Hi Izabel,
As you know already, elevated blood pressure can be related to a variety of factors, but lifestyle plays a very significant role for "essential hypertension". If you are sincerely interested in a non-pharmaceutical approach to lowering BP, diet (mostly vegan at first), sun exposure (check your 25-OH vitamin D), and exercise (ideally moderate weight lifting/isotonics before eating, and 30-45 minutes moderate cardiovascular exercise/walking within 45 minutes after eating) are the cornerstones of most of the effective programs (see the CHIP or Dean Ornish or McDougall programs: http://www.chiphealth.com/ ). Medically supervised fasting is a powerful approach that is almost universally effective (~90% of patients achieved normalized BP within 10 days) (http://www.vegsource.com/articles/goldhamer.pdf). Supplements and targeted foods can be useful, but I prefer recommending only in the context of a lifestyle modification program...and include the
evidence-based superfoods: pomegranate juice, frozen blueberries, walnuts, beets, watercress, natto (or just take a mixed vitamin-2), turmeric... It would probably be a good idea to check your magnesium levels (via a lab erythrocyte Mg test) and with your hormones, carotid artery ultrasound, vulnerable plaque test (www.plactest.com), homocysteine...along with the usual stuff the MD orders.
best wishes,
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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