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Sunday, September 19, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] More than 1,000 exposed to dengue in Florida: CDC


More than 1,000 exposed to dengue in Florida: CDC
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Five percent of the population of Key West, Florida
-- more than 1,000 people -- have been infected at some point with the
dengue virus, government researchers reported on Tuesday.
Most probably did not even know it, but the findings show the sometimes
deadly infection is making its way north into the United States, the
researchers said.
"We're concerned that if dengue gains a foothold in Key West, it will
travel to other southern cities where the mosquito that transmits dengue is
present, like Miami," said Harold Margolis, chief of the dengue branch at the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"These cases represent the reemergence of dengue fever in Florida and
elsewhere in the United States after 75 years," Margolis said in a statement.
"These people had not traveled outside of Florida, so we need to determine
if these cases are an isolated occurrence or if dengue has once again
become endemic in the continental United States."
Dengue is the most common virus transmitted by mosquitoes, infecting 50
million to 100 million people every year and killing 25,000 of them.
It can cause classic flu-like symptoms but can also take on a hemorrhagic
form that causes internal and external bleeding and sudden death. Companies
are working on a vaccine but there is not any effective drug to treat it.
Dengue was eradicated in the United States in the 1940s but a few locally
acquired U.S. cases have been confirmed along the Texas-Mexico border since
the 1980s. More cases have been reported recently in Mexico and the
After 27 cases of dengue were reported in Florida in 2009, scientists from
the CDC and the Florida Department of Health took blood samples from 240
randomly chosen Key West residents.
Of these, 5 percent had active dengue infections or antibodies to the
virus, showing they had been infected, the researchers told the International
Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases being held in Atlanta.

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[AlternativeAnswers] Lymphocyte and monocyte flow cytometry immunophenotyping as a diagnostic tool in


Research article
Lymphocyte and monocyte flow cytometry immunophenotyping as a diagnostic
tool in uncharacteristic inflammatory disorders
Helena Janols (http://www.biomedcentral.com/logon/logon.asp?msg=ce) ,
Anders Bredberg (http://www.biomedcentral.com/logon/logon.asp?msg=ce) , Irene
Thuvesson (http://www.biomedcentral.com/logon/logon.asp?msg=ce) , Sabina
Janciauskiene (http://www.biomedcentral.com/logon/logon.asp?msg=ce) , Olof
Grip (http://www.biomedcentral.com/logon/logon.asp?msg=ce) and Marlene
Wullt (http://www.biomedcentral.com/logon/logon.asp?msg=ce)
BMC Infectious Diseases 2010, 10:205doi:10.1186/1471-2334-10-205
13 July 2010
Abstract (provisional)
Patients with uncharacteristic inflammatory symptoms such as long-standing
fatigue or pain, or a prolonged fever, constitute a diagnostic and
therapeutic challenge. The aim of the present study was to determine if an extended
immunophenotyping of lymphocytes and monocytes including activation
markers can define disease-specific patterns, and thus provide valuable
diagnostic information for these patients.
Whole blood from patients with gram-negative bacteraemia, neuroborreliosis,
tuberculosis, acute mononucleosis, influenza or a systemic autoimmune
disease, as diagnosed by routine culture and serology techniques was analysed
for lymphocyte and monocyte cell surface markers using a no-wash, no-lyse
protocol for multi-colour flow cytometry method. The immunophenotyping
included the activation markers HLA-DR and CD40. Plasma levels of soluble TNF
alpha receptors were analysed by ELISA.
An informative pattern was obtained by combining two of the analysed
parameters: (i), the fractions of HLA-DR-expressing CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T
cells, respectively, and (ii), the level of CD40 on CD14+ CD16- monocytes.
Patients infected with gram-negative bacteria or EBV showed a marked increase in
monocyte CD40, while this effect was less pronounced for tuberculosis,
borrelia and influenza. The bacterial agents could be distinguished from the
viral agents by the T cell result; CD4+ T cells reacting in bacterial
infection, and the CD8+ T cells dominating for the viruses. Patients with
systemic autoimmunity also showed a increased activation, but with similar
engagement of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Analysis of soluble TNF alpha receptors was
less informative due to a large inter-individual variation.
Immunophenotyping including the combination of the fractions of HLA-DR
expressing T cell subpopulations with the level of CD40 on monocytes produces
an informative pattern, differentiating between bacterial origin, viral
origin and systemic autoimmunity. Furthermore, it provides some indication of a
subacute bacterial infection, such as borreliosis or tuberculosis. This
flow cytometric method is suitable for clinical diagnostic laboratories, and
may help in the assessment of patients with uncharacteristic inflammatory
The complete article is available as a _provisional PDF_
(http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2334-10-205.pdf) . The fully formatted PDF and
HTML versions are in production.

(These are Swedish and German authors, and article is open access, free
full text)

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[AlternativeAnswers] My Healing House Opens October 1st (2010)


Dear Friends:

Recently I stated that I was going to try the concept of a non-commercial "healing house" in the months to come. I also said that I was not quite ready to do this yet… but that I may be ready in another month or two.

Well, things have changed.

After a lot of sixteen hour workdays in the past few weeks, the setup of my "healing house" is nearly complete. My apartment is finally ready for "overnight company" to stay with me for a few days, a week, two weeks, or perhaps even three weeks… depending on "how fast he or she can learn enough to graduate"… and then go back home to make room for the next person. (Generally, a handful of days to a week is "long enough" for most persons to learn "the fundamentals of what they have to"… in order to become very effective doctors of themselves. Few will need longer than this.)

A "healing house" is a place where a person can come in order to efficiently learn how to become "a competent doctor of his or her self".

My "healing house" is also a place "where no money changes hands". My time, my expertise, and a comfortable roof over your head are, and WILL ALWAYS BE, "completely free". (I have no commercial agenda whatsoever when helping people like this.)

In my "healing house", one only needs to provide money for whatever foods, supplements, and other natural measures that he or she may choose to take in order to heal his or her self, or purchase whatever books he or she may choose in which to "educate oneself". And some (those that do not live close to me) may need to provide "round-trip travel money" to visit me. (In essence, a person that comes to my "healing house" only has to bear the "direct costs" to heal his or her self… everything else is "free".)

Photographs of my healing house, and a more detailed explanation of what I intend to do here, will be posted as a blog sometime next week.

I did write a blog titled "Introducing the Concept of an "Educational Healing House"" in 2006. If you have not read this blog yet, or have read it long ago and don't quite remember what it says, this material is worth (re)reading.

Allen Darman



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