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Thursday, December 2, 2010

RE: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: MMS


Hi Steve,

Can you offer up the dosing that you used with MMS (how much, how often and
how long) to rid yourself of candida?



From: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Steve Day
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 12:31 PM
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: MMS

Hello Shaul

Miracle Mineral Solution is a Chlorine Oxygen compound that is similar to
of Hydrogen Peroxide but appears to work very well for malaria and cleaning
the blood. We have used it in combination with Candex and Thorne's
product for ridding the body of candida.

It is cheap and fairly effective

Take care

Steve Day

From: shaul_morgenstern <shaul_morgenstern@yahoo.com
<mailto:shaul_morgenstern%40yahoo.com> >
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 8:25:33 AM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: MMS

hi all,
I tryed to see what is MMS, its something about minarals, and one link was
clorine, A lot of advertising- very little information. my rule of the thumb
that somone who hides information- has a reason to do so- sometimes (not
it is something decitefull. can anyone shed some more light?

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:AlternativeAnswers%40yahoogroups.com> , "kyle.longton"
> yeah! Its cheap and effective. I took it for a candida infection. Friends
>friends have beat their cancer with it. It tastes horrible though...
> --- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:AlternativeAnswers%40yahoogroups.com> , "da56mojo" <roba@> wrote:
> >
> > Has anyone heard of MMS and has anyone here tried it?
> >

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[AlternativeAnswers] Valuable resource-Living in the Quantum Field radio show


An incredible resource I want to share with you is the radio show called
Living in the Quantum Field with Asara Lovejoy and Dr. Katie Garnett host on
the 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday evenings of the month at 7:00 pm on Contact
Talk Radio. All their radio shows are archived on the Contact Talk Radio
website, so they are available to you if you cannot listen live.

On Tuesday, December 7th they will be interviewing Penney Peirce, author of
Frequencies. On this radio show Penney shows you how to feel your personal
vibration & to work intentionally with energy to transform your life. You
have a personal vibration that communicates who you are to the world &
shapes your reality. By learning about your 'home frequency' (what I often
refer to as your soul vibration) you can begin to shift & change your life
and the reality you experience.

Since reading Penney's book and tapping into my own frequency, I find that I
can shift my mood instantly. In a moment I can transform what if bringing
me down, holding me back

or blocking my way-and open up to new possibilities, thoughts, ideas and
creativity. When I feel emotionally 'hungry' I step into my home frequency
and am fed on a soul level.

If you have not had the opportunity to listen in on Living in the Quantum
Field radio show-check out the archived calls & listen to them all. Dr.
Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza,

Joe Vitale, and so many other great people!

And listen in on December 7th to hear Penney Peirce!


Bonnie Strehlow


Coach, Consultant, Trainer



Honoring the Power of Spirit, Living the Life You Desire

<http://www.bonniestrehlow.blogspot.com/> www.bonniestrehlow.blogspot.com


"When women awaken, mountains will move." Chinese proverb

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[AlternativeAnswers] Your Body PH - Learn When to Test to Accurately Assess Your Health


Monitoring Body pH Levels

Knowing what parts of the day to test will give the most accurate

Your urine pH and saliva pH will change naturally throughout the day. We
are at our most acidic around 2am and our most alkaline at 2pm. This is
a natural, normal part of our physiology.

So when should you test? Follow these simple guidelines:

Saliva pH

Test your saliva first thing in the morning.

Test right when you get up, and certainly before anything goes in your
mouth (food, water, toothbrush, etc.). This first morning reading should
not be below 6.8. If it is, it means that your alkaline mineral reserves
are too low and your body does not have the minerals necessary to
properly process food.

Test your saliva levels again 5 minutes after eating something at

This number should be higher than what it was when you woke up. Ideally
it should be 8.5 or higher after breakfast. If not, this also tells you
that your alkaline mineral reserves are too low. Without enough mineral
reserves, your body has no choice but to steal the alkalizing minerals
it needs from your teeth, bones and muscles.

Urine pH

Test the pH of the first and second urine of the day.

Keep your pH strips by the toilet so you don't forget. The first urine
reflects the acid load from the previous day. The lower the number the
higher the acid load. A low number shouldn't concern you as long as the
second urine is just slightly acidic (about 6.8). This is a sign that
the acids from the day before have been flushed out. If not, it means
that your kidneys are overwhelmed and your body is burdened by excess
acidity. Bottom line - there are too few alkaline minerals left in the
body to increase the pH.

Test the pH of your urine between meals.

It should be in the range of 7.0 to 8.5. After a meal, the stomach
secretes hydrochloric acid to digest the food. This stimulates the
pancreas to make the alkaline compound sodium bicarbonate. The urine pH
1 to 2 hours after eating should show that enough sodium bicarbonate is
being produced, and register as alkaline. If the urine pH is less than
7, you have too much acid waste and are more likely to have symptoms of

So, as you can see, timing plays an important role in monitoring your pH
levels. Test at the right time to accurately assess how well you're
doing on the path to body pH balance.

View more info on Body pH
<http://www.how-to-boost-your-immune-system.com/body-pH.html> .

Wishing everyone the best of health.


How to Boost Your Immune System

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