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Saturday, January 8, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Dr Bate's Newsletter 1/8/11 - Fundamentals of Stress


This week I'm going back to some fundamentals about Alternate Health that
are largely ignored or not even known by most MD's. If you know them, you'll
be better off.

*S**tress (Normal and Hidden)*

The normal" is just from living. Years ago Holmes-Rahe described the ten
most stressful events causing actual disease, both mental and physical. This
is that list:

1. Death of a spouse

2. Divorce

3. Marriage separation

4. Jail term

5. Death of a close relative

6. Injury or illness

7. Marriage

8. Fired from job

9. Marriage reconciliation

10. Retirement

There were many more, but these were the worst. All except these could
usually be borne by the person. Most people can handle less than those above
fairly well. However - STRESS IS ADDITIVE.

What does this mean? It simply means that if you have only the "normal"
stress of living as a human, you can withstand disease pretty well.

But, very few people, especially today can do this. There are two "hidden"
stressors that most people aren't even aware of. These are Allergy stress,
and Toxic mineral stress.

*Allergy stress*

This is most insidious, as often symptoms are not evident. If you are
allergic to some foods, you may get hives or other symptoms, Hay fever is
easy, as you start sneezing when you get close to the allergen. But, there
are other allergies that do not have physical symptoms. For example, wheat
is the most common allergy, and it often causes weight gain and hold. This
is not an obvious symptom.

Insomnia is often a symptom of underlying depression as is anxiety, and all
three are most often caused by allergies. These are in effect "hidden".
ADD/ADHD and autism are on the same continuum in the opinion of most
experts. This combo is solved by curing the allergy involved , and this is
done by the use of either Neurofeedback, or my Neuroliminal Training. (NT )
in about 6-8 weeks. (The big difference is the cost - NFB costs aproximately
$4-6000 in clinics, NT costs $147. Not a difficult choice.

My theory that "Raising the SMR brain wave "somehow" solves allergy
problems" was first expressed to Dr von Hilsheimer in 2000, and has been
proven over and over to me and many others. Few of the neurofeedback
"experts" are even aware of this fact, as it is too expensive to use EEG
biofeedback for long periods. (And it can take even years to do this with

NT is relatively inexpensive, and it can be used for years very simply with
long lasting effects and it actually solves all allergies given enough time.
(It seems that our unconscious mind has somewht different priorities than we
may.). If "directed", such as with the Lose Weight NT CD, it starts on that
"job" much more quickly. (It took over 3 years for me to start losing
weight, but I lost other allergies in the interim. As stated above, the
unconscious mind has different priorities, but eventually it gets around to
virtually all allergies, or so it seems.

I have personally lost the following allergies and problems completely:
wheat (weight gain and hold), Ragweed (Hay fever from birth),
peanuts(Rheumatoid arthritis), Soy(neuralgia in arms and legs). Other people
in increasing numbers have told me much the same things.The Weight Loss/SMR
NT directs the unconscious towards weight loss, and it responds fairly
quickly, but for me and my late wife, it took at least 3 years before we
started to lose weight. (The VA MD's were astonished when I started losing
15 pounds every 3 months and started to look for cancer or something as a
cause of this. My wife started wearing bikinis at 64 again. (and she could,
unlike some that do and shouldn't).

Many other people have reported that various allergies and food
sensitivities have been seemingly cured by NT while using it for ADD/ADHD,
or depression, etc. It's now the only explanation that fits to my knowledge.

*Toxic Minerals*

This the other "hidden stress", and it is increasing every day in our
culture that is pumping mercury into the air and other minerals like lead
and arsenic and aluminum are being "dumped" into our soil, and water supply
as well as the sea. Mercury is directly fthe cause for at least 90% of
autism cases. Add mercury to the allergy kid that might only have ADD/ADHD,
and suddenly there's autism. All too often, the kid already has a near toxic
load of mercury from his mother's blood (breast feeding isn't all that good
if the mother is anywhere near toxic).

At some young age the kid is given up to 10 vaccines all at one time, and in
spite of the known facts, mercury is still used in vaccines. (Big Pharma
cares more about money than life it seems). As an agnostic, I would swear to
religious opposition if I had kids to avoid any vaccines. They are very

Now, how to get rid of this hidden stressor? There are many methods. MD's
use a chelation chemical called EDTA, or other. There are various "natural"
items such as zeolite that supposedly take toxins out of the blood. I prefer
the simple , cheap, and natural ascorbic acid vitamin C. It metabolially
combines with whatever mineral it finds in the blood, and makes an ascorbate
form out of it, thus Calcium Ascorbate, Mercury Ascorbate, etc. I

In this "acid" form, it takes all minerals out (the same as chelation) by
making them water soluble, thus able to be filtered out via the kidney/urine

The important thing to remember is that ONLY ascorbic acid, (the cheapest
form of vitamin C) normally works to do this. Any "neutral" vitamin C is
usually made into an ascorbate by adding sodium or calcium and it 's now an
ascorbate, and cannot change back to be able to take any other mineral out
of the blood.

