Great article
--- In, "Andrew Pacholyk" <yogiguruji@...> wrote:
> Good Morning!
> The Power of Forgiveness
> "Forgiveness is the healing of wounds caused by another". It is our
> choice to learn to let go of a past wrong and it is our choice to no
> longer allow ourselves to be hurt by it. Remove your ego from the
> equation. Now look at the situation. Does it appear differently? As
> it was so eloquently stated by Henry Ward Beecher, when someone
> says "I can forgive, but I cannot forget", it is only another way of
> saying, I will not forgive.
> Why Should We Forgive?
> The need to understand the power and place of forgiveness in our
> world is important in the healing process. It is urgent that we
> examine the steps that lead to justice and strengthen society. We
> need to understand how forgiveness improves the human condition. How
> do we choose to forgive? What are the effects of holding grudges and
> seeking revenge? We can find a way to balance our need for security
> with the potential for granting forgiveness.
> Forgiveness offers the possibility of two types of peace: peace of
> mind -- the potential healing of old emotional wounds, and peace with
> others -- the possibility of new, more gratifying relationships in
> the future.
> "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the
> strong." - Mahatma Gandhi
> Author Larry James (1.) states "Forgiveness works! It is often difficult, AND it
> works! We often think of forgiveness as something that someone who has done us
> wrong must ask of US. There is always another way of looking at something. My
> thoughts on forgiveness suggest that you focus on offering forgiveness TO the
> person who has wronged you. To not forgive them is like taking the poison
> (continuing to suffer for what they did or didn't do to you) and expecting THEM
> to die!"
> Alexander Pope once said, "To err is human; to forgive, Divine."
> Believe it!
> Mr. James goes on to say "Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself.
> It is not something you do FOR someone else. It is not complicated.
> It is simple. Simply identify the situation to be forgiven and ask
> yourself: "Am I willing to waste my energy further on this matter?"
> If the answer is "No," then that's it! All is forgiven".
> "The secret of forgiving everything is to understand nothing." -
> George Bernard Shaw
> Tools For Forgiveness
> The need to understand the power and place of forgiveness in our
> world is important in the healing process. See humility as
> forgiveness. Your own sense of peace and contentment are born out of
> forgiveness. How and when you forgive, reflects much of the way you
> view yourself and the world around you. Consider these reasons and
> tools for forgiving:
> 1. Our ability to forgiven is in direct proportion to our ability to
> receive forgiveness.
> 2. When we are able to forgive all parts of ourselves, this allows us
> to be that much more perfect and whole. This in turn helps us to
> forgive others for any past mistakes.
> 3. Remember: mistakes come from good people who from time to time
> made some bad choices.
> 4. Judgments, resentments and grudges are destructive emotions. When
> left unchecked, unresolved or not under control, they can wash away
> the foundation of any relationship.
> 5. A wake-up call is in order! Talk it out. Resolve issues, disputes
> and misunderstanding by expressing your feelings in a calm, well
> thought out, civil conversation. Preferably in person.
> 6. When we hurt ourselves we hurt each other. Learn to forgive
> yourself by releasing your guilt. Learn to forgive others by letting
> go of your ego.
> 7. Remind yourself that we live in each other's hearts and when we
> look at ourselves we see each other. When we love each other we love
> ourselves more.
> 8. Learn to understand the relief you gain from forgiveness.
> 9. Step up to the plate and speak your peace.
> 10. Forgiving is the ultimate in acceptance of yourself and others.
> It revels a path to our true selves.
> "Always forgive your enemies--nothing annoys them so much." - Oscar
> Wilde
> Forgiveness Workbook
> This Forgiveness Worksheet or Life Workbook, is a great way to bring
> the power of your thoughts, good energy and a generous way to express
> your true feelings on paper. This journal can be used for writing
> down situations and how you have experienced them. These journals are
> good places to record your positive outlook, your goals for achieving
> a path to your truths and your daily affirmation. It can allow you to
> look at that information later for understanding inspiration and
> guidance.
> Tips for Understanding Forgiveness
> 1. Upon waking, write down the name of the person you are forgiving.
> Write down what it is you are forgiving them for.
> 2. It is a good idea to write words such as I am, I can, I will.
> 3. Write down your perception of the misunderstanding.
> 4. Jot down significant words/phrases, that signify your mindfulness,
> today. "My partner", "my great career", "my respect for myself and
> others".
> 5. List what negative feelings you are still holding on to. Explain
> in your journal.
> 6. Now learn about the power of letting go of these feelings. Write
> down each day, something new that you find forgivenss in doing,
> seeing, saying, hearing...
> 7. Understand, it is now time to let go, which you will do
> by____________________. (write it down). Look at it periodically.
> What has positive impact on your thoughts?
> 8. Do you see failure as a stumbling block or a stepping stone to
> forgiveness? Find three things in forgiving that make it a stepping
> stone to the next level! List them now.
> 9. Be sure and write the time and day on the top of the page.
> 10. Make this journal your own! Buy or make a book that you are eager
> to go to each day. Use stickers, color, doodles that all express your
> journey to forgiving yourself and others.
> Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.
> Therapies for healing
> mind, body, spirit
> References
> (1.) Copyright © 2005 - Larry James. Reprinted with permission. - This article
> is adapted from Larry's books, "How to Really Love the One You're With:
> Affirmative Guidelines for a Healthy Love Relationship," "LoveNotes for Lovers:
> Words That Make Music for Two Hearts Dancing" and "Red Hot LoveNotes for
> Lovers." Author Larry James presents seminars nationally for singles and
> couples. Subscribe to Larry's FREE monthly "LoveNotes for Lovers" eZINE.
> Contact:, P.O. Box 12695, Scottsdale, AZ 85267-2695.
> LarryJames@... -
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