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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] I'd really like to keep my gall bladder!


Before losing your gall bladder I'd try the liver flush first..perhaps
combined with some parasite cleanses. The fact that the gall bladder
itself is inflamed goes to show likely to be the irritating factor there
which is likely gall stones or parasites. Both won't show up on films.
Mine certainly didn't. while it is debatable whether it is harmless to
lose one's gall bladder..if you've grown accustomed to yours and would
like it keep it...I'd certainly give it a try. I don't know why they
would want to biopsy if they don't show any mass..thickening is not
enough to warrant that IMO. If you feel discomfort especially after
eating or drinking something with fat in it....then you've got stone sin
your liver and gall bladder.


On 07/29/2011 11:11 PM, Dawn wrote:
> Hello Everyone, My name is Dawn, I've been on here for awhile now&
> have learned a great deal from you all, but this is my first time
> posting. I've always been interested in natural medicine, but haven't
> had any real issues until now.
> I have always had problems with my digestion. The first thing I cut
> from my diet about 20 years ago was artificial ingredients. Over the
> years I continued to cut out anything I found that upset my
> digestion. So when I started having more digestive issues I just
> thought it was time I went totally vegetarian. That was going really
> well until I became concerned with the lack of protein in my diet. 2
> days after adding eggs& peanut butter to my diet I ended up in the
> hospital.
> My ultra sound didn't show anything, but the ct scan showed a
> thickening of the gall bladder wall. Nothing showed up on the MRI
> except divertasomething which was "inactive".(I forget the name!I do
> know what it is though).
> The real worry (I think)is with my liver, The liver count(?) was
> really high when I went in, but lowered by the time I left, but it
> tested positive for hepatitis, not a contagious type. All the blood
> tests results weren't in on my last doctor's visit,& I have more
> blood tests Monday, so there could still be other issues.
> They say my gall bladder is inflamed& needs to be removed& I need a
> liver biopsy. I'm kinda ok with the biopsy part, but I hope I can
> avoid the removal part. They want to do it at the same time. I am
> hoping someone could suggest alternatives for me to look into? Thank
> you. Dawn

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[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Canker Sore Help


Louise Hay: Canker sores - Festering words held back by the lips. Blame.
New thought pattern needed: I create only joyful experiences in my
loving world.

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, Elizabeth Laskonis
<laskonis13@...> wrote:
> There are several types of Herpes virus , and usually the canker sores
and cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex #1. There can also
be other things that cause them, but usually this is the first thing to
try.  Usually Witch Hazel (NOT the kind in the drug store, this
is an herb) and Yucca will kill it.
> Dr E. L.
> From: Lucia lucia_n36@...
> To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 12:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Canker Sore Help
> Â
> Thank you for the reply. This is the first time I learn that the
canker sore is a herpes virus. I thought, in my lack of information,
that they were two different types of outbreaks. Are there herbs which
can fight the herpes virus? I'd be very much interested in knowing
more  on the subject.
> Thank you again.Â
> Lucia
> --- On Thu, 7/28/11, Elizabeth Laskonis laskonis13@... wrote:
> When canker sores appear, the first thing a person should do is
balance out your Arginine and your Lysine. Â
> Â
> This doesn't mean that it will be gone forever. You still need to
take the correct herbs to acturally kill the Herpes virus.
> Dr. E. L.
> Â Â
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[AlternativeAnswers] Re: I'd really like to keep my gall bladder!


Get a copy of the bible of Healing, Louise Hay's You Can Heal Your Life.
Then see the emotions you are blocking away in those organs --gall
bladder is particularly hot anger -- feeling 'galled'. Then find ways to
release these stored up emotions and save the organs you so desperately
wish to keep.
Louise Hay - gallstones (related) Bitterness. Hard thoughts.

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "Dawn" <dawnyrie@...> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> My name is Dawn, I've been on here for awhile now & have learned a
great deal from you all, but this is my first time posting. I've always
been interested in natural medicine, but haven't had any real issues
until now.
> I have always had problems with my digestion. The first thing I cut
from my diet about 20 years ago was artificial ingredients. Over the
years I continued to cut out anything I found that upset my digestion.
So when I started having more digestive issues I just thought it was
time I went totally vegetarian. That was going really well until I
became concerned with the lack of protein in my diet. 2 days after
adding eggs & peanut butter to my diet I ended up in the hospital.
> My ultra sound didn't show anything, but the ct scan showed a
thickening of the gall bladder wall. Nothing showed up on the MRI except
divertasomething which was "inactive".(I forget the name!I do know what
it is though).
> The real worry (I think)is with my liver, The liver count(?) was
really high when I went in, but lowered by the time I left, but it
tested positive for hepatitis, not a contagious type.
> All the blood tests results weren't in on my last doctor's visit, & I
have more blood tests Monday, so there could still be other issues.
> They say my gall bladder is inflamed & needs to be removed & I need a
liver biopsy. I'm kinda ok with the biopsy part, but I hope I can avoid
the removal part. They want to do it at the same time. I am hoping
someone could suggest alternatives for me to look into?
> Thank you.
> Dawn

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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