I have been taking 4 grams (4000mg) of vitamin C daily for some few years.
Why 4 grams? That's the zoo RDA for a 150 pound primate - far from the
miserable 75 mg for humans. Apes are very expensive - are humans so much
cheaper? Big Pharma would have it so. If everybody started taking this RDA
instead of the other, Big Pharma would lose billions of bucks just in cold
cures and relief. Would that be good or bad? You'd be a whole lot better
off. I get no viruses or infections, and don't worry about them.

A year ago, my hair analysis showed all dozen of the toxic minerals
"unmeasurable" except for two very low ones that pose no problem. That is
very unusual, and the hair analysis I have done on hundreds of persons over
the past 30 years always showed much more toxicity in all.

Next let's talk about problems with this acid form of vitamin C. Some people
can't take it because they are allergic to corn, and it is made from corn.
(dextrose) Others can't take it because they can't take acidic things in
their mouth, as it causes sores there. (They don't know how to take pills
and it's simple to teach them.) Here's how to take a whole handful at once.

Take a good gulp of water, and hold it in the back of your mouth. Tilt your
head way back like a sword swallower, even almost lie down - drop in the
whole handful of pills, and swallow as you do that. It all goes down
smoothly with just a little practice, and you don't even taste the bad
tasting ones, or get any acid in the mouth, but it goes into the acid of the
stomach (with no problems of acidity).

Now, let's talk about how to test for minerals. There's a blood test, and
that only tests what is actually in the blood right now. Next, there is a
urine test, and if collected over 24 hours, is much better, (but a pain to
collect). Last, there is hair analysis. As a non MD I can't use either blood
or urine, so I used hair. It's better in some ways, and worse in others, and
takes a lot of knowledge to interpret correctly. All these tests are about
80% accurate in actual measuring of what is in the body (blood), but there's
a "catch" that not many MD's are even aware of.

The liver is the filter that traps, and stores these poisonous minerals,
keeping them from the brain where they can do a lot of damage particularly
lead and mercury. Now, the liver cannot release any back into the
bloodstream "until and unless" there is some chemical in the blood stream
that can take them out of the body. It's job is to keep them stored, until
such time as they can be released safely. Without some "removal" chemical in
the blood, toxins just build up in the liver until they "overload" the
system. At that point, some has to be released, or at least not filtered.

That's an important point to remember. An autistic kid that is loaded with
mercury, but he tests as negative or near negative for it because few of
them have any vitamin C or any

Glutathione in the blood. Both are the natural way to get rid of toxins, and
all animals except primates and a few odd animals manufacture ascorbic acid
out of glucose. We lost the enzyme needed to do this 65 million years ago in
our ape forefathers. (That's a big Oh well...)

(With all the sugar we eat today, if we had that enzyme back, we'd be really

Several lawsuits about autism used this "low or no mercury" shown in blood
tests by Big

Pharma as a defense, What do the courts or attorneys know about liver and
release? Now that's been exposed.

So, why not take Glutathione? There's some people that advocate this, but
it's not absorbed well, and it's very expensive. (More money made at the
expense of autism parents). Vitamin C is cheap, and it works fine.

*Stress Effects on Nutrition *

Here's the kicker. Stress is not only additive, but the more you have, the
more nutrition you need to combat it. (Or feed it.) It takes lots of the B
Complex, and C vitamins, and this "shorts" the rest of the body. So, what to

The brain needs these vitamins, so it has no other recourse. It gradually
opens up the pathway between the gut and the bloodstream. Thisaction has a
name. "Leaky Gut Syndrome". Now, the gut passes more vitamins, but also some
longer strings of amino acids (known as peptides). These may look like
possible viruses or bacteria, and thus the brain sets up a defense, and this
creates a food allergy. (Some people separate food sensitivity from allergy,
but all cause stress, so I combine them into one group for this discussion.)

Got the picture? The more the stress, the more lthe Leaky Gut Synrome, and
the more allergies created, and the more the stress. This can be a visious
downward cycle. Most autistic kids are allergic to their first foods of milk
and wheat as a result of this, so most feel (and act) better off the gluten
and milk diets. (Using NT for some time solves these allergy problems).

*The Gut Response*

Now, add in some antibiotics given by some MD for a bacterial (or even virus
where it is useless) infection, and this kills off some of the essential
bacteria in the gut that helps supply part of the B complex, and the
downward spiral accelerates. Nothing now seems to work right. All these
problems have to be understood and sucessfully approached in order to
restore health overall.

