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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Flower Power: Flower Remedies


Good Morning!

Flower Power: Flower Remedies

This week I will be discussing the work and energy behind "Flower
Power". Not only is it a phrase from the 60's associated with peace
and the hippie movement, I find the phrase, itself empowering! So
this week I am going to explore the nature of "Flower Power"!

The essence of flowers is a subtle, aromatic and volatile liquid
extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves, stems, bark and roots of
herbs, bushes, shrubs and trees through distillation. It is a form of
vibrational healing, which works on many levels. Flower remedies are
homeopathic essences, which benefit a specific mental and emotional
state. Below is a small sampling of the power of flowers, with there
color, qualities and patterns of imbalance they treat:

Agrimony: (Agrimonia eupatoria) (yellow)
Positive qualities: Emotional honesty, acknowledging and working with
emotional pain, obtaining true inner peace.
Patterns of Imbalance: Anxiety hidden by a mask of cheerfulness;
denial and avoidance of emotional pain, addictive behavior to
anesthetize feelings.

Beech: (Fagus sylvatica) (red)
Positive qualities: Tolerance, acceptance of others' differences and
imperfections, seeing the good within each person and situation.
Patterns of Imbalance: Criticalness, judgmental attitudes,
intolerance; perfectionist expectations of others; over sensitivity
to one's social and physical environment.

Cherry Plum: (Prunus cerasifera) (white)
Positive qualities: Spiritual surrender and trust, feeling guided and
protected by a Higher Power; balance and equanimity despite extreme
Patterns of Imbalance: Fear of losing control, or of mental and
emotional breakdown; desperate, destructive impulses.

Clematis: (Clematis vitalba) (white)
Positive qualities: Awake, focused presence; manifesting inspiration
in practical life; embodiment.
Patterns of Imbalance: Avoidance of the present by daydreaming; other-
worldly and impractical ideals.

Elm: (Ulmus procera) (reddish brown)
Positive qualities: Joyous service, faith and confidence to complete
one's task
Patterns of Imbalance: Overwhelmed by duties and responsibilities,
feeling unequal to the task required.

Gentian: (Gentiana amarella) (purple)
Positive qualities: Perseverance, confidence; faith to continue
despite apparent setbacks
Patterns of Imbalance: Discouragement after a setback; doubt.

Honeysuckle: (Lonicera caprifolium) (red/white)
Positive qualities: Being fully in the present; learning from the
past while releasing it.
Patterns of Imbalance: Nostalgia; emotional attachment to the past,
longing for what was.

Impatiens: (Impatiens glandulifera) (pink/mauve)
Positive qualities: Patience, acceptance; flowing with the pace of
life and others.
Patterns of Imbalance: Impatience, irritation, tension, intolerance.

Larch: (Larix decidua) (red), (yellow)
Positive qualities: Self-confidence, creative expression, spontaneity
Patterns of Imbalance: Lack of confidence, expectation of failure,

Mustard: (Sinapis arvensis) (yellow)
Positive qualities: Emotional equanimity, finding joy in life
Patterns of Imbalance: Melancholy, gloom, despair; generalized
depression without obvious cause.

Oak: (Quercus robur) (red)
Positive qualities: Balanced strength, accepting limits, knowing when
to surrender.
Patterns of Imbalance: Iron-willed, inflexible; over striving beyond
one's limits.

Pine: (Pinus sylvestris) (red- male), (yellow-female)
Positive qualities: Self-acceptance, self-forgiveness; freedom from
inappropriate guilt and blame.
Patterns of Imbalance: Guilt, self- blame, self-criticism, inability
to accept oneself.

Rock Rose: (Helianthemum nummularium) (yellow)
Positive qualities: Self-transcending courage, inner peace and
tranquillity when facing great challenges.
Patterns of Imbalance: Deep fear, terror, panic; fear of death or

Star of Bethlehem: (Ornithogalum umbellatum) (white)
Positive qualities: Bringing soothing, healing qualities, a sense of
inner divinity.
Patterns of Imbalance: Shock or trauma, either recent or from a past
experience; need for comfort and reassurance from the spiritual

Vervain: (Verbena officinalis) (pink/mauve)
Positive qualities: Ability to practice moderation, tolerance, and
balance; "the middle way"; grounded idealism.
Patterns of Imbalance: Overbearing or intolerant behavior; over
enthusiasm or extreme fanaticism; nervous exhaustion from over

Wild Rose: (Rosa canina) (pink or white) also known as Dog Rose.
Positive qualities: Will to live, joy in life.
Patterns of Imbalance: Resignation, lack of hope, giving up on life;
lingering illness.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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[AlternativeAnswers] Flower Power: The Color of Flowers


Good Morning!

