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Saturday, December 18, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: The Power of Forgiveness


Great article
--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "Andrew Pacholyk" <yogiguruji@...> wrote:
> Good Morning!
> The Power of Forgiveness
> "Forgiveness is the healing of wounds caused by another". It is our
> choice to learn to let go of a past wrong and it is our choice to no
> longer allow ourselves to be hurt by it. Remove your ego from the
> equation. Now look at the situation. Does it appear differently? As
> it was so eloquently stated by Henry Ward Beecher, when someone
> says "I can forgive, but I cannot forget", it is only another way of
> saying, I will not forgive.
> Why Should We Forgive?
> The need to understand the power and place of forgiveness in our
> world is important in the healing process. It is urgent that we
> examine the steps that lead to justice and strengthen society. We
> need to understand how forgiveness improves the human condition. How
> do we choose to forgive? What are the effects of holding grudges and
> seeking revenge? We can find a way to balance our need for security
> with the potential for granting forgiveness.
> Forgiveness offers the possibility of two types of peace: peace of
> mind -- the potential healing of old emotional wounds, and peace with
> others -- the possibility of new, more gratifying relationships in
> the future.
> "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the
> strong." - Mahatma Gandhi
> Author Larry James (1.) states "Forgiveness works! It is often difficult, AND it
> works! We often think of forgiveness as something that someone who has done us
> wrong must ask of US. There is always another way of looking at something. My
> thoughts on forgiveness suggest that you focus on offering forgiveness TO the
> person who has wronged you. To not forgive them is like taking the poison
> (continuing to suffer for what they did or didn't do to you) and expecting THEM
> to die!"
> Alexander Pope once said, "To err is human; to forgive, Divine."
> Believe it!
> Mr. James goes on to say "Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself.
> It is not something you do FOR someone else. It is not complicated.
> It is simple. Simply identify the situation to be forgiven and ask
> yourself: "Am I willing to waste my energy further on this matter?"
> If the answer is "No," then that's it! All is forgiven".
> "The secret of forgiving everything is to understand nothing." -
> George Bernard Shaw
> Tools For Forgiveness
> The need to understand the power and place of forgiveness in our
> world is important in the healing process. See humility as
> forgiveness. Your own sense of peace and contentment are born out of
> forgiveness. How and when you forgive, reflects much of the way you
> view yourself and the world around you. Consider these reasons and
> tools for forgiving:
> 1. Our ability to forgiven is in direct proportion to our ability to
> receive forgiveness.
> 2. When we are able to forgive all parts of ourselves, this allows us
> to be that much more perfect and whole. This in turn helps us to
> forgive others for any past mistakes.
> 3. Remember: mistakes come from good people who from time to time
> made some bad choices.
> 4. Judgments, resentments and grudges are destructive emotions. When
> left unchecked, unresolved or not under control, they can wash away
> the foundation of any relationship.
> 5. A wake-up call is in order! Talk it out. Resolve issues, disputes
> and misunderstanding by expressing your feelings in a calm, well
> thought out, civil conversation. Preferably in person.
> 6. When we hurt ourselves we hurt each other. Learn to forgive
> yourself by releasing your guilt. Learn to forgive others by letting
> go of your ego.
> 7. Remind yourself that we live in each other's hearts and when we
> look at ourselves we see each other. When we love each other we love
> ourselves more.
> 8. Learn to understand the relief you gain from forgiveness.
> 9. Step up to the plate and speak your peace.
> 10. Forgiving is the ultimate in acceptance of yourself and others.
> It revels a path to our true selves.
> "Always forgive your enemies--nothing annoys them so much." - Oscar
> Wilde
> Forgiveness Workbook
> This Forgiveness Worksheet or Life Workbook, is a great way to bring
> the power of your thoughts, good energy and a generous way to express
> your true feelings on paper. This journal can be used for writing
> down situations and how you have experienced them. These journals are
> good places to record your positive outlook, your goals for achieving
> a path to your truths and your daily affirmation. It can allow you to
> look at that information later for understanding inspiration and
> guidance.
> Tips for Understanding Forgiveness
> 1. Upon waking, write down the name of the person you are forgiving.
> Write down what it is you are forgiving them for.
> 2. It is a good idea to write words such as I am, I can, I will.
> 3. Write down your perception of the misunderstanding.
> 4. Jot down significant words/phrases, that signify your mindfulness,
> today. "My partner", "my great career", "my respect for myself and
> others".
> 5. List what negative feelings you are still holding on to. Explain
> in your journal.
> 6. Now learn about the power of letting go of these feelings. Write
> down each day, something new that you find forgivenss in doing,
> seeing, saying, hearing...
> 7. Understand, it is now time to let go, which you will do
> by____________________. (write it down). Look at it periodically.
> What has positive impact on your thoughts?
> 8. Do you see failure as a stumbling block or a stepping stone to
> forgiveness? Find three things in forgiving that make it a stepping
> stone to the next level! List them now.
> 9. Be sure and write the time and day on the top of the page.
> 10. Make this journal your own! Buy or make a book that you are eager
> to go to each day. Use stickers, color, doodles that all express your
> journey to forgiving yourself and others.
> Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.
> http://www.peacefulmind.com/forgiveness.htm
> Therapies for healing
> mind, body, spirit
> References
> (1.) Copyright © 2005 - Larry James. Reprinted with permission. - This article
> is adapted from Larry's books, "How to Really Love the One You're With:
> Affirmative Guidelines for a Healthy Love Relationship," "LoveNotes for Lovers:
> Words That Make Music for Two Hearts Dancing" and "Red Hot LoveNotes for
> Lovers." Author Larry James presents seminars nationally for singles and
> couples. Subscribe to Larry's FREE monthly "LoveNotes for Lovers" eZINE.
> Contact: CelebrateLove.com, P.O. Box 12695, Scottsdale, AZ 85267-2695.
> LarryJames@... - www.CelebrateLove.com

