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Friday, December 10, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Post Tramatic Stress Disorder


There are a variety of therapies that have been shown effective for PTSD. EFT has a segment on one of their training CDs on treating a Vietnam War vet. PSYCH-K, EMDR even Animal Therapy can all help with PTSD.
Alan E. Smith
UnBreak Your Health

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Post Tramatic Stress Disorder


I am a therapist and if your husband can get a person who can do EMDR it
will relieve his PTSD. They used it at the VA here in Palo Alto, Ca and it is
a remedy.. Sara

--- On Wed, 12/8/10, purityandbalance <purityandbalance@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: purityandbalance <purityandbalance@yahoo.com>
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Post Tramatic Stress Disorder
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 1:33 PM


I have a friend who's husband was in the Marine's and fought overseas. He has PTSD and dreams he is still at war and wakes up not recognizing his wife immediately.

Looking for recommendations, as he refuses to get drugged up by his local VA Hospital. Thanks. JP

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RE: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Anxiety and ways to deal with depression


Depression is the body's signal that it can no longer overcompensate for
something in life. It is the body's cry for help and doing something is
always better

than doing nothing. Enough 'somethings' will begin creating a shift.

Diet can play a contributing role to depression as does not getting enough
deep REM sleep. Sugar and wheat are 2 major culprits, so looking at what
he/she is

eating and making some adjustments there really helps. Also the supplement
5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin and also helps promote deeper sleep.

Any kind of movement of the body helps as well, whether it is regular
walking, exercise or even stretching & moving in place. Time spent outside,

with nature is a big help. Barefoot in the grass or dirt, sitting near a
body of water. I often step outside at night and lean against my favorite
tree (OK-I hug it

actually!) and reconnect with the earth right before going to bed.

Body work such as Reiki treatment or massage work well. Finding a coach or
practitioner that does belief change work is one of the best ways to shift

of depression.

Each emotion or thought we have creates a specific chemical response.
Thoughts of depression (its chemical response) can actually become
addictive, so changing any part of your pattern can help break the cycle.

Bonnie Strehlow

Honoring the Power of Spirit, Living the Life You Desire

<http://www.bonniestrehlow.blogspot.com/> www.bonniestrehlow.blogspot.com


"When women awaken, mountains will move." Chinese proverb

From: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of shaul_morgenstern
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 12:47 PM
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Anxiety and ways to deal with depression

Well, there is a lot to exercise, but there seems to be more to depression
than exercise and drugs.
Seretanine is the neurotransmitter of wellbeing, and it also controls the
five senses (so we can get impaired sensiomotor together with lack of
wellbeing. (Antidepressants today are mostly ssri - suppressing seretanine
uptake) . As far as I understand opaids and endrophins compete for the same
seretanine receptors. A good workout will give relief, as will excitement or
pain - endorphin relief instead of seratonine wellbeing. Part of it is in
your mind, if you think happy the brain will produce more seratanine,
nutrition also plays a part. Exercise is great, but not the only part of the

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:AlternativeAnswers%40yahoogroups.com> , "felixbleeker"
<felixbleeker@...> wrote:
> Anxiety in lay man's term means uneasiness, discomfort and nervous
reaction leading to fear. Excessive anxiety may lead to anxiety
disorder.Depression on the other hand is a more of a psychological problem.
It's your reaction to any kind of loss or misfortune.Anxiety and depression
can be judged based on their severity. Depression treatment can ease your
problems. Start with daily healthy habits at home to cure depression.Control
your breath. Breathe deep inside and release your breathe leisurely. Undergo
physical activities to manage and reduce stress.
> http://stressverminderen.clammo.com/

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