Flower Power: The Color of Flowers

About a week ago, my mom shared with me a story about the time she
was in the hospital. One of her dear friends came to visit and
brought her a single hydrangea flower in a vase...the thing was, the
flower was black! My mom, although not sharing her feeling of unease
with her good friend (who was unaware of the effects of the flower
and its color) shared with me, that it was one of the most disturbing
events she could recall.

Color affects every moment of our lives although our color choices
are mostly unconscious. Color has a great emotional impact on a
person that comes out via the clothes we chose to wear, decorations
to fill our homes, personality, foods we choose to eat, flowers we
surround ourselves with and many more ways.

It is possible to introduce colors to different areas of daily life
to give off more energy, soothing affects, stimulate appetites and
sexual motivation or even give a place a clean atmosphere. I asked
thirty males from the ages of fifteen to sixty what color bra they
would like to see their dream girl wearing to find out what colors
are the most sexually stimulating. As I predicted, out of thirty,
fourteen chose black, while four chose pink, red, blue and white were
also chosen by three each and gray and purple were each favored by
one person a piece. I also conducted an experiment to see what colors
were stimulating on appetites. I added food coloring to make one
flavor of Jell-O turn red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple,
brown, and pink. Out of fifteen total people, seven chose red, purple
and pink were chosen by three a piece, and orange and green were
chosen by one each.

Color-Flower Psychology

Blue can either be a calming color or a depressing color, depending
on how much one is surrounded by it. Blue most always has a pleasant
association. Blue also is associated with a cool, cleansed, relaxed,
calm, hopeful, protected, reassuring, trusting and accepting feeling.
It inspires mental control, clarity and creativity. Blue has a direct
effect on the autonomic nervous system, which helps calm and soothe
humans. However, subconsciously it affects us because we associate
blue with the night sky, so it makes us feel calm as though we are
being soothed by the night sky. On the other hand, dark blue is
sedative and too much can give off a feeling of depression. Blue is
also an appetite suppressant. This is believed to be that due to the
fact that nature does not create a blue food other than blueberries,
therefore we do not have an automatic appetite response to blue.
Actually, in a decorative perspective, blue is a spacious color that
is most suited for deep thought and relief from a stressful, hectic
life. If you wear blue, you may feel self-reliant, sensitive or
intelligent. It promotes a good imagination and a practical approach
to life by feeling responsible for others. Blue wearers are normally
quite independent yet feel the need to be surrounded by tenderness,
love and affection. In the survey of bra color selection, the three
that chose blue, possibly feel the need for love and affection.

Brown is a direct color of nature so it gives off an earth feeling
that brings us comfort and support. However, fans of brown are known
to often keep emotions to themselves and retreat from fear of the
real world. These people sometimes suffer from a lack of self-worth.
These people like brown because it helps them with their troubles and
it gives them a sense of stability and alleviates insecurity. People
who wear brown are normally honest, sensuous and protective because
of their desire to be emotionally secure and accepted. They strive
for a structured life and they appreciate the fine pleasure of life.

Orange is widely known as the attention grabber and the stimulator of
the mind and body. Orange is an anti-depressant color that lifts
spirits by giving off feelings of security, warmth, joy, creativity,
fun, humor and independence. Like brown, orange frees and releases
emotion and alleviates self-pity and self-worth and the unwillingness
to forgive. Physically, orange stimulates the sex organs and has an
incredibly beneficial effect on the digestive system. Wearers of
orange are action-oriented, often impatient, independent and self-
motivated. They have a high energy level and tend to be active and
competitive. Being surrounded by orange is mentally and physically
stimulating and can make a person feel warm, secure and comfortable,
though very few people choose to decorate in orange.

Purple is a color of mixed messages coming from both red and blue.
Purple is mostly associated with those who are sexy, powerful, and
sophisticated. For the people who favor this color are typically
dramatic, spiritual, creative, intuitive, inspirational in beauty and
art, protective, and wrapped up in a fantasy. Purple balances the
mind, brings peace and combats fear. However, fans of purple can be
arrogant at times, for they have little interest in lesser people and
are only interested in the best of everything. This is probably why
the one person who chose a purple bra did; because he takes great
interest in only the very best.