Now, I hope you begin to understand why I recommend my "Integrated 4 Part
Therapy for Autism And Other Problems". It works for all sorts of problems
such as the above. (It can be downloaded free from my web site by clicking
on "Dr Bate's Articles" in the lower right of the orange header on any web

That's what I have been doing, and at 83, I have solved both of the hidden
stresses, and am now dealing with the loss of a spouse successfully. My
vitamin C regime has done away with mineral toxicity. My gut works so well
that I never use deodorants, and my breath doesn't smell even if I don't
brush every day. I just may decide to live forever.


Don't forget that I am still calling for "sick" volunteers **to test my
newest 3 level Neuroliminal Training CD. I have 9 people signed up as of
now, and I'd like to get 20. Please think about it, and if you have friends
who are depressed, or physically sick in almost any way, send them to my web
page or me with an email. If this new one does what I think it does, it's
better than anything ever done for alternate health anywhere. I'm sure.It's
helped me more than I know .

My insulin is now down to half of what it was only 3-4 weeks ago. My atrial
fib and blood pressure are well within "normal" limits. I can suddenly
urinate standing up (you women have no idea what that means to a man, but
all men will understand). Prostate problems and nerves in that areas are
working again. Hooray.


Now, I'll get personal again. The woman (GiniG) that most of you know I was
waiting for came down from NY, and we met in New Smyrna Beach ln New Years
Day. She and I had it so good by phone, but together, we did not have even
close to what I think of as compatibility. We had no activities in common
except duplicate bridge. I am a very active person, and she is relatively
inactive. So we didn't make it, and I am back in the Singles groups, sending
out emails ;to 1 out of 5 women from 65 up, trying to find one that I'm
compatible with. Since so many of you have commented, I'll let you know when
and if I find HER. Thanks for all your kind comments.

BTW - Gini gave me an interesting puzzle. What 9 letter word can you take
one letter out at a time, and still have a good word until there is only one
letter left. I'll give that word at the end of this newsletter, and you can
try it out. Nobody figures it out. Gini and I are still phone and email
friends. I get puzzles from her, and I will post some to you. They're fun.

Health News Digest


From Natural News:

Attack on Vitamin C


Editor note: The problem with this type of attack is that they do not state
why the FDA is doing this. Could it be that that particular maker is using
mutated gene corn to make the C? If so, then the FDA is right (for once). I
need more info. If it is another attack on our health freedoms, then I'm


Top Five Negative Calorie foods (Eating them loses calories)



CDC announces new lower levels of flouride in water



There's a sort of funny list of Health headlines "expected" for 2011



25 percent of U.S. children on Big Pharma Drugs



From LIfeScript healthy Advantage:

14 Embarrassing Sex Questions - Answered!


(Yeah, that's the longest URL's I've ever seen, but they do have some good
stuff for women).


9 Bad Habits to Beat Now (New YearResolutions?



From Mercola:

Breaking News: Popular Cancer Drug Declared More Harmful Than Helpful



Memory Foggy? 5 Signs It's Not Serious



The Lethal Medical Failure That's Still Recommended by Your Doctor



Manmade Problem Turned Deadlier than AIDS - Is There Still Time to Correct



Cute and funny video "Penguin Dilemma"



Last and not least by any means- From Orthomolecular Medicine News:


Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, January 5, 2011

Zero Deaths from Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids or Herbs

Poison Control Statistics Prove Supplements' Safety Yet Again

(OMNS Jan 5, 2011) There was not even one death caused by a dietary
supplement in 2009, according to the most recent information collected by
the U.S. National Poison Data System.

The new 200-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control
Centers, published in the journal Clinical Toxicology, shows zero deaths
from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths
from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin.

Additionally, there were no deaths whatsoever from any amino acid, herb, or
dietary mineral supplement.

Two people died from non-nutritional mineral poisoning, one from a sodium
salt and one from an iron salt or iron. On page 1139, the AAPCC report
specifically indicates that the iron fatality was not from a nutritional
supplement. One other person is alleged to have died from an "Unknown
Dietary Supplement or Homeopathic Agent." This claim remains speculative, as
no verification information was provided.

60 poison centers provide coast-to-coast data for the U.S. National Poison
Data System, "one of the few real-time national surveillance systems in
existence, providing a model public health surveillance system for all types
of exposures, public health event identification, resilience response and
situational awareness tracking."

Over half of the U.S. population takes daily nutritional supplements. Even
if each of those people took only one single tablet daily, that makes
155,000,000 individual doses per day, for a total of nearly 57 billion doses
annually. Since many persons take more than just one vitamin or mineral
tablet, actual consumption is considerably higher, and the safety of
nutritional supplements is all the more remarkable.

If nutritional supplements are allegedly so "dangerous," as the FDA and news
media so often claim, then where are the bodies?


