloha's SoulGarden TV" <http://lnk.ms/D4QW4>
"SIP's BlogSpot" <http://lnk.ms/D4PT6>
"Andrew Aloha's Linked In" <http://lnk.ms/FPxNR>
Andrew Aloha's YouTube <http://lnk.ms/4KxM6>
Andrew Aloha's Facebook <http://lnk.ms/G43Fg>
Andrew Aloha's MySpace <http://lnk.ms/5b601>
Andrew Aloha's Twitter <http://lnk.ms/4KxTh>


Andrew Aloha

Thank you to the following for underwriting our show:

Revitalized Bio Genic Water @ www.revitalizedbiogenic.com <http:///>

Born out of the Soviet space industry, Revitalized Water, the product of
30 years, and billions of dollars of Russian research is believed brings
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nutrients into the cells and potentially increases your energy.

Stephen West @ www.powerheal.com <http://powerheal.com/>

By Divine design you can Power Heal yourself. Do you or any of your
loved ones suffer from pain, depression, stress, cancer, obesity,
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online marketers. She says online marketing is the wave of the future.
When traditional offline approaches are coupled with a one of a kind
business or product, SUCCESS is in inevitable. Join Mia's Network
Marketing Team, you deserve it!!!!

Crystal Dawn Morris @ www.tantraforawakening.com

Certified Sky Dancing Tantra Teacher of Tantra For Awakening, Morris has
the mission of helping people live a more conscious, connected, and
juicy life. She actively supports you in experiencing more love, joy and
freedom in your life, offering practical tools that are easy to use and
give immediate results. After attending an event or coaching session
with Morris students and clients report being more open and present to
the bliss that is available in every moment. Her commitment is to create
a world based on love, respect and compassion for all beings.

Neil Baker @ www.neilbakerpsychic.com <http://www.neilbakerpsychic.com/>

Neil tunes into your vibrational energy and translates it using his
talent as a gifted psychic. He believes that one must get to the core of
a specific issue in order to present understanding and course of action
to follow. He tunes into the content of your soul and evaluates it in
terms of past life events or present life circumstances. Or, whether
what's happening now is connected to a past life. From there, he
determines even deeper layers of information that reveal meanings behind
our present connections and their ultimate outcomes.

Monica Ruiz @ www.psychicmediummonica.com

Monica Ruiz recently began her profession as a Psychic, Medium & Master
Reiki Healer in Houston, Texas. Although she's been accustomed to
this activity since she was three years old when she literally saw a
ghost, or boogey-man, in her grandmother's closet. In her spare time
Ruiz also works as a Nurse.

Pamela Dussault @ www.passagetoinnerjoy.com

Pamela Dussault is a spiritual counselor, psychic intuitive, healer,
teacher, author and creator of "Passage To Inner Joy", where you
learn how to have inner joy and peace. Her mission is to help people
align with their bodies and higher self through healing and counseling
sessions that help them overcome their fears and other limiting factors
in order to make room for abundant love and joy in their lives. Some
healing techniques she uses include Massage, Reiki, Shamanic Healing,
Polarity, Remote Body Activation, Meditation, Self-Hypnosis, and EFT.
She also offers classes intuitional development and connection with the

Kili Amma @ www.spiritualimageproductions.com/Kili_Amma

A Reiki Master, Psychic, Medium and "indigo", Kili Amma grew up
knowing things before they would happen. She remembers seeing and
talking with Jesus (whom she knew as Sananda) while still in a crib.
Later in her 20's, he would also point out differences between what
was meant in the Bible and what was actually written. Additionally, as a
child she would astral-travel in her sleep, helping children who were
being used in dark magic. She uses crystals, rattles, tuning forks,
essential oils, herbs, and toning in her healing sessions and her
passion is to help others along their awakening path.

Chrystal Chilton @ www.crystal-vision2010.webs.com <http:///>

Having been on numerous radio/television shows, paranormal
investigations and press interviews, Psychic-Medium Crystal Chilton has
been at this profession since she was fifteen years old when she first
discovered her ability. She resides in Hampshire, England and bought her
own house at the age of 21 from the earnings she received from doing
readings. Thereafter she began working for various prominent psychic
lines in England since. In 1996, she also successfully helped lead to
the arrests and convictions of eight murder cases, with two more pending
at the moment. She has done well over 120,000 readings since she began
her career.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[AlternativeAnswers] J Neurosci Rural Pract July-December 2011


Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice (J Neurosci Rural Pract)
2011 | July-December | Volume 2 | Issue 2

Of water bags and wind pipes: The travails of securing airway in
occipital encephalocoele [pg.117]
Ganne S Umamaheswara Rao, Sriganesh Kamath

Despite the advances in the anaesthetic management of neurosurgical patients, difficulty in securing the airway remains a major cause of anesthesia-related morbidity. In this issue of JNRP, Y&#305;ld&#305;r&#305;m et al describe their experience in the airway management of 17 neonates with occipital encephalocoele. They describe two simple techniques that they used to overcome the difficulty in securing the airway in their patients. [1]

Although encephalocoele surgery has become rare following major improvements in the antenatal care, this problem persists in the rural areas where access to medical care remains far from satisfactory. The two major aims of the anesthesiologists while caring for children with occipital encephalocoele intraoperatively are to avoid premature rupture of the encephalocoele and to manage a possible difficult airway due to restricted neck movement and inability to achieve optimal position for intubation of the trachea.

