As I understand it, EFT, visualization, & positive thinking can be very helpful for many people & have their place. But they manage symptoms & redirect thoughts instead of addressing the Root Cause. I do not believe that you can think or visualize your way out of a bio-chemical disorder or a broken leg.
Powerful Anxiety disorders like PTSD, OCD, & Alcoholism tend to effect the person constantly, making it very difficult to maintain mental focus constantly. The problem tends to wear down & tire out the person long before the person can wear down & tire out the problem with mental techniques & will power.
With very similar terrible experiences, why do some get PTSD & others do not? There must be another factor having little or nothing to do with personal courage & fortitude.
Because the presence of an underlying, usually pre-existing Chronic Anxiety condition makes one group much more sensitive to stress & more unable to deal with it later.
Low Thyroid, Toxicity, & Pyroluria all create Chronic Anxiety & all are increasingly common because of poor diet & the effects of Soy, Flouride, & Chlorine, immune system stress, & the pollution of our environment, especially in a war zone.
Checking the person for symptoms of these 3 disorders & treating them will not erase the terrible experiences, but will lessen the vulnerability to stress, & decrease the Chronic Anxiety that obsessively drags the mind & emotions back to the past terrible events & causes the person to re-live them emotionally. Obsession & nervousness are the hallmarks of Chronic Anxiety.
When the underlying Chronic Anxiety condition decreases & the person rediscovers the ability to relax & be more calm little by little, the PTSD becomes more & more manageable. The memories will be there for a very long time, but the person will no longer be forced to emotionally live there. He will develop some "distance" from these events & eventually be able to more successfully "deal with it."
Some symptoms of Low Thyroid: thin eyebrows at outer end, sensitive to cold, low energy, & more.
Some symptoms of Pyroluria: lines running the length of the fingernails, crowded teeth, sensitive to noise, commotion, bright lights. Dry skin, quick temper, speaks with urgency, nervous habits like knee bouncing, & many more.
If the person has both conditions, as some do, then the problem is of course much more severe.
Low Thyroid is best treated with Alternative Health because Big Med finds not having very effective treatments for this & most other chronic conditions more profitable, having forced Armour thyroid off the market.
And I strongly maintain that Pyroluria is absolutely not genetic, but a common multi-resistant infection which can be interrupted & reversed with a natural food therapy, something which is totally impossible with a genetic condition.
Effectively treating these conditions quickly begins to help. Treating Toxicity often yields positive results in a few weeks, Low Thyroid in a few days, & Pyroluria in a about an hour.
I currently work with ex-military & their families at no extra charge for my time, as time, energy, & client interest & compliance permits.
I hope this is helpful.
Michael Kohloff
I am not a physician. All statements are expressions of my personal opinion & are not meant for the purpose of diagnosis, & are no substitute for medical advice. Starting, stopping, or changing medications, Psych meds in particular, without the advice of a physician & the personal research required for "informed consent," can be very dangerous & life threatening.
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