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Monday, May 30, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: pray for my mother


--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, chrislynnes@... wrote:
> May God Bless your mother with restored beautiful health and happiness. Every hand that touches her cares and helps heal her.
> God Bless you as you care so much for her.
> Sending prayers,
> Lynne
> Thank you very much for your prayers. My mother is good now. God bless you.

Warm Regards

> -----Original Message-----
> From: needsuccessarun <needsuccessarun@...>
> To: AlternativeAnswers <AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Tue, Apr 19, 2011 7:33 pm
> Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] pray for my mother
> Hello,
> I am requesting you for prayers for my mother.She is diabetic having B.P. trouble.She is having sever toothache. Doctors want to control her sugar level and then treat her tooth.She has become weak. She is to be hospitalised tomorrow for diabetic control. Requesting you for your sincere prayers for my mother so that she gains good health without any complications. God bless you with peace ,health and prosperity.
> Sincerely
> Arun
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[AlternativeAnswers] Introduction


Hi, I am a 30yo mom of 4. I have chronic stress for the past at least the last 15 years maybe my whole life. I have had digestive trouble for as long as I can remember and cannot remember many times I was actually happy as a kid. I have also fought with depression most of my life. I tried the medical route but have yet to find a perscription that will do more then keep me from totally going over the edge. I have tried herbs, sometimes they help for things and sometimes they don't. I also do some yoga but that hasn't seemed to help much in the past. Also I was raised with a very strong christian upbringing, I didn't find that helped me at all with these problems and I didn't see any of the healing happening that they always prayed for. I am starting to learn about healing with crystals but only a month in on reading about it. I am very open to trying anything at this point or any tips since I only know what I have read so far. I live in a small town with access to only the internet for resources and learning. We don't have very much alternative healing available and I don't have access to teaching in this area either. So I am really glad to be here and able to learn more, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Sunday, May 29, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] stage 4 stomach cancer


does anyone know of the most effective alternative or integrative treatments for stage 4 stomach cancer? thank you

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