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Friday, February 4, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Does anyone have any experience of oil pulling?


Does anyone have any experience of oil pulling?m I would be interested to know other`s experiences. I started it this week and I got a sore throat and a runny nose and I have a metallic taste in my mouth. Already my skin feels nice and I have more energy. I will persist in spite of the side effects.

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Dr Bate's weekly newsletter



This week's editorial is about pain, particularly muscle pain. I learned
long ago that one simple remedy for most pain is DMSO. Get some and keep it
in your medicine cabinet. It works faster and better than any other pain
reliever for most topical aches and pains.

What is DMSO? It's Dimethyl sulfoxide. It was discovered many years ago, and
has been overlooked by MD's because of Big Pharma lies, and distortions.
(Not to mention the FDA control by Big Pharma.)

It not only relieves muscle and nerve pain from the skin inwards, but it
also can be used to "carry" various supplements etc into the body. It has
the unusual ability to penetrate the skin quickly and if mixed with
something, it takes that into the body with it.

If you are applying it to a "tender skin", or "sensitive skin" area, you may
mix it with aloe to stop any irritation or burning it may cause.

It works for most pain much better than any pain relievers, prescription or
counter. Just wet a finger, and rub it on over any pain area, and it
relieves the pain within a few seconds, and it lasts for a long time. I had
a back pain from stooping and lifting wrong just the other day . It was on
the right side of my back. So, DMSO was applied liberally there by fingers
(less than a ¼ teaspoon full), and the pain went. The next morning, it was
still gone completely.

On a friend with constant facial pain from past surgery, DMSO took away the
constant pain she had had for a long time. It works wonders for many.

Here's some Wikipedia info:

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is theformula (CH3)2SO. This colorless liquid is
an important polaraprotic solvent that dissolves both polar and non polar
compounds and ismiscible in a wide range of organic solvents as well as
water. It penetrates the skin very readily, giving it the unusual property
of being secreted onto the surface of the tongue after contact with the skin
and causing a garlic-like taste in the mouth.

In a 1978 study at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, Ohio,
researchers concluded that DMSO brought significant relief to the majority
of the 213 patients with inflammatory genitourinary disorders that were
studied.[11] They recommended DMSO for all inflammatory conditions not
caused by infection or tumor in which symptoms were severe or patients
failed to respond to conventional therapy.

DMSO has been examined for the treatment of numerous conditions and
ailments, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has only approved
its use for the symptomatic relief of patients with interstitial cystitis.
(Wonder why that is - Big Pharma at work suppressing anything not profitable
or patentable again)

Animal studies have indicated that treatment with DMSO within one hour of
spinal cord injury can prevent total paralysis. (BTW. Vets are much more
knowledgeable about DMSO than MD's, again Big Pharma at work suppressing
anything but patented drugs that make money.)


Now, let's talk about aloe vera (mentioned above).

Did you know that aloe was the third gift of the Magi, but since England has
no aloe, the translators from the Greek Bible to the St John's version did
not know the word, they probably took it to be an "alloy", or something, and
they wrote it as "gold". So, the three original gifts to Jesus were:
frankincense, myrrh, and aloe. All medicinal herbs - now that makes sense.

Aloe is one of the world's best burn medicines. Better than any drugs, and
there are stories galore about it's burn pain relief, and better healing
than any expensive drugs. .

So, get a bottle and keep in in your medicine cabinet. Even better, get an
aloe plant, and cut off a leaf as needed, split it, and rug the gel inside
the leaf onto any wound or burn. Small burn from cooking, quickly get the
aloe down and spread it onto the burn area. Add some DMSO, and the pain will
quickly be gone. The quicker you get the aloe to the burn site, the quicker
the area will heal, and the less scarring will occur. For burns, aloe first,
then DMSO for the pain (if needed after the aloe.

My grandmother took aloe for stomach ulcers by swallowing it. I was too
young to know much about it at the time, but I believe it helped her.