Red is the most powerful of all the colors because of its ability to
stimulate the heart and blood circulation so that it raises heart
rates. Red is known for its high arousal in all perspectives of the
body for it is a sexy, dynamic, daring, vital, powerful, warm,
sensual, determined, courageous, angry, impatient and ambitious
color. It always has a pleasant association because it helps people
overcome negative thoughts although too much red can cause a person
to become impatient. Red is a color that is often preferred by the
economically stable, secure and the risk-takers. Studies even show
that people are more daring to gamble more while under red lighting.
Impulsive, excitable, energetic, sexual, courageous and extroverted
are ways of describing people who enjoy wearing red. They are
ambitious and want things to happen as soon as they say the word.
They want to be the best and can be insensitive to others feelings to
be the best or the center of attention. Actually, if you make a habit
of wearing red it may indicate that you place importance on sexual
desire and eroticism. And we all know that most guys place importance
on sexual desire and eroticism and that is why ten percent of guys
chose red in the bra survey. Also, studies show red stimulates
appetite more than any other color, and that explains why seven out
of fifteen people chose red as their favorite color Jell-O

Pink and Violet have a gentle stimulation of heart and blood
circulation. Just as pink is nearly red, pink nearly has the affects
of red, just not so radiant. It elicits simple emotions such as
unselfish love, kindness and consideration. It is emotionally
soothing and calming, warming, cheerful and nurturing colors that
lessen the feelings of irritation and aggression by surrounding us
with a sense of love. A study has even been conducted to show that
pink has a subduing effect on violent prison inmates. People who
enjoy wearing pink are typically affectionate, sympathetic and
understanding. They often need the support of others and can often
times be child-like. Pink takes on traits of red and white; therefore
it is still a sensuous color while being quite innocent. This
combination makes pink quite a sexual color, therefore it is self-
explanatory as to why four out of thirty guys chose pink as their
choice in bra color. And since it has traits of red, the most
appetite stimulating of colors, five percent of people chose pink as
their favorite color Jell-O.

Green is the color of freshness, peace, freedom, relaxation, security
and laziness. It can represent optimism, yet it also represents envy
and sickness. Because it is the color of life and vegetation, it
helps us to connect with the empathy of others and nature. Green has
a balancing quality that regulates our circulation so it is
physically and emotionally good for the heart, so we should seek
green under stress. Wearers of green are often cautious, quiet, and
humanistic and are the types to just observe life and not actually
get involved in the action. However, when a green-lover must get
involved, they will proceed cautiously to be able to fully control
the situation.

Yellow is the warmest, most cheerful, happiest, brightest and most
uplifting of all the colors. It stimulates the brain making people
alert, clear-headed and decisive. Because it helps aids the brain in
these activities, it would be a good idea to decorate an office in
yellow so that the worker could do his or her best thinking. It also
aids in the powers of discrimination, memory, clear thinking,
decision making, good judgment, organization, assimilation of new
ideas and ability to see other perspectives. A person that wears
yellow is someone that is easily approachable because they seem
stimulating, spontaneous, interesting and lively to others, and
normally are. However, yellow-lovers desire to find greater
happiness, which implies minor conflict in which release is needed.

Black is a very powerful color because of its mystery, dominance and
the fact that it is the most sophisticated of all colors. Black is
associated with silence, infinite and feminine life-force (passive,
uncharted and mysterious.) It is also associated with mourning by the
blue-collar and middle aged; however, it is well liked by the
wealthy. This is possibly due to the fact that black is the most
popular color in formal clothing, that is worn mostly by the upper
class. The wearers or black are often strong-willed, opinionated,
disciplined and independent. Guys admire these qualities in women and
find them sexy. That is why the majority, fourteen of thirty, guys
chose black bras on their dream girls. People who love black reject
help of others, and feel the need to renounce everything. But this
may be due to the fact that they have a little way to go until
maturity and are using black to cloak yourself while you discover
your true identity. Black is a color that is very popular in
clothing; especially formal clothing because it makes things look
smaller, meaning it makes people look thin. However, it is not
especially smart to make black the dominant color in a room because
it will give the room the same affect and could also give a person a
negative frame of mind.