The 9 letter word is startling. You can figure it out from here. Just find
one letter at a time to take out leaving a real word still.


I hope you enjoyed this issue. Until next Saturday - good health to you.
Find some volunteers for me if you can. You'll be helping them and me.

Phil Bate PhD - NT Creator (and good old guy)

http://drbate.com -drbate@bellsouth.net

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[AlternativeAnswers] Empowering Resolutions: Weight Loss and Exercise


Good Morning!

This month we will be keeping tabs on your New Years Resolutions, in
order to empower you, help you to stay on track and give you some
great tips for keeping your promise to yourself.

Empowering Resolutions: Weight Loss and Exercise

Exercise is crucial to successful weight loss. Not only does it help
burn excess calories, but by increasing your physical activity you
can modify the way your brain regulates hunger, making you less
susceptible to food cravings.

Consider power walking, aerobics, swimming or any cardiovascular
exercise that you do consistently for 20-40 minutes. It is important
to keep the heart rate up in your target zone during this time in
order for cardio exercise to work effectively.

Stimulate your metabolism. Adding weight training and/or
cardiovascular exercise to your routine will boost your metabolism.
Cardio will burn extra calories while you're doing it. Resistance
training will actually increase the rate at which your body uses

Exercise during the day to exhaust the muscles and the mind. The
moving is good when we are depressed too! Aerobics, power walking,
weight training, swimming are all great for working the muscles and
the mind. Exercise gets the blood flowing and makes us move past many

Exercise early in the day. Twenty to thirty minutes of exercise every
day can help you sleep, but be sure to exercise in the morning or
afternoon. Exercise stimulates the body and aerobic activity before
bedtime may make falling asleep more difficult.

See a doctor before starting any kind of exercise program if you have
never exercised before or have any other illnesses.

Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

By increasing lifestyle activities each day, try doing four 10-minute increases
at least five days a week. The idea is to just do more of what you are already
doing. Here are some great ideas on getting motivated:

*Walk, don't drive.

*Take the stairs at the office — not the elevator.

*Play with your kids instead of watching them play.

*Bike to the store.

*Stretch while you watch TV.

*Get up from the sofa to change the channel. Channel surfers get
quite a workout.

*Park at the opposite end of the mall from where you're headed.

*If you've got an exercise bike at home, peddle away for 5 minutes while you're
talking on the phone or waiting for the washing machine
to finish.

*Walk the treadmill while watching a favorite TV program.

*Listen to music and dance your way through housecleaning.

*Start slow — a few minutes at first. Then, pick up the pace and go longer.

*Workout clothes are not necessary, but wear good walking shoes.

*Don't let missing a few days become your excuse to quit.

*Even if you miss a few days, you won't lose all the benefits you've gained.

*Be flexible. Do what you can when you can.

*Take advantage of opportunities. If you're watching your child's soccer game,
walk around the field.

*Playing golf? Skip the cart.

*Find a partner. Climbing stairs at the office will be far more interesting if
you chat away the minutes with a co-worker.

*Instead of building your life around exercise, build exercise around your life.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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[AlternativeAnswers] Reference Point Therapy - Wow!!


We weren't really sure what we were getting into when we decided to take
the Reference Point Therapy class. The free intro/demo was good but the
class was awesome. Not only was the class awesome but we all fell in
love with Val. So all of us in the class asked the teacher (Val Moore)
to come back to Denver Colorado this month to teach both Level 1 and
Level 2. More Info - www.wholelifemodalities.com - classes and events

Pat & Kitty

Here are some comments from others.

"I have been feeling much better since the workshop. I am a skeptic by
nature, but it's hard to argue with results. You are an awesome
teacher... I was fully engaged the whole time. You are also a gifted
healer. Cannot wait to see you in Jan.-R. Skinner "

"The amazing thing to me about my practice with RPT is the
consistency of the results. Pretty profound too, yet so simple.

"I took the course because I was interested in the Triune Brain. I
had noticed that some of my emotional issues I had cleared years back
would reappear, and I was suspicious that the Reptilian Brain, which
deals with safety, security and survival issues might be the key. Val,
our bright, funny teacher did some demos that showed beyond a shadow of
a doubt that the Triune Brain is the answer. The process is painless
and easy to do on myself. I have saved the cost of the seminar by
processing my emotions myself, rather than going to a Psychotherapist;
when I get to the bottom of it, it is gone for good.-Susan A"

Val will be teaching at Journey For Conscious Living - 5855 Wadsworth
BypSuite 100, Arvada, CO

Jan 21st 7:00PM is the Free demo
Jan 22 -23 Level 1
Jan 28-30 Level 2

If you have questions you can call Val (which is also pretty cool)
1-253-709-5427 val@referencepointtherapy.com

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