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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] skin irritation/rash


I know of several people who have quit by using a hypnotherapist. Do you have
one who specializing in quitting smoking?


From: Devil Tas <deviltas@gmail.com>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, January 10, 2011 4:09:04 PM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] skin irritation/rash

My hubby is currently experiencing problems with some skin irritation due
to him trying to use quit smoking patches to help him stop smoking. He has
had to quit the patches but is having problems with the irritation from the
adhesive on the patches. Does anyone have a good remedy for the irritation
that he can use?

Trying to find something that works for him to quit smoking is becoming as
much a problem as the smoking itself. He is allergic/sensitive to virtually
all types of the current "aids" available and he doesn't have the willpower
to just stop cold-turkey.


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[AlternativeAnswers] Weekly Horoscopes by Terry Nazon


Aries: As your horoscope week begins the Sun is in Capricorn your solar 10th house of status, and authority. Everyone looks to you to solve problems and get things done. You could feel pulled in a million directions because of this.

Taurus: As your horoscope week begins the Sun is in Capricorn your solar 9th house of learning, contracts, travel and red tape. As soon as you learn how to do things, it gets easier and easier. Understanding deadlines, agreements and having all the necessary documentation you are one step ahead of everyone.

Gemini: As your horoscope week begins the Sun is in Capricorn your solar 8th house of joint and corporate finances, banking, jealousy, sorrows on account of love affairs and transformation. Just when you think or they think you are down for the count; up you rise again like the great phoenix. Avoid those intense emotions that make you cut others out of your life for good, you just might be eating crow when you let them back into your life.

Cancer: As your horoscope week begins the Sun is in Capricorn your solar 7th house of marriage, other people and business. Your popularity is affected deeply now with Pluto in this cardinal house of fortunes too. You could feel that everyone wants something from you and wants it now. As with any strong Pluto transit you will be drawn to people or not, and vice versa.

Leo: As your horoscope week begins the Sun is in Capricorn your solar 6th house of work, health, pets and service to others. The Sun her gives you dominance and makes you appear to stand out. If there's someone you want to ingratiate yourself with and help them in some way in order to get into their good graces and benefit from the, you can do that.

Virgo: As your horoscope week begins the Sun is in Capricorn and igniting your solar 5th house of love and romance. Take a leadership role in your love life. You are looking for stability and security in your life now. Being a good role model and parent to children and the younger generation is key to making you feel happier. Lovers tend to be older more well established than yourself right now.

Libra: As your horoscope week begins the Sun is in Capricorn your solar 4th house of home, property, self sufficiency, the past, and your feelings. If you've not taken the time to sort through these things the Sun now will shed some light on this area of your life and perhaps lead you in a new direction.

Scorpio: As your horoscope week begins the Sun is in Capricorn your solar 3rd house of communications, short trips, gossip and immediacy. There could be a fear or hesitancy on your part to ask questions or get too involved in things that you think you could become too immersed in. Your silence or lack of involvement could be seen or taken by others as not caring. So if you care make sure those you love know it.

Sagittarius: As your horoscope week begins the Sun is in Capricorn your solar 2nd house of money, wealth and self esteem. The Sun here brightens this area of your life and begins to shed light on the problems or opportunities around you. When you know what the problem is then you can begin to solve it.

Capricorn: As your horoscope week begins the Sun is in Capricorn your solar 1st house of magnetism, attraction and self assertion. This is your time to be independent and a little selfish. Take more care about your personal appearance, get a makeover, buy clothes and break free of restrictions.

Aquarius: As your horoscope week begins the Sun is in Capricorn your solar 12th house of necessary employment and behind the scenes activities, you are preparing for your birthday month. So clean the house, and get ready!

Pisces: As your horoscope week begins the Sun is in Capricorn your solar 11th house of hopes and dreams. All dreams have to be grounded in reality or you will fall into a deep abyss. Neither think that the worst will happen nor that a miracle will happen, keep both feet on the ground. Make amends with your past.

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RE: [AlternativeAnswers] shingles


Is there a reputable (online) site for Chinese herbs (preferably organic)
that has them listed and what they're used for? I'd love to learn more about
Chinese herbs but would like a source that's recommended as opposed to the
"hunt and peck" find.




From: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Mercurius
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 2:57 PM
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] shingles

Suan Zao Ren Tang. It's a chinese herbal formula. Works every time, within
a day or so.

----- Original Message -----
From: "khay" <orfanannie69@yahoo.com <mailto:orfanannie69%40yahoo.com> >
To: <AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:AlternativeAnswers%40yahoogroups.com> >
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 9:08 AM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] shingles

> my mother in law has shingles.. any advice??? what to take? what to do?
> etc..... annie
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