White is the color that is always associated with cleanliness,
purity, coldness and peace. It gives off the aura of freedom and
openness. However, too much white can be cold and isolating or can
give headaches and cause eyestrain. White contains all the colors of
the spectrum; therefore it shows that people who wear white have a
positive, well-balanced, optimistic personality. They also seek a
lifestyle free of pressure. White is the most pure color, and this is
why ten percent of guys chose white bras. Many males' dream girls are
very innocent and pure; therefore they associate a pure girl with a
white bra.

At last, gray is the color of individuals. It gives off the
impression that you are self-sufficient and have good self-control
and prefer to be uninvolved. Gray is associated with independence,
self-reliance, and acts as a shield from influence. However, gray
gives off a negative feeling and can make a person who is around this
color frequently, feel lonely and self-critical. Gray takes on many
of the characteristics of black and white since it is a combination
of the two.

In the end, color subconsciously plays a vast role in the psychology
of humans. It can be a major persuasion factor in our emotions, and
they can seriously uplift or bring us down, especially if a person
associates a color with one particular idea. However, naturally,
color has the same general affect on people.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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[AlternativeAnswers] Flower Power: The Healing Power of Flowers


Good Morning!

Flower Power: The Healing Power of Flowers

This week I will be discussing the work and energy behind "Flower
Power". Not only is it a phrase from the 60's associated with peace
and the hippie movement, I find the phrase, itself empowering! So
this week I am going to explore the nature of "Flower Power"!

The essence of flowers has a subtle, aromatic or visual impact on those who pay attention. The vibrational energy emitted from flowers tells a story of it life from beginning to end. They can bring such joy or comfort and offer their magical medicinal properties to all those who wish to partake of them. Below are just a few samples of the power of flowers!

Dandelion: Dandelion Root can be made into a bitter tea (don't
sweeten it, the bitterness is how it works – you'll get use to it) as
an excellent tonic for the liver and blood purifier. Dandelion roots
are very high in vitamins and minerals. The common dandelion is an
unusually nutritious food. Its leaves contain substantial levels of
vitamins A, C, D, and B complex as well as iron, magnesium, zinc,
potassium, manganese, copper, choline, calcium, boron, and silicon.
Worldwide, the root of the dandelion has been used for the treatment
of a variety of liver and gallbladder problems. Other historical uses
of the root and leaves include the treatment of breast diseases,
water retention, digestive problems, joint pain, fever, and skin
diseases. The most active constituents in dandelion appear to be
eudesmanolide and germacranolide, substances unique to this herb.

Jasmine: Jasmine is a bold, sweet scent. Jasmine is the greatest
aphrodisiac of all. These night blooming flowers are picked at their
height to bring out one of the most sexy scents. Associated
throughout history with the compassionate Goddess of the Moon,
Jasmine, grown along the Nile in ancient Egypt, is represented Isis,
the Egyptian Mother Goddess who held the secrets of fertility, magic
and healing.

Milk Thistle: Milk Thistle is the best in cleaning our blood and
liver and is a traditional way to get our health back on track and
revitalize and nourish our entire internal ecological system from the
ravages of winter. Milk Thistle is an excellent cleansers for the
liver. Cleansing is one of the more important roles of Milk Thistle
as it helps to prevent a host of problems our bodies can acquire from
internal and external toxic overload.

Patchouli: Patchouli is a sweet, earthy scent. Its smell is intense
and spicy. From an energetic point of view, Patchouli, like Jasmine,
is warm and yet anti-inflammatory in action. It combines a calmative
property with a gentle stimulating effect that uplifts the spirit!
Patchouli is a sweet and grounding harmonizing fragrance!

Neroli: Neroli is distilled from bitter orange trees. It has a
refreshing, spicy aroma and is known for its sensual, exotic effect.
Neroil oil is emotionally unifying and soothes with harmonizing
effects. Described as both sensual and spiritual, Neroli helps to
restablish the link between a disconnected mind and body. Neroli
paves the way for a gradual release and allows us to recall hope and

Rose: The Mother of All Flowers, the Rose has amazing powers of love,
trust and self acceptance. Roses are representative of faith, hope
and love and has the qualities to restore the very center of one's
being. A gentle tonic of the heart, Rose oil's psychological
properties lie mainly in its effect on the mind, the center of our
emotional being. Rose oil calms and supports the heart and helps to
nourish the soul!

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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