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Sunday, December 5, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] Unintended spread of a biosafety level 2 recombinant retrovirus


Retrovirology. 2009 Sep 22;6:86.

Unintended spread of a biosafety level 2 recombinant retrovirus.
_Stang A_ (mip://04de0f28/pubmed?term="Stang%20A"[Author]) ,
_Petrasch-Parwez E_ (mip://04de0f28/pubmed?term="Petrasch-Parwez%20E"[Author]) , _Brandt
S_ (mip://04de0f28/pubmed?term="Brandt%20S"[Author]) , _Dermietzel R_
(mip://04de0f28/pubmed?term="Dermietzel%20R"[Author]) , _Meyer HE_
(mip://04de0f28/pubmed?term="Meyer%20HE"[Author]) , _Stühler K_
(mip://04de0f28/pubmed?term="Stühler%20K"[Author]) , _Liffers ST_
(mip://04de0f28/pubmed?term="Liffers%20ST"[Author]) , _Uberla K_
(mip://04de0f28/pubmed?term="Uberla%20K"[Author]) , _Grunwald T_ (mip://04de0f28/pubmed?term="Grunwald%20T"[Author]) .
Department of Molecular and Medical Virology, Ruhr-University Bochum,
D-44780 Bochum, Germany. alexander.stang@rub.de

BACKGROUND: Contamination of vertebrate cell lines with animal
retroviruses has been documented repeatedly before. Although such viral contaminants
can be easily identified with high sensitivity by PCR, it is impossible to
screen for all potential contaminants. Therefore, we explored two novel
methods to identify viral contaminations in cell lines without prior knowledge
of the kind of contaminant.
RESULTS: The first hint for the presence of contaminating retroviruses in
one of our cell lines was obtained by electron microscopy of exosome-like
vesicles released from the supernatants of transfected 293T cells. Random
amplification of particle associated RNAs (PAN-PCR) from supernatant of
contaminated 293T cells and sequencing of the amplicons revealed several
nucleotide sequences showing highest similarity to either murine leukemia virus
(MuLV) or squirrel monkey retrovirus (SMRV). Subsequent mass spectrometry
analysis confirmed our findings, since we could identify several peptide
sequences originating from monkey and murine retroviral proteins. Quantitative
PCRs were established for both viruses to test currently cultured cell lines
as well as liquid nitrogen frozen cell stocks. Gene fragments for both
viruses could be detected in a broad range of permissive cell lines from
multiple species. Furthermore, experimental infections of cells negative for
these viruses showed that both viruses replicate rapidly to high loads. We
decided to further analyze the genomic sequence of the MuLV-like contaminant
virus. Surprisingly it was neither identical to MuLV nor to the novel
xenotropic MuLV related retrovirus (XMRV) but showed 99% identity to a synthetic
retrovirus which was engineered in the 1980s.
CONCLUSION: The high degree of nucleotide identity suggests unintended
spread of a biosafety level 2 recombinant virus, which could also affect the
risk assessment of gene-modified organisms released from contaminated cell
cultures. The study further indicates that both mass spectrometry and
PAN-PCR are powerful methods to identify viral contaminations in cell lines
without prior knowledge of the kind of contaminant. Both methods might be useful
tools for testing cell lines before using them for critical purposes.


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[AlternativeAnswers] Mumps Vaccine a FAILURE....


The Mumps vaccine failure rate is reported to be 77% so for almost no
benefits they want to continue to expose children. Even proponents admit it is a
process with DOCUMENTED RISKS, although they blame many of the risks on
anything but vaccine side effects. The CDC lists the proven side effects.

The parents are never given true benefit to risk information, as if anyone
knew there was proven poor efficacy and high risks, most would refuse the
vaccinations. This should be the beginning of the end of the mistaken
belief in vaccinations.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


Mumps outbreak spreads among people who got vaccinated against mumps
Thursday, February 11, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com

To hear the vaccine pushers say it, all the recent outbreaks of mumps and
measles are caused by too few people seeking out vaccinations. It's all
those "non-vaccinated people" who are a danger to society, they say, because
they can spread disease.

