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Friday, January 7, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Neotame Poison Now in Organic Food


Bad News. Nazi FDA allows Nazi Food Companies to put poisonous Neotame
into organic and other processed foods without labeling - in other
words secretly, like Nazis would proudly do. I just received this,
forwarded from a friend. - LK

USDA Certified Organic's Dirty Little Secret: Neotame
By Barbara H. Peterson - Farm Wars [http://farmwars.info
<http://farmwars.info/> ]

Just when we thought that buying "Organic" was safe, we run headlong
into the deliberate poisoning of our organic food supply by the FDA in
collusion with none other than the folks who brought us Aspartame.
NutraSweet, a former Monsanto asset, has developed a new and improved
version of this neurotoxin called Neotame.

Neotame has similar structure to aspartame - except that, from it's
structure, appears to be even more toxic than aspartame. This potential
increase in toxicity will make up for the fact that less will be used in
diet drinks. Like aspartame, some of the concerns include gradual
neurotoxic and immunotoxic damage from the combination of the
formaldehyde metabolite (which is toxic at extremely low doses) and the
excitotoxic amino acid. (Holisticmed.com <http://holisticmed.com/> )

But surely, this product would be labeled! NOT SO!!! For this little
gem, no labeling required. And it is even included in USDA Certified
Organic food.

The food labeling requirements required for aspartame have now been
dropped for Neotame, and no one is clear why this was allowed to happen.
Neotame has been ruled acceptable, and without being included on the
list of ingredients, for:
USDA Certified Organic food items. Certified Kosher products with the
official letter k inside the circle on labels. (Janet Hull)

Let me make this perfectly clear. Neotame does not have to be included
in ANY list of ingredients! So, if you buy processed food, whether USDA
Certified Organic or not, that food most likely will contain Neotame
because it is cost-effective, and since no one knows it is there, there
is no public backlash similar to what is happening with Aspartame. But
that's not all. Just love chowing down on that delicious steak? Well,
that cow most likely will have been fed with feed containingŠ..you
guessed itŠ..Neotame! A product called "Sweetos," which is actually
composed of Neotame, is being substituted for molasses in animal feed.

"Sweetos is an economical substitute for molasses. Sweetos guarantees
the masking of unpleasant tastes and odor and improves the palatability
of feed. This product will be economical for farmers and manufacturers
of cattle feed. It can also be used in mineral mixture," said Craig
Petray, CEO, The NutraSweet Company, a division of Searle, which is a
part of Monsanto. (Bungalow Bill)

Why would we feed animals food that is so distasteful that we would have
to mask the unpleasantness with an artificial sweetener? Most animals
will not eat spoiled, rancid feed. They know by the smell that it is not
good. Enter Sweetos (Neotame). Just cover up the unpleasant tastes and
odors, and you can feed them anything you want to, courtesy of the oh,
so considerate folks at Monsanto and company. But of course, Monsanto is
no longer associated with NutraSweet. In the time-honored tradition of
covering its assets, Monsanto has a proven track record of spinning off
controversial portions of its company that generate too much scrutiny,
such as it did with the Solutia solution.

Says the Farm Industry News, "Monsanto, which has long resided in the
crosshairs of public scorn and scrutiny, appears to have dodged at least
one bullet by spinning off its industrial chemical business into a
separate entity called Solutia a couple of years ago. Solutia has since
been hammered by lawsuits regarding PCB contamination from what were
once called Monsanto chemical plants in Alabama and other states"
(Source Watch)

So what is the solution to this problem? Buy local organic food, know
your local farmer, and don't buy processed foods whether they are
labeled "Organic" or not. This requires a drastic change in lifestyle
that most will not want to make.

For those who choose to ride the wheel of chance by succumbing to this
terrible adulteration of our food supply by those who stand to profit
from our sickness and early demise, my only comment is: it is your
choice. VISIT - http://farmwars.info/?p=4897

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[AlternativeAnswers] Creating A Healthy Belief System


Good Morning!

Creating A Healthy Belief System

A belief system that serves us well, is a belief in unlimited
abundance, a deserving and humble nature and room to understand that,
which serves the common good. Consider these suggestions for creating
a healthy belief system that serves you:

1. Start by allowing abundance into your life: There are no limits
except for those we impose on ourselves. Believing you cannot have
what you want in your life, is a self-destructive and disparaging
idea that you create yourself.

