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Saturday, October 22, 2016

10 Super Healthy Foods You Should Keep in The Refrigerator

10 Super Healthy Foods You Should Keep in The Refrigerator

 Some foods should be eaten frequently because of their medicinal and weight loss properties. Make sure you keep these 10 powerful foods in your fridge at all times.

1. Organic pastured eggs
Pastured eggs are healthier than eggs from caged hens. Pastured eggs have a better omega 3 to omega 6 ratio and more vitamin E, according to studies. Eggs are also rich in lots of other nutrients that will help you maintain optimal health. Don’t be afraid to eat the yolk, it has most of the nutrients.
2. Organic beets
Beets will benefit liver and the digestive system. They will help detoxify the body and improve overall health. You can eat them raw, roasted, make beet juice. Feel free to add lemon or apple cider vinegar to the juice to make it healthier.
3. Organic coconut milk
Research has shown that coconut milk has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antioxidant properties and it can also boost metabolism. And it’s a great alternative for folks intolerant to lactose. You can use it to make smoothies, juices and so on.
4. Organic carrots
Always keep organic carrots in the fridge. They’re rich in nutrients, and make the perfect snack since they can be eaten raw. Research shows that raw carrots can lower estrogen levels and they’re healthier when eaten with avocado or avocado oil.
5. Organic Sauerkraut
This may come as news to you but one tablespoon of raw sauerkraut has more probiotic than a bottle of probiotic supplements. Make sure you take at least 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut every week.
6. Kefir
Kefir has lots of probiotics, vitamins and minerals. This study shows that kefir can fight cancer, improve digestion and improve gut health. You just need kefir grains and milk to make this superfood. Note that kefir in the supermarket isn’t as nutritious.
7. Liver
Liver is one of the healthiest foods you’ll ever eat. It’s loaded with nutrients and easy to prep. Substitute it with meat in some meals.
8. Bone broth
Bone broth is rich is potassium, Sulphur, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. It’s quickly absorbed in the body and will definitely fight inflammation.
9. Organic butter
Unless you’re lactose intolerant, always keep butter in the fridge. Don’t believe the mainstream media, butter is actually good for you – it’s rich in antioxidants and nutrients.
10. Almonds
Almonds make a healthy snack. They’re rich in nutrients and will keep hunger at bay.

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