Reality tells a different story, however: It is the vaccinated people who
are causing these outbreaks and spreading disease!

Just this week, an outbreak of mumps among more than 1,000 people in New
Jersey and New York has raised alarm among infectious disease authorities.
The outbreak itself is not unusual, though. What's unusual is that the
health authorities slipped up and admitted that most of the people infected with
mumps had already been vaccinated against mumps.

In Ocean County, New Jersey, county spokeswoman Leslie Terjesen told CNN
that 77 percent of those who caught mumps had already been vaccinated
against mumps.
77 percent of those infected had been vaccinated
Usually this information is censored out of the press. The vaccine
industry wants the public to believe that vaccines are effective at preventing
infection. So the media typically refrains from reporting what percentage of
the infected people were already vaccinated against the infectious disease.

But in this case, the 77 percent figure slipped out. And now intelligent
observers are increasingly seeing the truth about these vaccines:

• Infectious disease vaccines simply don't work. If they did, then why did
all these children who were already vaccinated still get mumps?

• Vaccines may actually increase your risk of disease. Notice that far
more vaccinated children were stricken with mumps than non-vaccinated children?

• The people who administer vaccines never tell you that their vaccines
don't really work. They tell you that you'll be "protected" with the vaccine,
implying a near-100% level of protection (which is blatantly false).

• Even if you're vaccinated against a disease, you may still catch that
disease anyway! So what's the point of the vaccine?
The lies of the CDC
The CDC claims the mumps vaccine is 76 to 95 percent effective, but they
offer no scientific evidence whatsoever to support that claim. To date,
there has never been a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study
published on the mumps vaccine in humans. The so-called "scientific" evidence
supporting these vaccines is purely imaginary.

I still have a $10,000 reward offered for anyone who can provide a single
scientific study proving the safety and effectiveness of any H1N1 vaccine
(http://www.naturalnews.com/027985_H...). To date, not a single person has
stepped forward to claim that $10,000. I might as well raise the reward to a
million dollars, because I'll never have to pay it: There is no scientific
evidence proving the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines!
Does being vaccinated raise your risk of infection?
The CDC also says that 2009 was a bad year for mumps outbreaks. They blame
all the people who refuse to be vaccinated for causing these outbreaks.
Their theory, of course, is based on the imaginary idea that mumps vaccines
halt mumps infections. But once again, it's all imaginary! As we saw this
week in New Jersey, most of the people who get infected in these outbreaks
are the very people who were vaccinated!

If mumps vaccines actually worked, then what you should see instead is the
mumps infection spreading among those who refused the vaccines, right?
It's only logical.

In fact, if vaccines really work, then why should the vaccinated people be
bothered at all by those who don't get vaccinated? After all, if their
vaccines protect themselves from disease, then non-vaccinated people are no
threat to them, right? So why are vaccinated people so pushy about forcing
non-vaccinated people to get vaccinated?

The shocking truth about infectious disease and vaccines, however, is very
different from what you're told by the drug companies (and the health
authorities who pander to their interests): Some vaccines may actually promote
the very diseases they claim to prevent!

That may be why 77% of those who recently got mumps in New Jersey were, in
fact, the very people who were vaccinated against mumps. The vaccine may,
in fact, weaken your immune system against future infections, causing you
to become more susceptible to future outbreaks.

Many thousands of Americans who died from H1N1 swine flu were the very
people who got vaccinated against H1N1
The great vaccine hoax exposed
Take a look at nearly every outbreak of infectious disease in recent years
and you'll find the same pattern. You'll either see that most of those who
got infected were already vaccinated, or you'll see those statistics
completely stripped out of all media reports.

It's all part of the grand vaccine cover-up. Vaccines simply do not work
as promised. Vaccines do not offer the level of protection against
infectious disease that they promise. In fact, vaccines are far less effective than
vitamin D in preventing infections!

