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Sunday, April 3, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] OT OT 2011


This year we're going to experience four unusual dates. 1/1/11, 1/11/11,
11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that's not all.
Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born -- now add the
age you will be this year, and the result will be 111 for everyone.

This year October will have 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays, and 5 Mondays. This
happens only every 823 years.

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[AlternativeAnswers] Is Salt Nature's Antidepressant?


Linda's comment: I take 3 to 4 Hypertonic daily, (drink it right
down)....I use Isotonic twice daily in my nebulizer....you can use it for
soooooooooooooooooo many health reasons....

Are you getting your salt? Good news about Salt and why you want and need
it; just avoid the highly processed kind. Clearly those consuming a daily
oral ampoule of Quinton Marine Plasma Hypertonic should not only find they
are less depressed, but may find they are more energetic and optimistic. Not
a bad idea since we are all living with today's news.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


Is Salt Nature's Antidepressant?

Many people consume too much salt, but new research may have uncovered one
reason people crave it -- it might lead to a better mood.
Researchers found that when rats are deficient in sodium chloride (common
table salt), they shy away from activities they normally enjoy. A loss of
pleasure in normally pleasing activities is one of the most important
features of psychological depression.

If salt is a natural mood-elevating substance, it could help explain why
so many are tempted to over-ingest it, even though it's known to contribute
to high blood pressure, heart disease and other health problems.

Science Blog March 10, 2009
Physiology & Behavior August 6, 2009; 94(5):709-21

#2: All,
Approximately 112 years ago Rene Quinton was only trying to prove the
Humans came from the Ocean. While much of the world medical professionals
don't have a clue about the use of Quinton in Europe prior to conventional "anti
microbials", there are a few that chose to seek out this unique product.
Over 3 years ago Dr Gordon became aware of the healing potential using
Quinton Isotonic having first hand experience seeing the outcomes in Dogs and
Horses! Sometimes, I have found it a challenge to convey the world history
of Quinton saving millions of lives as a way of marketing Quinton, as that
while it has been written up in books, many clinicians still see that as
anecdotal or somewhat esoteric. For those of you that prefer more
traditional evidence or perhaps need more of a scientific rational this should start
to shed some light. Please find attached the recent studies both n Vitro
and Ex Vivo examining the potential ability for Quinton to influence
Immunological parameters. Of particular interest may be the ability to effect
THI as that this pertains to "CMI" Cell Mediated Immunity. Many disease
processes from IBS to AIDS are commonly associated with what is called a "THI /
TH2 Shift". This is when Cell Mediated Immunity is decreased and
Inflammation is increased. There are some interesting conclusions on Quinton's
potential ability to influence various markers of Immunity such as CD8's that
will warrant more investigation. This may also provide some additional
value as to the potential benefits of Quinton.
Also consider Quinton Isotonic while using Beyond Chelation as that it
helpful for drainage and the effect on the Sympathetic Nervous system.
Hypertonic may be used as part of a remineralization protocol when taking a break
from Chelation as that this more effects the Para-Sympathetic nervous
system. Looking at research for the last 15 years, im not aware of any
biological response modifier anywhere with this kind of potential benefits and only
the associated risk of ... SALT WATER!

Anyone interested in a power point presentation presented to Dentists in
Europe that details the potential uses of Quinton in Dentistry and some
additional slides showing the effect of Quinton on blood may send me their
email and I will forward this as well.

Mitchell Abrahams
Original Quinton
310 862 4468

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[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Food Cravings


Mustard is rich in vitamin B6- which is part of the B complex of vitamins.
Vitamin B6 is an essential component of the digestive process as it is required for the production of hydrochloric acid in your stomach and for the production of magnesium in our bodies( magnesium will also raise the levels of HCI (hydrochloric acid) in your stomach and aid in digestion.)
Without vitamin B6, B12 can never be functionalized properly and nor can iron since they work in conjunction with each other.

Eat more foods rich in vitamin B6 these items may include~ fish, brewer's yeast, wheat bran, wheat germ, liver, cantaloupe, rice, eggs, oats, peanuts and walnuts.

If for some reason you can not eat these foods you may want to consider a multi-vitamin.

The B vitamins are a water soluble complex this means that we can consume them in excess and excrete whatever our body doesn't use. Therefore we need to ingest them on a daily basis or suffer from the side affects including night muscle spasms, leg cramps, hand and feet numbness, prickling and tingling sensations, dry mouth and excessive urination problem and nausea and vomiting.

Things that may be causing your lack of B6 currently include antidepressants, antibiotics, cold and flu medicines, laxatives, diuretics, aspirin, some oral contraceptives, estrogen supplementation, alcohol, caffeine, sodas and soft drinks.

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "buzzsweetness" <buzzsweetness@...> wrote:
> I have started to crave mustard , I can eat it right out of the
> jar , or put it on crackers.... I am not pregnant either...anyone
> have any ideas on why I am craving this ????? thanx Lisa

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