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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] Dark Energy and Homeopathy, An Insight Into Some Concepts.........

*74% of energy in universe is called Dark Energy, Dark aptly called coz we
still don't know what it is and thus the name is given Dark to it.
Scientists have no option but to believe that Dark Energy exists as
otherwise we can't reconcile what that 74% of Energy in the universe is.
Please check in the link
* and read third paragraph here for sure.*

*Einstein's mass energy equation, E = mc^2 only gives us 26% of the energy
in the universe and thus there is much more beyond it that is still
unexplored. Answers to Homeopathy lies here only though don't think it would
be all some confusing science talks in my book. What is required is just to
understand that Homeopathy medicines (alcohol) actually extracts this Dark
Energy from the substance when prepared and thus it's energy that is in them
and not any electrostatic potential, memory, magnetic field etc in them
those have been proposed earlier and even then have not given any plausible
explanation to Homeopathy. More so this must be clear in mind from now
onwards that it is Energy in Homeopathic medicines than anything else.*

*Scientists earlier have also believed that everything in the universe is
made of Dark Energy, means created from something like "Nothing" as the
"Nothing" was the word used by Newton as he believed the Universe is created
from Nothing. Not all believe this but actually it's very easy to believe
this if we can understand a few things, explained properly in my book.*

*Everything including matter, dark matter, etc, is made of this Dark Energy
and thus we too, and especially our mind which is even in the real Dark
Energy form itself than in any "matter" form. Now how this concept makes
Homeopathy the only perfect pathy and how it explains each and every concept
of Homeopathy scientifically is all explained in my book.*

*Mark my words again that there are very many new discoveries and concepts
in my book in relation to usage of medicines and thus very many new things
to revolutionize Homeopathy.*

*Also to let know all, that, I've discussed about this concept of Dark
Energy in the third to last paragraph of the fifth chapter. After the
release of the book, I've felt many times that it would have been better if
I would have shared this concept earlier in second chapter itself than in
fifth chapter.


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*When I posted the above post in a Homeopathic yahoo group "Minutus", I was
asked the following questions by Andrew Vincent over there. I replied to it
but my message was not approved by the moderator. Any way the same happens
with all Truths initially and many try to oppose it, so I'm not worried in
this regard and I'm happy that later my mail was approved too. I'm posting
my reply here too, what I did there.*

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*This is Andew's mail along with his questions.*

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*Hi Varun,*

* *

*I have read these discussions with an open mind for a while now, but feel I
have to respond to this posting.*

* *

*I don't profess to know much about Quantum Theory (although I do have an
interest in new science and any possible explanations for how we could
explain the workings of Homeopathy), but I would like to quote back to you
some of what you have written below with my comments ...*

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*"Scientists have no option but to believe that Dark Energy exists as
otherwise we can't reconcile what is that 74% of Energy in the universe."***

**So ... we don't really know what constitutes 74% of the Universe*

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*"E = mc^2 only gives us 26% of the energy in the universe and thus there is
much more beyond it that is still unexplored. Answers to Homeopathy lie here

* *

*Do you have any evidence for this bold statement?*

* *

* *

*" ... understand that Homeopathy medicines (alcohol) actually extracts this
Dark Energy from the substance when prepared..."***

*Again ... any evidence?*

* *

*"..this concept actually makes Homeopathy the only perfect pathy and also
explains each and every concept of Homeopathy scientifically.."*

* *

*Well actually it doesn't prove anything .... you state that we can't
account for 74% of the substance of the Universe and then state that this is
how Homeopathy works ...*

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*So in summary, we don't know what 'Dark Energy' is, and this is what makes
Homeopathic remedies work ... which translated means we don't know what
makes Homeopathy work!*

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*Or am I missing the point?*

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*These are my answers to his mail that I posted there.*

* *

*Andrew you have really posed very valid questions. Thanks a lot for asking
them too.*

*First of all I would like to tell that scientists don't know what that 74%
of energy is and thus they have given the name Dark to it. Many hypotheses
have also been put forward to explain it but none has been accepted yet with
proper conviction. Just make it easy for a while and just think on the fact
that it is some energy and even scientists are keenly willing to find and
know what it is. *

