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Saturday, May 7, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: I am sorry but what is PTSD?


Thank you for your response. We have just moved and I am looking for such a clinc. The county we left didn't have very much help at all. I'm hoping this one is better. Thank you again.

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "Serena DragonWolf" <persephoneschild@...> wrote:
> I understand what he is going through and empathize with you both. I have
> PTSD and other things. I would urge you to find a mental health clinic that
> has a sliding scale. It cost me 2. A session to see my therapist, nurse, and
> Psychiatrist.Having someone other than my spouse to help me thru the rough
> spots has been invaluable. Your husband's conditions are very serious and he
> should never stop taking his meds, and alternative therapies that work with
> him and his meds. I would rather let my body adjust to the side effects than
> to have to deal with how things were before the meds, in my opinion. He also
> has to use positive self talk when the flashbacks come and when the negative
> talk comes. Yoga, meditation, Tae Bo may help burn excess energy and focus
> the mind. Aromatherapy would help.
> I think you are a very special person to search for ways to help him and
> stick by him.
> Serena
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[AlternativeAnswers] drbate's newsletter 5/7 - Antibiotics


*Antibiotics - Good, Bad and Ugly

Antibiotics are both a blessing and a curse. There is no doubt that they
have saved many lives and almost eliminated death from "older" common
bacterial infections. However, they have been over prescribed from the
beginning and this has caused two very different and very serious problems.

Many bacteria have mutated to resist particular antibiotics. The result is
that antibiotics are starting to lose the war against bacterial infections.
People are dying every day of these mutated bacteria, and because MD's have
been "educationally handicapped" by Big Pharma, they lack the following
information, and can't help.
The overuse of antibiotics and the incomplete knowledge by most M.D.'s about
necessary friendly gut bacteria, has resulted in much of our population
having yeast and other problems. In addition, the "intrinsic" factor which
helps transfer B12 from the gut into the blood is cut down along with
vitamin K, as both these are actually manufactured in the human gut by these
friendly bacteria. Vitamin K is the precursor to both the hormones that
clot the blood and keep it from clotting. (Abram Hoffer and I once
discussed this in relation to the percentage of deaths from arterial clots
today compared to deaths prior to the discovery of penicillin).

Big Pharma Antibiotics are made from yeast/fungus/mold.&nbsp; They kill
bacteria but, being made from fungus, they do not attack those cells, so
this results in an imbalance in the gut.&nbsp; This imbalance is what
causes Candida, and other "overgrowth" of yeast, fungus, and mold. This
greatly reduces the production of vitamin K, and thus reduces the hormones
that clot and unclot the blood.&nbsp; In addition, there is an "intrinsic"
factor made in the gut that is used to transport the complex molecule of B12
from the gut into the bloodstream, and this imbalance causes less B12
getting into the body where it is needed. (Did you know that a lack of B12
causes high blood pressure in women. Most MD's don't.)

What are the alternatives? Vitamin C and Colloidal Silver!

These two very effective antibiotics that most people aren't even aware of,
can work even better than Big Pharma types. There is no patent on either.
So, no huge profit, and as a matter of fact, if everybody knew about them,
Big Pharma could lose billions. Big Pharma hires MD "prostitutes" to write
phony "scientific" articles and stories about both to discourage this
knowledge from the public, and MD's. Vitamin C (in correct amounts) is by
far the cheapest and best for daily "preventative" use. Because "used" C
exits the body mostly via the kidneys and urine, it doesn't affect the gut
bacteria, and even there, it affects both bacteria and yeast, so the
"balance" is maintained.(For more info on this go to

Colloidal Silver is the answer to these "new" resistant bacteria, and if
used may be the only thing to prevent death in most such cases. For an
external wound, simply soak the bandage in CS, and keep it wet on the wound.
Supplement with a tablespoon or so by mouth twice a day.The "story" that
taking CS will turn you blue is not only exaggerated, but may be false. I've
taken up to 5 tablespoons a day without the slightest problem. (Another lie
from Big Pharma)?

