IV Vitamin C and Swine Flu success stories....
IV Vitamin C is now proven effective against Swine Flu but why not also
have the best tolerated oral form of vitamin C available anywhere on hand,
BioEn'R-G'y, in your patients homes along with the most powerful colloidal
silver available anywhere, ACS 200. Nothing compares to the proven
killing power of ACS 200.
Let's keep both products in the home of your patients and let them know
you are available to also give IV Vitamin C that is proven to work. But
since sometimes people get ill when there is no way to get an IV, let's all be
Dr Abe Ber MD (H.) also has a well documented case of Swine flu in a very
sick young girl recently. He treated her just once with 50 GM of IV
Vitamin C. Three days later she was back in school!
We all know that this Swine Flu story is being used to frighten people.
Yet compared to normal death rates from regular flu, all the fuss makes no
sense. It appears now to primarily be just a scheme to foist a useless and
clearly dangerous $1 billion worth of untested Swine Flu vaccine on the
public, as it would be a shame to just throw it away and poison some area of the
earth with all the mercury and other toxins in it.
By pretending that flu vaccines work better than Vitamin C, and in the
name of possible saving a couple of lives, the authorities are willing to
chance doing irreparable harm to thousands of us. This is done with no real
warning to all of those unsuspecting and trusting people. The NBC special on
Andrew Wakefield research on vaccine danger was another whitewash that
refused to tell the truth about his documentation about the autism connection to
Vitamin C in high enough doses will provide all the protection needed by
99% of the population without any of the risks associated with the use of
vaccines. But since not everyone can get an IV Vitamin C when they need it we
need to help our patients to be prepared at home with ACS 200 and a couple
bottles of BIOEN'R-G'Y C.
Fortunately BIOEN'R-G'Y C is so well tolerated that most can take 20
grams a day by mouth with minimal increase in stools and probable high levels
in urine testing ( see Bright spot) so that clearly they are going to
recover in far less time than anyone not getting aggressive well tolerated form
of oral vitamin C.
We now have another slight piece of incorrect information do deal with.
Dr Mercola, my friend, has warned the public against using colloidal silver!
He says it might work but he feels it is a heavy metal so you might have
to take some heavy metal treatment in your life. But with the zeolite we
all need to deal with our mercury and lead exposures this is not a serious
situation. In fact, the evidence is persuasive that silver is a conditionally
essential nutrient and not a toxic heavy metal at all.
But unfortunately he then assumes that the normal healing or cleansing
Herxheimer reactions that some patients have reported when they have a massive
die off of their infections, is or might be a a "cytokine storm" that
could hurt the lungs and might even kill you. Yes, everything we do has a
benefit and a risk but here the proven benefits of ACS handling every
infection it has ever been tested against clearly would be a very strong
benefit against a risk that has never been reported anywhere in the world in the
humans and animals receiving it for many years now.
I feel that this statement is just an unsupportable supposition that I
know when Dr Mercola realizes how many can die without an effective
alternative like BIOEN'R-G'Y C or ACS 200, he will correct his position. 100,000 die
each year of antibiotic resistant infections and silver and vitamin C
could save most.
ACS silver successfully kills all viruses and lab reports found on
www.resultsrna.com prove that ACS 200 is 240 times more effective against Staph
Aureus than ASAP, one of the most heavily promoted silver products on the
market and 20 times more effective against Candida than ASAP.
Dr Tom LEVY MD, expert in the treatment of infections with Vitamin C has
provided additional valuable information here about the use of IV Vitamin C
in swine flu.
Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute
To FACT and Dr. Gordon:
I would like to submit a case report of a nearly terminal case of swine
flu completely cured in short order by vitamin C. The doctors in the FACT
group are very aware individuals, and they collectively have many brilliant
and innovative ways to approach treating their patients. However, I want to
make it clear that adequately dosed vitamin C, to my knowledge, has never
failed to cure an acute viral syndrome. Specifically, all these doctors
should now realized that H1N1, the swine flu virus, while perhaps proving to be
more potent than a host of other flu viruses, need not be a feared bogeyman
with vitamin C in their arsenal.
While I intend to assemble a more substantial case report from the
hospital chart in the future, here are the words of my colleague in New Zealand,
John Appleton:
"The short story is:
Waikato farmer goes to Fiji for holiday
Starts developing flu like symptoms--decides to tough it out
Arrives back in NZ very sick--swine flu
Tauranga Hospital not able to treat him (what was not known at the time is
that he has leukemia--he didn't know either)
Sent him to Auckland Hospital--continues to
deteriorate--Tamiflu--antibiotics etc. (usual stuff)
Brother-in-law (knows a bit about vitamin C) contacts Thomas Levy in the
US who refers him to me
I provided a lot of info on vitamin C etc and referred family to CAM
(Centre for Advanced Medicine) www.camltd.co.nz in Auckland
Family pushes to get him some IVC--hospital refuses
CAM doctors encourages hospital then to try vitamin C
Patient deteriorates further and is on life support--family told nothing
more can be done and life support will be switched off on Monday. Lungs not
Family says NO--until everything has been tried--they won't agree to life
support being 'switched off'.
Hospital is pushed hard to give him IVC and reluctantly they agree. (50
grams twice a day I think) saying if no improvement by Friday that's it
Patient shows signs of improvement by Wednesday--hospital very surprised
Concerns expressed about kidneys (which we anticipated)
New specialist wants to stop vitamin C--family is told liver is failing
'caused by vitamin C'. I give them lots of data to say liver is more likely
to be affected by antibiotics.
Patient recovery continues to the point where he can be transferred to
Waikato (closer to home); on ventilator and NG tube feeding
Doctors there more receptive to vitamin C but won't agree to continue as
per Auckland
Family gets (name deleted) high profile lawyer involved who writes letter
about patient rights and rings hospital to recommend that they can either
sort it out with the family or......?
Hospital continues with VC albeit at a much lower dose. CAM doctor travels
to Waikato to endorse and recommend IVC at higher doses. I have heard that
the lawyer was shocked at what she learned about hospital system
Patient continues to recover--now conscious (thinks he has only been in
hospital 3 days)--now 8 weeks in total
Hospital staff stunned--never seen anything like this
Patient is told by brother-in-law that VC has saved him
Family absolutely blown away at what has gone on. Wife has not lost her
husband and children have their father.
Patient now fully 'with it' and is talking normally with family and taking
Lypospheric vitamin C (6 grams daily)"
For those doctors wondering about doses, I communicated directly with the
brother-in-law. He informed me that on the Tuesday following the initial
"deadline" 25 grams was given intravenously. On Wednesday, 25 gram infusions
were again repeated twice. Thursday the patient received 75 grams, and
starting on Friday he received 100 grams intravenously and stayed at this dose
daily for another 4 to 6 days. Then the new consultant had the vitamin C
discontinued completely. One week later, the IVC was restarted at only one
gram twice daily.
Please resend this case history to any and all who you think could
benefit, including your friends and contacts in our government. The latest info on
the swine flu indicates it certainly has the potential capacity to become
a great killer. This does not have to be the case. Obviously, a reasonable
daily dose of vitamin C could be expected to do an even better job at
preventing H1N1 while having no downside relative to the mass vaccinations
getting ready to take place.
Below find the link to the New Zealand 60 Minutes show on the "terminal"
advanced swine flu patient cured with intravenous vitamin C. Also note
toward the end of the clip that the patient's hairy cell leukemia "disappeared"
as well. The abilities of properly utilized vitamin C are slowly but surely
beginning to be recognized.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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