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Bls: [AlternativeAnswers] anger and frailty


Your strory inspire me and thank you your post, I love this article.
May God bless You,

Thank you,

Dari: Alfonso Ramos <alsports2000@yahoo.com>
Kepada: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Terkirim: Jum, 17 Desember, 2010 10:15:18
Judul: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] anger and frailty

Never let the sun set with you in a provoked state-that's what the good book
says. Kiss hug your son and in fact any of your loved ones and try and
understand that he/she is trying to become a man and he also is going thru
changes. We cannot forever treat them as babies, we need to let them grow and
take the lead. Similar incident happened to my son with his son but talking and
expressing what you are feeling and finding common ground. He loves you and you
love him, so, don't let anything come between you two, settle differences right
away. Listen and don't judge, sometimes that's all they want. Hope it helps you
cope, hang in there, you are not alone. AL.
P. S. Don't take life too serious, laugh it out and stay focused.

--- On Thu, 12/16/10, chrislynnes@aol.com <chrislynnes@aol.com> wrote:

From: chrislynnes@aol.com <chrislynnes@aol.com>
Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] anger and frailty
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, December 16, 2010, 2:35 PM

Possibly addressing the emotional issue instead of suppressing it. Possibly
reading and finding a therapist who knows Loving What Is technique (Byron Katie)
or EFT or other techniques that can get to the root emotion and pain that keeps
coming up or getting suppressed. Looking into forgiveness of yourself, your
son, and even forgiving life for being so hard might help. If it is easy to
understand, but hard emotionally to do look for someone who can help you.

Perhaps Rescue Remedy or homeopathics might help with the shock and emotion as

Please take care of yourself because emotions are very real to the body and can
trigger real physical trauma.

Seek help if you need it.

Just hoping to help,


-----Original Message-----

From: Joy Rex <jomarex@earthlink.net>

To: alternativeanswers <alternativeanswers@yahoogroups.com>

Sent: Thu, Dec 16, 2010 6:36 am

Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] anger and frailty

I knew I shouldn't have just gone to bed the other night after I let

my big teenaged son make me so extremely angry. But I did, even

feeling that feeling I was feeling.

Ever since, I have felt so weak and shaky and frail, and even a fair

amount of discomfort in the middle of my chest. The least bit of

anxiety makes all that come up again.

This happened one time before, several years ago. Don't remember how

long this frailty lasted, but now I'm perimenopausal and a half-

century old. I've actually been taking an aspirin now and then just

in case something is going on with my heart.

Any thoughts or experiences?



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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Bls: [AlternativeAnswers] anger and frailty


Thanks for your letter, I'm very interest to talk about "Non-Violent
May God bless You.


Dari: Nia Von Toth <nia113@yahoo.com>
Kepada: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Terkirim: Jum, 17 Desember, 2010 18:38:33
Judul: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] anger and frailty

I've seen this in one of my loved ones.
Perhaps the book titled "Non-Violent Communication" by Dr Marshals Rosenberg
could help you.
I wish you all the best in untangling emotionally from your son in a healthy


From: "chrislynnes@aol.com" <chrislynnes@aol.com>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, December 16, 2010 12:35:43 PM
Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] anger and frailty

Possibly addressing the emotional issue instead of suppressing it. Possibly
reading and finding a therapist who knows Loving What Is technique (Byron Katie)

or EFT or other techniques that can get to the root emotion and pain that keeps
coming up or getting suppressed. Looking into forgiveness of yourself, your
son, and even forgiving life for being so hard might help. If it is easy to
understand, but hard emotionally to do look for someone who can help you.

Perhaps Rescue Remedy or homeopathics might help with the shock and emotion as

Please take care of yourself because emotions are very real to the body and can
trigger real physical trauma.

Seek help if you need it.

Just hoping to help,


-----Original Message-----
From: Joy Rex <jomarex@earthlink.net>
To: alternativeanswers <alternativeanswers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thu, Dec 16, 2010 6:36 am
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] anger and frailty

I knew I shouldn't have just gone to bed the other night after I let
my big teenaged son make me so extremely angry. But I did, even
feeling that feeling I was feeling.

Ever since, I have felt so weak and shaky and frail, and even a fair
amount of discomfort in the middle of my chest. The least bit of
anxiety makes all that come up again.

This happened one time before, several years ago. Don't remember how
long this frailty lasted, but now I'm perimenopausal and a half-
century old. I've actually been taking an aspirin now and then just
in case something is going on with my heart.

Any thoughts or experiences?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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