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Monday, August 15, 2016

[AlternativeAnswers] New Spiritism 101 Course at Caritas Weekly Study Group: The Spirits’ Book by Allan Kardec. Beg. Wednesday 8/17


New Spiritism 101 Course at Caritas

Weekly Study Group:

The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec


Wednesdays, beginning August 17, 7 – 8:30 pm


The Spirits' Book is the foundational book on the Spiritist philosophy. Organized in the form of questions and answers, it presents a rich collection of dialogues between Allan Kardec and the spirit-instructors. The dialogues cover a broad area of human thought and spirituality. Translated into more than 45 languages, The Spirits' Book is a classic of spiritual literature. This study group follows the traditional Spiritist method of reading text in class and discussing as we go for a more in-depth understanding of the material. Consequently, there are no reading assignments and the length of the course is 7-9 months.  Facilitated by Gloria Coelho.

Topics include: 

                    The origin and nature of spirits

                    The purpose of incarnation

                    The Soul after death

                    The afterlife

                    Reincarnation and the destiny of the human race

                    Transitional worlds

                    Spirit life

                    Relationships in the Spirit realm

                    Memory of incarnate lives

                    Out of body visits between the living


                    Trance, ecstasy and second sight

                    Spiritual intervention in the incarnate world

                    Guardian angels, mentors, and guides

                    Occupations and missions of Spirits

                    ….and much more!

There are several translations of this book.  The one we'll be using is available for purchase at Caritas for $15.

This class is a pre-requisite for the Caritas Training Course in Spiritist Healing.  All others are also welcome! Although there is no charge for The SpiritsBook Study Group, a $5 donation per class is suggested to help defray costs.

At The Caritas Center

5723 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, CO 80305



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