I've been making my own Colloidal Silver for years, and it's pretty simple
to do. For about $30 You can start making CS for pennies per gallon.&nbsp;
To learn how to do it with complete instructions at:
Alternate Health digest:
From Dr Mercola:
This Week's Top "Don't Miss" Articles

Eight Foods You Should Almost Never, Ever Eat

They Cause 40,000 Deaths a Year - But They're Handed Out Like Candy

From Natural News:
Organic compost is often just repackaged human sewage

the FDA consistently approves drugs with NO scientific data showing their

Pediatricians insist children need fewer toxic chemicals (but more

Confirmed: Multiple sclerosis linked to vitamin D deficiency

CDC scientist Indicted on false study on vaccines

From WebMD:
Coumadin Recalled Over Potency Concern
From Phyllis Brady:

Copper takes sting out of bee bite. Put a penny on a bee sting
immediately, and it will stop hurting in minutes.
Emails with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden hanged are being sent and the
moment that you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not
be able to fix it!

If you get an e-mail along the lines of 'Osama Bin Laden
Captured' or 'Osama Hanged', don't open the Attachment!!!!
From Craig Olsen
"Do no harm." Hippocrates

It is very unfortunate that Zyprexa and other atypical
"antipsychotics" can cause diabetes. Something needs to be done
about these drugs, which are ineffective. They can also cause drug-induced
Parkinsonism. Yet the government blackballs alternative treatments such as
orthomolecular psychiatry.

The Metabolic Syndrome The metabolic syndrome can be caused by atypical

There is a lot of fat around the abdominal area. Hyperlipidemia
(blood lipids too high) can be seen. This is a very dangerous side
effect or constellation of side effects. Your cholesterol can go up.

Sometimes people get this syndrome without taking the drugs. In
either case the patient needs to go on a low fat diet.
Failure to treat this side effect can result in diabetes, heart
disease, cancer, etc. Your risk factors for these diseases are
greatly increased, unfortunately.

Lithium - Unfortunately there have also been problems with lithium,
including kidney toxicity, thyroid toxicity, and neurotoxicity.

Depakote - Unfortunately Depakote can cause tremors if the drug
level causes neurotoxicity.
That's the digest for this week. I hope it helped you or yours.
Feel free to copy and re-send any or all of the above Alternate
Health information.

Phil Bate PhD -Inventor of Neuroliminal Training
Allergies cure solving most Mental Problems
http://drbate.com - philbatephd@gmail.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[AlternativeAnswers] Many Mercury Amalgam Tooth Fillings Contain Radioactivity! Do Not Drill!


Health Alert: May 6, 2011

Dentists Should Not Be Removing Mercury Amalgam Tooth Fillings by Drilling Them Out.
Many of Them Contain Radioactive Elements!

From Do Not Drill.com (www.donotdrill.com)

According to the findings of an independent physiologist with decades of experience in that field, mercury amalgam tooth fillings often contain radioactive elements which are integral to the formation of all cancers!

You certainly should have these radioactive fillings removed from your mouth. However, if your dentist drills these substances out of your teeth, bits of them may become embedded in your mouth and gums because of the force of the high-speed drill. The constant radiation emanating from these embedded pieces may help to perpetuate any existing cancers you might already have or even lead to future cancer formations!

The information provided through www.donotdrill.com explains how you can locate this radioactivity in your mouth (as well as other dangerous, cancer-causing materials) and have your dentist safely remove all of them. Taking these actions promptly may even save your life!

Background Information

For over a century, dentists have filled cavities in teeth caused by decay with a compound composed of a combination of metals. These compounds are commonly referred to as dental amalgams. However, a controversy developed a few decades ago when it was learned that a very toxic and dangerous metal was one of the ingredients. That metal was mercury!

There has been much discussion and debate over the past couple of decades about the safety of mercury-containing amalgams being used in tooth fillings. While many governmental regulators, dental organizations, and dental practitioners maintain that including toxic mercury in dental amalgams is perfectly safe because the mercury is permanently bonded to the amalgam and unable to diffuse out of it, many other groups and individuals (including many other dental practitioners) do not share that belief. They believe that the mercury in dental amalgams is able to diffuse out and cause very serious health problems.

Because of their fears about the detrimental health effects of mercury diffusing out of dental amalgams, many individuals have chosen to have the mercury amalgams drilled out of their teeth and replaced with non-mercury-containing fillings. Of course, precautions are taken to ensure that none of the larger removed pieces go down a person's throat or remain in a person's mouth after the procedure is completed. However, smaller pieces of the amalgam and even dust from it can be thrown in the soft tissues of the mouth with great force caused by the high-speed drill. These pieces and dust can remain in the mouth for years and cause serious health problems because the mercury is so toxic.