2. Use the words "unlimited possibilities": This is your mantra. I
have, I desire, I believe in...."unlimited possibilities". Abundance
is a long lasting, enduring enjoyment of life. It is being in love
with living.

3. Understand that you are deserving: No, it is not your "karma", not
your "lot in life", not "what you deserve"... we are ALL deserving.
You deserve all that the Universe is able to give, and these
are "endless possibilities".

4. Improve your self esteem: We can all seek to improve ourselves. It
is time you became committed to truly loving and appreciating
yourself and who you are. Take a minute to look at your
individualism. Honor who you are. Honor what it took to get you
there. Chest up and get moving!

5. Improve feelings of self-hate arising out of guilt: Is it possible
that your guilty feelings are excessive, your self-hate is an
overreaction? Yes. Look back at the cause of this belief. Who are you
really punishing here? Re-evaluate your situation. Stop the self
punishment and forgive yourself....and others. It serves only to wear
you down.

6. Look at your negative beliefs: What is standing in your way? Is it
issues around love, money, health. Take a look at these issues on an
individual basis. Remove the question from the situation. Does it
really have value? What is the true connection between you and this

7. Are you general happy?: If so, make a list of 10 things that bring
you happiness! If you believe you are not, make a list of 5 thinks
that do not. Evaluate these 5 items of unhappiness. Each has a
solution that you are going to solve!

8. Perhaps there is a current belief that no longer serves you: have
the courage and the strength to seek the truth. Allow yourself to let
go of an old, hurtful or useless idea or concept that does you no
good. Allow yourself. Let it go.

9. Search for meaning by reading and reflection: The search itself
will help restore a degree of sense and purpose to existence.

10. Some important values: about your belief system include giving,
sharing, accepting compliments and recognizing new beginnings.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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[AlternativeAnswers] Difference in meaning?


Hi Deb,

Yes and no is the answer. Each of those has slightly different meaning and
somewhat different therapies may be involved. All are similar in that all
are trying to get away from MD and Big Pharma drugs which are all dangerous
to your health, although they may provide some symptom relief. "There are
may paths." as someone said.

As a psychologist in1979, I did not believe in vitamins able to cue
schizophrenia, but I had a schizophrenic young girl that I couldn't do
anything with at all. A pamphlet from the Orthomolecular Society and Abram
Hoffer came to me in the mail, and I thought "What the hell, nothing else
works, let's try it." I still didn't think it would work. So, I started
her on the megavitamin therapy Abram had developed, and no one was more
surprised than I when it started to work. I then became the only PhD
psychologist around that could take schizophrenics and depressives and
actually cure them. I had six books on inter library loan constantly in
order to learn the biochemistry I now needed to keep up in this new field.

This led me to both Carl Pfeiffer and Linus Pauling. Carl and (and Abram)
became good personal friends. I only spoke to Linus on the phone for over
30 minutes, but I count him as a friend, as I've read all his books.

Abram once told my wife that "I love Phil because he's the only PhD in this
group, and he isn't "educationally handicapped" as all MD's and most Phd's
are. He thinks outside the lines, and he's given me some good ideas." That
from the "master". All those great are now dead, and I miss them.

Now, most people aren't even aware of the orthomolecular, and those other
words you quote are more popular (even to me) as they are more
understandable by most people.

I've been lucky enough to find several of these paths to knowledge. At 83,
I take no drugs except a small amount of insulin for Type ii diabetes. I
switched from Metformin a yar ago as that causes liver damage. There few
men past 60 that can say the same. My health and activity age is in the low
sixties. I confidently expect to reach above 100 - barring accidents.

As an expert in EEG biofeedback, I found that it is too expensive for mid
and low income persons, so I looked for and found that I could do the same
things by using special subliminal messaging in 2004. My NT works even
better long term, as if a person uses it for long term it cures all
allergies it seems, thus curing many long term problems. No one can afford
NFB for that long, so most of those practitioners have no idea that what
changing the SMR brain wave does is cure allergies.

Take a long look at my website, read a few articles, or a few web pages, and
you see that I help people. I actually do guarantee "noticeable
improvement" within 60 days, even for autism, or return for a refund. Find
another doctor who can do that!

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