Evaluation of topical application of 10%
imidacloprid-1% moxidectin to prevent,Bartonella henselae
transmission from cat fleas.
J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2010 Apr 15;236(8):869-73.
Evaluation of topical application of 10% imidacloprid-1%
moxidectin to prevent Bartonella henselae transmission from cat
Bradbury CA, Lappin MR.
Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine
and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins,
CO 80523.
Objective-To determine whether monthly topical administration of
a combination of 10% imidacloprid and 1% moxidectin would lessen
flea (Ctenocephalides felis) transmission of Bartonella henselae
among cats.
Design-Controlled trial.
Animals-18 specific pathogen-free cats housed in 3 groups of 6.
Procedures-3 enclosures were separated by mesh to allow fleas to
pass among groups yet prevent cats from contacting one another.
One group was inoculated IV with B henselae, and after infection
was confirmed, the cats were housed in the middle enclosure. This
infected group was flanked by a group that was treated topically
with 10% imidacloprid-1% moxidectin monthly for 3 months and by
an untreated group. On days 0, 15, 28, and 42, 100 fleas/cat were
placed on each of the 6 cats in the B henselae-infected group.
Blood samples were collected from all cats weekly for detection
of Bartonella spp via PCR assay, bacterial culture, and serologic
Results-B henselae infection was confirmed in the cats infected
IV and in all untreated cats after flea exposure; none of the
cats treated with the imidacloprid-moxidectin combination became
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-In this setting, monthly
topical administration of 10% imidacloprid-1% moxidectin reduced
flea infestation, compared with infestation in untreated cats,
and thus prevented flea transmission of B henselae to treated
cats. Regular monthly use of this flea control product in cats
may lessen the likelihood of humans acquiring B henselae
PMID: 20392182 [PubMed - in process]
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