*About the fact of ** giving 26% of energy as you asked then it comes as a
natural by statement to the fact that 74% of energy is required to reconcile
the total energy in the universe as known mass as well as energies
calculated and thus totalled does not account for total energy in the
Universe. Now here mass would be totalled to energy only by E = mc^2 only
and the known energy will also come under the aegis of Einstein's equation

*Now let's again come back to the point that Dark energy is some energy
only. Our mind, which we really can't see, is made of some energies only and
it will only come in the realms of Dark Energy as we again have no option
here. But does this hypothesis solve any problem? Actually it does. If we
can know somewhat into these energies and know what all energies our mind is
made of and how these energies work in us or you can say provide a framework
to it then we got a very good lead to work even into the concept of Dark
Energies. You may say I'm somewhat confusing in my words here but actually
I'm not as I've properly explained how our mind is made of some energies in
my book and how it works. Take it a thing like Newton said gravity is there
but he had no scientific evidence to prove that when he said that, but
gravity explained falling of apple so it had to exist and later it was even
proved mathematically.*

*We have been saying right from the inception of Homeopathy that Homeopathic
medicines act on mind and just try to catch the correlation here that it can
only be possible if it is made of same energies as our mind is made of. And
this is the reason which makes Homeopathy the only perfect pathy as no other
pathy works on extracting this higher form of energy in alcohol and thus no
other pathy can manifest the cure in real terms.*

*A big step forward in my theory also is that Dark Energy is not just one
energy but a blend of similar type of energies and even our mind is made of
them. Say like we have hundred of those energies and one person's mind could
be made of ten of those and others' say twenty of those.*

*Now my theory explains all this and even working of Homeopathic medicines
by this and even the Law of Similars comes as a natural by statement of my
theory. As gravity was required to explain falling of apple and thus it had
to be true so anything which can easily explain working of Homeopathic
medicines and all of its other concepts has to be true.*

*I'm been repeatedly saying that each and every concept of Homeopathy can be
easily explained by my theory. If I've really explained those things there
in my book only that's why I'm saying all this.*

*More so, mark my words again that there are very many new discoveries and
concepts in my book, "Varun's Theory", in relation to usage of medicines and
thus very many new things to revolutionize Homeopathy.*

*Also please don't think that it would be some confusing science talks in my
book, as most talks on science end in the first half of the second chapter
itself and what begins after that is lot of new discoveries and concepts for
the usage of medicines, that too in proper Homeopathic language which again
I've tried to keep simple so that even persons not from Homeopathic
background are able to understand it with ease.*

*Till now I've talked about science but let me also tell you what all seems
so difficult to understand is not so difficult actually if we would have
some knowledge into Indian scriptures, Vedas and Upanishads. Time and again
scholars have said that Vedas and Upanishads are repository of vast
scientific knowledge. I've got to learn about this rare knowledge from **my
Guru, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj**, whom I've dedicated my book too.
I've no qualms in saying that my book is a vast repository of rare knowledge
that he gave to me when it came to saving my own life. The concepts are not
even difficult to understand as I've kept them very simple to understand.
Many cases that are normally seen by Homeopaths on daily basis would require
using of these concepts but as they are still not aware of them so they are
still working on single medicine at a time concept. If you remember once in
my earlier post (in yahoo group Minutus) I also said that Crotalus
Cascavella might be required to mix with Lachesis in the potency two
standard potencies below Lachesis, taking 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M and CM as
standard potencies. This means if Lachesis is given in 200C potency then
Crotalus Cascavella should be mixed with it in 6C potency and so on with
other potencies, if required as per the case. Now this comes from a very
sound new concept discussed in my book and I've even talked of more remedies
here than only Lachesis and Crotalus Cascavella. This as well as other new
concepts that I've discussed in my book can be easily verified as these
things will be easily visible in day today cases thus providing all clinical
evidence to my theory for all Homeopaths by themselves than by me.*

* *


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Monday, November 1, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] suggestions inflammation,and swelling in the gums probably due to tooth decay


what remedies other than antibiotics would work?

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