Instead of shooting up our children with over 100 different vaccines
(which is now standard practice, by the way), what we should be doing is
boosting their immune function with vitamin D, zinc and immune-boosting nutrients
from medicinal plants. That would protect them from all common infectious
diseases at the same time, and it doesn't require needles or the use of
dangerous chemical preservatives like thimerosal, which is linked to autism.

Don't believe the recent attacks on Dr. Wakefield. This was an organized
smear campaign designed to discredit Dr. Wakefield before he could publish
the results of his "14 monkeys" study that shows severe neurological harm
caused by vaccines given to young primates

There is a way to protect people from infectious disease: Give them the
immune-boosting nutrients their immune systems need to defend themselves
against disease. Outbreaks of infectious disease would plummet along with
seasonal flu deaths.

Of course, so would sales of vaccines. And that's the whole reason you
never hear health authorities recommending vitamin D even though it's far more
effective than any vaccine at preventing infectious disease
(http://www.naturalnews.com/027385_V...). The CDC, we now know, is little more than the
marketing branch of Big Pharma's vaccine operations. That's why the former
head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding, is now suddenly the president of
Merck's worldwide vaccine division (http://www.naturalnews.com/027789_D...).

Vaccines make lots of money, but they don't make people immune to disease.
The fact that so many vaccinated people are being stricken with the very
diseases they were vaccinated against is proof that vaccines fail to deliver
what they promise.

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[AlternativeAnswers] Restless leg


One major cause of Restless Leg is Candida. I was greatly troubled by RLS & it would not let me fall asleep hardly at all. I read "Yeast Connection" (5 plus editions, only found one that mentioned RLS) by Dr Crook.
So I went to a Dr & after $200 (in 1987 dollars, about $325 today) & tests he said my Candida levels were "normal" & would not give me anti-fungals.

Drs are usually very intelligent, often very nice, & very highly educated. Unfortunately their education "in-doctor-inates" them to be totally ignorant of & to strongly oppose issues & therapies that fail to generate big bucks for the Medical & PharmaKorp industries that control their education. This is especially true if those therapies threaten the system by being cheap & effective.

After med school they fail to learn anything new other than what the Drug reps tell them. Those nice looking, well dressed people that cut in front of you while you're waiting to see the Doctor. A famous medical journal recently admitted this failure to learn is often true.
And they're so busy with their practice & paying off their loans & accumulating the things they could not afford earlier, that they rarely do any personal research.
If all this were not true, & if Modern Medicine were affordable & effective, there would be no need for Alternative (original) Medicine, & you would not be here, & reading this now.

But since I had so many symptoms of Candida I was determined to address it.
Went to Mexico, got some anti-fungals & solved many, many issues including Restless Legs in about 2 weeks. A heating pad also helps.

By the way, since you're listening,
1.  Most Panic attacks, Phobias, ADD, Insomnia, Obsessiveness, Social Anxiety, Sex addiction, & Alcoholism are all merely different manifestations of Chronic Anxiety. (People drink to calm the "I can't get comfortable inside my own skin," feelings = Anxiety.)

2.  Most Chronic Anxiety is caused by a B6 deficiency which causes insufficient neurotransmitter production & a Zinc deficiency which affects neurotransmitter function.

3.  Pyroluria causes mild to severe B6 & Zinc deficiencies. Supplementation with B6 & Zinc helps, but you're filling a leaky vessel with holes until you directly address the Pyroluria condition itself.

4.  Pyroluria is absolutely NOT genetic. It must be a mult-resistant infection because you can't possibly reverse a genetic condition with natural food therapies. Whereas Pyroluria is fairly easily reverseable by these means. Using geometric logic, Pyroluria can't be genetic.

5.  Psych meds do not cure, don't work very well in many cases, have many strong side effects, & are hell to quit. Think very, very carefully & do your homework before starting down that road or staying on it.
If a particular Psych med did cure, they'd quickly take it off the market before it ruined their business by curing their "revenue units."

Mike Kohloff
Author: "55Minute Natural Fix for Anxiety"
& "Hollywood Disease"


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