--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "shepelec2002" <pscs@...> wrote:
> I have iron def anemia. My iron storage(ferritan levels) started at an 8, and raised to a 53(normal range is 20-150), after an IV iron infusion. It made me deathly ill, then made me pass out. I went on Vitron-C, 2 pills with 65mg elemental iron. I was taking Floradix, a natural liquid. Plus Blackstrap molasses. I had my iron levels checked again, and my ferritin levels came down from 52 to 22.
> I really do not want another IV Iron infusion. I am hoping the hematologist does not suggest this.
> I was wondering other then diet, the Floradix, blackstrap molasses, and the Vitron-C, what else would you suggest I could do to get those ferritin levels up again?
> I heard about Spatone. But I am in the US. Looking for any and all suggestions to help me get my iron levels up.
> Thank you
Just a thought and some brainstorming.
In horses, the spleen is the iron storage unit. In humans ofcourse the spleen is much much smaller.
A blood test in a horse for the amount of iron it is having released from the spleen can differ from environmental situations of the horse.
So, If I were in your position, I would start with Donna Edens routine in engergy medicine to stimulate you spleen.
Innersource.net is the web site she used to have.
I haven't been on in a while, but her one book is very comprehensive on world wide methadologies of energy medicines.
Second, If I were you, I would check the blood type diets. For myself, i had gone through a stage of feeling anemic and began tinkering with the blood type theory of diets. My energy level became night and day diferent, with only some very minor adjustments.
So, if you are one blood type that bests process iron from vegatable soruces but your upbringing relies on meat sources, you might see a difference. Or maybe a reservatrol may prevent some inhibitor processing.
Or opposite they say Type O needs the red meat much more predoninantly than the A' and B' for their source.
And as always, when I look to see what is imbalanced, I find that all the research in the world becomes a great platform Prayer to help find the answer. So often we just forget to ask in prayer for the answer. Unity has a 1 800 prayer line that is very effective and you can find it on facebook.
One last suggestion I would do, is check the Amazon Herb line.
I am a distributor if you want to have the gateway, but I mostly just use it for myself. Without the recovazon for my lower back I don't have a clue how I would be able to keep riding my horses, and cleaning the pool.
They have many products in their lines, so off the top of my head, I would say research which fits best, but I would start with the Sangra de Drago to look into.
If you want to consider that route, just jot me an email, and I will ask the main office for some direction for iron definciency.
I found they are bonafide food source nutrition, that I actually chew the capsule and throw away the gel capsule, as the herbs are fresh and very palatable.
Many blessings to you..in your healing journey.