Recently, a new discovery has revealed that dental amalgam contains an even more dangerous substance than mercury. More dangerous because this one (in combination with others) is integral to the formation and then the continuation of all types of cancer!

Radioactivity—A New Discovery

Recently, an independent physiologist with decades of experience in that field discovered that one of the major contributing factors in the causation of all types of cancer is exposure to a certain type of ionizing radiation (radioactivity)! Let's review radiation for a moment.

There are two different types of radiation-ionizing and non-ionizing. The word radiation is commonly used to refer to ionizing radiation only (i.e., having enough energy to ionize an atom). However, it may also refer to non-ionizing radiation (e.g., radio waves or visible light).

Ionizing radiation (radioactivity) can emanate from many different sources. One of the most common sources of radiation in our lives is common background radiation. This typically emanates from radioactive uranium embedded in granite rock. Background radiation can also emanate from many of the other radioactive elements which are derived from uranium though the process of radioactive decay. Some of these are thorium, radium, radon, and polonium. The physiologist referenced here has discovered that there is another source of radiation other than common background radiation which is instrumental in causing cancer.

Radiation in Your Teeth!

The metal amalgams which are used in tooth fillings can be comprised of up to 40 different types of metal. Incredibly, one of them can be radioactive uranium! (Apparently, incredible as it seems, government regulators have approved the use of uranium in dental restoration amalgam so that it can be more easily discerned in x-ray scans and, also, to make teeth sparkle!) And wherever uranium is found, one of its radioactive by-products (polonium) is also found.

Different Types of Ionizing Radiation

There are three main types of ionizing radiation—alpha, beta and gamma. Alpha radiation can cause significant damage to a person's body. It is the alpha type of radiation found in polonium which is one of the main components in the causation of all cancers. (According to physiologist referenced here, the radiation from polonium actually interacts with three [3] other components to form a cancer-causing complex.)

The radiation from polonium can travel from amalgam tooth fillings to tiny nerves inside the teeth and gums and then to various locations in the body. These locations are where cancerous tumors can form or where other types of cancer (which do not typically form tumors) can begin. This is referred to as malignancy. The alpha radiation from polonium can also cut across body tissues, causing significant chromosome damage.

Remove the Radioactive Amalgam—But Not by Drilling It Out!

One might assume that it would be desirable to remove radioactive material from one's mouth as soon as possible after learning of its negative consequences. That assumption would be correct. However, one should not have the metal amalgam drilled out of one's teeth! That is because the drilling process throws tiny pieces and the dust of the amalgam (including the radioactive polonium) into the soft tissues of the mouth (the cheeks, gums, tongue, roof, throat, etc.) with great force and embeds them there. Any small pieces of amalgam and dust removed by drilling can be found and removed after the fact, but it is a tedious process. It is much easier and much safer to remove radioactive amalgam all in one piece.

The radiation from any polonium contained in those small pieces of amalgam and dust embedded in the mouth can easily travel throughout the body and begin the process of forming cancerous tumors (or reestablishing connections to any existing tumors that were already started while the polonium was still in the tooth)! It can also start other types of cancer which are not associated with tumors. It is imperative that those small pieces and dust be removed entirely from the mouth!

Testing for Radiation

The only way to safely remove radioactive polonium from one's teeth to ensure that none of it remains in the mouth afterward is to extract the whole tooth. Fortunately, not all mercury amalgam fillings contain uranium and polonium. On average, only about half of them do. There is a method for determining which fillings contain them and which ones do not so that the fillings that do not contain them can be safely removed without having to extract the whole tooth. That method is comprehensively explained in the tutorial offered further on. Also included in the tutorial are step-by-step instructions for dentists and dental surgeons to safely remove all of the mercury amalgam (radioactive and non-radioactive), whether it is still embedded in the tooth or whether it has already been drilled out and pieces of it scattered throughout the mouth.

Of course, the extraction of teeth is contrary to virtually everyone's desire to try to preserve their teeth for as long as possible. However, if the choice is between preserving one's teeth and preserving one's life, the choice is obvious.

One of the things which a person wishing to have all of the radioactive and toxic materials removed from his or her mouth using this protocol is going to have to do before it can be accomplished is to have the dental materials already installed in the mouth analyzed. The analysis will determine whether there is radioactivity (as well as other toxic substances) present. It is a relatively inexpensive and easily accomplished process.

For more information, go to www.donotdrill.com. © Do Not Drill.com 2011

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