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Sunday, January 9, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Sunday Morning Telephone Grid Healing, 1/9/2011, 10:00 am

Reminder from:   AlternativeAnswers Yahoo! Group
Title:   Sunday Morning Telephone Grid Healing
Date:   Sunday January 9, 2011
Time:   10:00 am - 11:30 am
Repeats:   This event repeats every week.
Location:   telephone conference call
Notes:   People meet from all over the world and hold a very high energy which many can feel... We are interlinking with group energies in other realms.. Please listen in at 712 432 1600 PIN 1099743#. Many participants have had amazing healings and transformations by participating on this call.
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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Question about Acid Reflux


They are feeding Nexium to 6 year olds?
(gently banging head against wall)
Please, try digestive enzymes and probiotics
instead. She needs her stomach acid to digest her food!
Do look into which foods irritate her, just play with it.
Withdraw all junk for starters.
EFT can be helpful with the anxiety as well.

Ien in the Kootenays
Be Here Now. Cultivate the Garden. Just be Kind.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[AlternativeAnswers] Beauty Tips for Bath


Beauty Tips for Bath

The most important ways of taking care of body is to have a good bath. Bathing can be made a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Making the right kind of arrangements in the bathroom and adding the right kind accessories in the bathroom can make your bath refreshing and soothing. Bath Beauty for centuries herbal baths have been used for therapeutic or bath beautypurposes. There are many benefits to taking herbal baths for therapeutic purposes, but the added benefit is that an herbal bath is relaxing too. The Egyptians made good use of a therapeutic herbal bath. Cleopatra is said to have bathed in milk and the flowers from herbs to keep her skin smooth and moist. Romans had community herbal bath beauty , the forerunner to the modern spa. There are two ways to prepare an herbal bath.

One method is to make an infusion; simply steep about one half cup of the herb or herbs in two cups of boiling water for ten to twenty minutes. Second way is to fill a porous bag or use an old stocking to put the herbs in. Hang the bag over the spigot so that the water will flow thru into the tub. For a stronger bath you can use both methods. Use fresh herbs for the most benefit. Do not expect miracles from pots and tubes. They are there to make you look more attractive, not to transform you completely. A few inches of fresh ginger will warm the body and soothe joints. Slice, simmer in boiling water for a good half hour. For an aroma therapeutic bath, keep tub water tepid. Hot water will cause those volatile oils to evaporate far too quickly. Do exercise in a warm bathtub. Hot water will cause those volatile oils to evaporate far too quickly.

Bath and Beauty Tips

1. Do not expect miracles from pots and tubes. They are there to make you look more attractive, not to transform you completely.

2. A few inches of fresh ginger will warm the body and soothe joints. Slice, simmer in boiling water for a good half hour.

3. For an aroma therapeutic bath, keep tub water tepid. Hot water will cause those volatile oils to evaporate far too quickly.

4. Do exercise in a warm bathtub. Experts say there is definite additional benefit from exercise done under warm water.

5. Dry armpits thoroughly before applying deodorant as wet skin gives rise to bacteria.

6. Mix two tablespoons of shampoo, one of oil (olive, for instance) and a few drops of your favorite perfume in a bottle.

7. Oil your body before you go for your bath, as then scrubbing with soap will take away more dead skin than normally.


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