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Sunday, December 5, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] Restless leg


One major cause of Restless Leg is Candida. I was greatly troubled by RLS & it would not let me fall asleep hardly at all. I read "Yeast Connection" (5 plus editions, only found one that mentioned RLS) by Dr Crook.
So I went to a Dr & after $200 (in 1987 dollars, about $325 today) & tests he said my Candida levels were "normal" & would not give me anti-fungals.

Drs are usually very intelligent, often very nice, & very highly educated. Unfortunately their education "in-doctor-inates" them to be totally ignorant of & to strongly oppose issues & therapies that fail to generate big bucks for the Medical & PharmaKorp industries that control their education. This is especially true if those therapies threaten the system by being cheap & effective.

After med school they fail to learn anything new other than what the Drug reps tell them. Those nice looking, well dressed people that cut in front of you while you're waiting to see the Doctor. A famous medical journal recently admitted this failure to learn is often true.
And they're so busy with their practice & paying off their loans & accumulating the things they could not afford earlier, that they rarely do any personal research.
If all this were not true, & if Modern Medicine were affordable & effective, there would be no need for Alternative (original) Medicine, & you would not be here, & reading this now.

But since I had so many symptoms of Candida I was determined to address it.
Went to Mexico, got some anti-fungals & solved many, many issues including Restless Legs in about 2 weeks. A heating pad also helps.

By the way, since you're listening,
1.  Most Panic attacks, Phobias, ADD, Insomnia, Obsessiveness, Social Anxiety, Sex addiction, & Alcoholism are all merely different manifestations of Chronic Anxiety. (People drink to calm the "I can't get comfortable inside my own skin," feelings = Anxiety.)

2.  Most Chronic Anxiety is caused by a B6 deficiency which causes insufficient neurotransmitter production & a Zinc deficiency which affects neurotransmitter function.

3.  Pyroluria causes mild to severe B6 & Zinc deficiencies. Supplementation with B6 & Zinc helps, but you're filling a leaky vessel with holes until you directly address the Pyroluria condition itself.

4.  Pyroluria is absolutely NOT genetic. It must be a mult-resistant infection because you can't possibly reverse a genetic condition with natural food therapies. Whereas Pyroluria is fairly easily reverseable by these means. Using geometric logic, Pyroluria can't be genetic.

5.  Psych meds do not cure, don't work very well in many cases, have many strong side effects, & are hell to quit. Think very, very carefully & do your homework before starting down that road or staying on it.
If a particular Psych med did cure, they'd quickly take it off the market before it ruined their business by curing their "revenue units."

Mike Kohloff
Author: "55Minute Natural Fix for Anxiety"
& "Hollywood Disease"


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Saturday, December 4, 2010

RE: [AlternativeAnswers] Natural ways to boost Iron


I recently had blood tests which showed my iron way up there.I finally
linked to my excessive use of coconut milk. I used in smoothies, salads,
raw desserts..I didn't realize it was so high in iron, but I do now! :-)


From: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of shepelec2002
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 9:17 PM
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Natural ways to boost Iron

I have iron def anemia. My iron storage(ferritan levels) started at an 8,
and raised to a 53(normal range is 20-150), after an IV iron infusion. It
made me deathly ill, then made me pass out. I went on Vitron-C, 2 pills with
65mg elemental iron. I was taking Floradix, a natural liquid. Plus
Blackstrap molasses. I had my iron levels checked again, and my ferritin
levels came down from 52 to 22.

I really do not want another IV Iron infusion. I am hoping the hematologist
does not suggest this.

I was wondering other then diet, the Floradix, blackstrap molasses, and the
Vitron-C, what else would you suggest I could do to get those ferritin
levels up again?

I heard about Spatone. But I am in the US. Looking for any and all
suggestions to help me get my iron levels up.

Thank you

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RE: [AlternativeAnswers] Natural ways to boost Iron


One very simple way to help boost your iron is to cook all your food in a
seasoned cast iron pan. Works great for me.

Best Wishes,


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