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Sunday, October 10, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: baking soda


I agree, it did that to my skin to the point of peeling :(

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, Jackie Wimberly <booklvr888@...> wrote:
> I am on the fence about baking soda.
> I have very sensitive skin.
> When I used baking soda alone and in a natural deoderant////my skin reddened,
> and burned.(underarm area)
> Jackie
> ________________________________
> From: "artwork44240@..." <artwork44240@...>
> To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wed, October 6, 2010 1:48:48 PM
> Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] baking soda
> I make my own soap with just the basics. I am wondering if I could add baking
> soda to the soap? Can anyone give suggestions. I am also interested in making my
> own shampoo. I have been following your recipes. My problem is I am allergic to
> the perfume of herbs and extracts including what most of you suggest as a base
> soap to use. Does anyone have an idea of shampoo something like baking soda
> mixed with something lathering? Do you think I could liquefy the soap I am
> making for a base?
> __________________________________________________________
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Saturday, October 9, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] RE: excessive weight loss fast....(caution)


While there are several valid reasons to be cautious with "rapid weight loss" strategies, one reason that is not common discussed is the fact that most folk risk a TOXIC FLOOD. The Environmental Working Group has been diligent in informing the public about 'body toxicity' due to environmental exposures, however several years before the US government reported significant stores of toxins in body fat (National Human Adipose Survey). Because several metabolites of drugs/toxins are stored in body fat, they are released into the body during periods of fasting/starvation and can cause reactions from simple discomfort to life threatening organ failure. Sauna therapy might be a more gentle approach, if done in relatively small increments of time (10-20 minutes /day over several weeks). People who have taken illicit drugs may re-experience a "high"...and should be monitored by an experience physician (check out Sacramento's Dr. Root) and a great text on the
subject by Nenah Sylver (The
Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy).


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[AlternativeAnswers] Shingles remedy - B12 injections


Several years ago, in a clinic where I worked, we used high dose vitamin B-12 injections (intramuscular) to reduce symptoms...based on studies:  Gupta AT et al. Indian Pract 1967;20(7):457-59 and Hope-Simpson RE Geriatrics 1967;22(9):151-59. This treatment is not because of any B-12 deficiency, but appears rather to inhibit nitric oxide (which may be related to the inflammation/pain of the herpes zoster virus--J Dermatol Sci,
September 1, 2002;
201-5). Most MDs should not have a problem giving their patients the 500-1000 microgram IM injection for 3-4 days to see what will happen.  On the other hand, if you can find a naturopath or D.O. that does nutritional IV therapy, a large dose of vitamin C (about 5-10 grams) has been shown to have potent antiviral effects....specifically with the Herpes.   (Southern Med Surg 1949;111:209-214 and in a French journal - Zureick M. J des Practicians 1950;64:586)....also see articles by the orthomolecular society. In the latter journal cited above, 327 patients that were given IV vitamin C injections had resolution of all symptoms within 3 days of the treatment...pain resolving within 2 hrs...


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