The largest series of anaesthesia for encephalocoele comprising 118 children with an average age of 1.5 years has been published very recently from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. [2] Occipital encephalocoeles constituted 67% of the series. Difficult mask ventilation and intubation were encountered in 5.9% and 19.5% of children, respectively. Forty-eight percent of children with occipital encephalocoele were intubated by direct laryngoscopy in the lateral position in this series. The majority of the remaining literature is limited to several case reports that have described methods to facilitate intubation in patients with occipital encephalocoele. Quezado et al[3] and Mowafi et al[4] have used a platform of rolled up blankets with the head hanging from the edge of the table to facilitate intubation in such patients, while Manhas et al used additional manpower to lift the child (one person to support the head and shoulder and a second person to lift the torso and legs) to aid intubation after attempts to intubate in the lateral position failed. [5] Dey et al used a third person to extend the neck to successfully intubate a neonate in whom the two earlier described techniques at intubation failed. [6] Thus, anesthesiologists have always depended on personal ingenuity and locally available material to tide over the individual crises. No single contraption that assures a high degree of success with certainty has emerged till date.

Several aids, which were not available till a few years ago, are currently in use for securing airway in neonates. [7] Laryngeal mask airway, Truview PCD™ Infant (Truphatek, Netanya, Israel), AIRTRAQ® Disposable Optical Laryngoscope (Prodol Meditec, Vizcaya, Spain), GlideScope® Video Laryngoscope (Verathon, Bothell, WA, USA), and Storz DCI® Video Laryngoscope (Karl Storz, Tuttlingen, Germany) are being used to facilitate intubation in neonates and smaller children in difficult situations. These devices require familiarity and experience before they can be used successfully. It is important that they be used as first-choice techniques rather than as rescue aids. All the above devices, however, have been used only in non-neurosurgical situations. Experience is lacking with them in a neurosurgical setting and in encephalocoeles, in particular. It remains to be investigated if these devices are helpful in the presence of large encephalocoeles that render supine positioning difficult.

Apart from problems of intubation, there are also other concerns that might need the anesthesiologist's attention in patients with occipital encephalocoele. Jagger et al have reported multiple episodes of raised intracranial pressures and low cerebral perfusion pressures in patients with occipital encephalocoele. [8] Creighton et al in a series of 31 patients with occipital encephalocoele have observed disturbances in central autonomic control and defective temperature regulation in these children. [9] In this series, more than 50% of the patients had non-neurological congenital malformations too, which included extracranial malformations like Klippel-Feil deformity More Details (8/31), cleft palate (5/31), hydrocephalus, subglottic stenosis, and micrognathia. All these anomalies could potentially compound the problem of intubation in a patient with large occipital encephalocoele. Other coexisting abnormalities in these patients include agenesis of corpus callosum, congenital heart diseases, lumbar meningocoele, and spinal deformities. The physiological immaturity in neonates is another concern as many of these children present for surgery within the first few days after birth.

To summarize, for the time being, airway management in occipital encephalocoele remains a challenge. Anesthesiologists will have to find pragmatic solutions in individual cases, keeping in view the basic tenets of not losing control on the airway and the ability to ventilate until the tracheal tube is safely secured and mechanical ventilation satisfactorily instituted. Problems, outside the airway management, discussed above, also should be given serious consideration. Future studies should evaluate the modern airway gadgets for their suitability in the context of neonatal encephalocoele.


1. Yýldýrým ZB, Avci E, Torun F, Cengiz M, Karaman H, Çigdem A et al. Airway Management for Occipital Encephalocele in neonatal patients: A review of 17 cases. J Neurosci Rural Pract 2011; 2: 159-61

2. Mahajan C, Rath GP, Dash HH, Bithal PK. Perioperative Management of Children With Encephalocele: An Institutional Experience. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2011 May 31. [In Press]

3. Quezado Z, Finkel JC. Airway Management in Neonates with Occipital Encephalocele: Easy Does It. Anesth Analg 2008;107:1446.
4. Mowafi HA, Sheikh BY, Al-Ghamdi AA. Positioning for anesthetic induction of neonates with encephalocele. Int J Pediatr Neonatol 2001;2:48. Available from: http://www.ispub.com/journal/......../positioning_for_anesthetic_induction_of_neonates_with_encepalocele_1.html.

5. Manhas Y, Chinnan NK, Singh AK. Neonatal Airway Management in Occipital Encephalocele. Anesth Analg 2006;103:1632.
6. Dey N, Gombar KK, Khanna AK, Khandelwal P. Airway management in neonates with occipital encephalocele: Adjustments and modifications. Paediatr Anaesth 2007;17:1119-20.
7. Holm-Knudsen R. The difficult pediatric airway--a review of new devices for indirect laryngoscopy in children younger than two years of age. Paediatr Anaesth 2011;21:98-103.
8. Jagger KS, Ramkrishna V, Jagtap S, Pantvaidya SH, Modha P. Anaesthesia for excision of occipital encephalocoele. Ind J Anaesth 1986;34:211-5.

9. Creighton RE, Relton JE, Meridy HW. Anaesthesia for occipital encephalocoele. Can Anaesth Soc J 1974;21:403-6.

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