That's the editorial for today. I hope it helps you and yours.


From Natural News:

This is the beginning of the era of widespread DNA pollution of our
planet.The FDA is again allowing Mutated Gene crops.



hard-hitting news on the fraudulent science behind vaccines today



10 facts about genetically modified food that every consumer needs to know:



The U.S. Department of Agriculture has publicly admitted it is responsible
for the mass poisoning of tens of millions of birds over the last several



From Alliance for Human Research Protection - thanks to Yvonne Kravitz Of
Int Psy.

Wall Street Journal finds lots of fraud in Medicare.



From Life Scripts:

Top 10 Fitness Myths Exposed



Do You Need a Pap Test Every Year?


(This is a pretty good post for women, but I sure wish that their URL's were
a lot shorter.)


From Autism Florida:

Resource guide for Autism:


(To join, go to the right top of the orange header on the website).

Until next week, and have a good one everybody.

Phil Bate PhD - Creator of NT Therapies

http://drbate.com - drbate@bellsouth.net

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[AlternativeAnswers] Intuitive Readings - What Are They and Why You May Need One


An intuitive reading provides information about who you are as a spirit
and your path in this lifetime. Readings are best for those who want to
gain greater spiritual insight into the issues they are facing, or if
feeling challenged to access answers that are emotionally based.

As I read an individual, I help them to look inward guiding them gently
while opening doorways and helping interpret what's is found behind
those doors. A reading can be a very enlightening experience. My clients
are surprised at the accuracy of the information they receive, and the
outcomes of exploring this information.

I am often asked by clients to look at why someone in their life is
causing them so much pain and what they can do about it. I help them
navigate through the layers of information to discover the root of the
problem. Most often, we discover the pain and the personal issues
surrounding it have been an ongoing pattern in their life. We explore
how and when this pattern started and why it remains a pattern
throughout their life. This pattern may look a bit different each time
so clients don't always recognize it for what is truly is. It's a
journey of looking inward with my guidance and knowledge to help
support a person gently, thus the work can be done without feeling
alone or afraid.

The readings I offer are based in my ability to see the emotional body
and the energy held within it. This quite often takes me into reading
the physical body as well, as we store information in our bodies on all
levels both physical and spiritual. It has been shown that stress and
other types of long term emotions left unchecked, or unaddressed can
lead to physical issues in the body.

Clients often ask me why they keep getting sick with colds, flu, sinus
ailments, and why they suffer with various types of chronic pain. These
are all symptoms of emotional elements trapped in the physical body.
Clients also ask for information on money issues; how to create more
money, why they can't seem to hold on to it, etc. Most of these
questions and more importantly the solutions are directly related to
discovering and healing these trapped emotional issues.

Healing takes many forms and readings are just one of the tools that
can facilitate healing allowing one to move into a healthier life. When
beginning the journey of letting go of emotional patterns that keep us
trapped, find most clients fear letting go as they have become
accustomed to these patterns and how they feel. When patterns are
painful, we can get comfortable with this pain and continue to navigate
through life with it. Fear increases when we walk into the un-known and
let go of patterns that no longer serve us. When we take a leap of
faith, it can feel like chaos. Like cleaning the closet in the back
bedroom that's full of everything you've collected in life. When pulling
everything out it can look worse before it gets better. However, relief
is found when all the old stuff has been put in order or given away
leaving us with room to grow.

Other types of readings I am asked to do involve loved ones that have
passed on both human and animals. Often times when loved ones pass on,
there are many things left unasked, unanswered, or unaddressed. My
readings help facilitate the process of closure bringing a great deal
of calm in a time of distress and grief.

My readings have taken me into many areas of people's lives. I help
identify and articulate specific challenges and the best approach to
working through them. I show how to use conscious communication and
bring balance that is required to regenerate oneself in daily life. I
can help to find the peace and joy that everyone deserves.

In light and peace, Katharine

http://healingthroughawareness.com <http://healingthroughawareness.com/>

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