Can you use an iron skillet to cook food in? Just another way to get iron in. Also be sure to
have good Vitamin B-12 levels, if not supplement - you may need B-12 shots if its really low.
--- In, "shepelec2002" <pscs@...> wrote:
> I have iron def anemia. My iron storage(ferritan levels) started at an 8, and raised to a 53(normal range is 20-150), after an IV iron infusion. It made me deathly ill, then made me pass out. I went on Vitron-C, 2 pills with 65mg elemental iron. I was taking Floradix, a natural liquid. Plus Blackstrap molasses. I had my iron levels checked again, and my ferritin levels came down from 52 to 22.
> I really do not want another IV Iron infusion. I am hoping the hematologist does not suggest this.
> I was wondering other then diet, the Floradix, blackstrap molasses, and the Vitron-C, what else would you suggest I could do to get those ferritin levels up again?
> I heard about Spatone. But I am in the US. Looking for any and all suggestions to help me get my iron levels up.
> Thank you
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